Villain Detective is a Chaebol

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Are you sure? Nothing really came out?

Analysis room of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

The sun was already rising out of the window.

Give me the results of the analysis.

Here it is. Ha I think it's Park Seokhyun's phone.

Police Officer Kim sighed and lowered his head.

Park Seokhyun's cell phone, which finished forensic analysis. Hyunsoo looked at the analysis results sheet again.

It says nothing was saved in the first place.

I'll look for more, just in case I might find something else..

It was then.

The door of the analysis room burst open! And Team Leader Heo Insung came in with his eyes open.

Nothing came out?!

Team Leader Heo?

I've heard it all outside, so tell me honestly. What do you mean nothing came out!

Hyunsoo, who was staring at Team Leader Heo Insung at the sudden appearance, scratched the back of his head and opened his mouth.

Why are you suddenly like this?

Im the team leader of Seoul Metropolitan Police Agencys Major Crime Investigation Team! Can't I even check what my team members are investigating?!

Team Leader Heo's face turned red.

Hyunsoo smiled.

Ah. You decided to stab the head of the districts back, but since the situation is quite dubious now, Team Leader-nim is worried that your neck will eventually fly away, right?

Team Leader Heo Insung's eyebrows rose as Hyunsoo slowly smiled.

Hey, what are you talking about! When did I stab the head of the district in the back!

Then why are you so angry?

I just turned my back a little, just a little bit!

That's what it is.

Heo Insung sighed as he bit his molar tightly at Hyunsoo, who always talked back. Then, he turned his head to Police Officer Kim, who was at a loss for what to do next.

You get out.

Yes sir!

When Police Officer Kim left the examination room, Team Leader Heo Insung glared at Hyunsoo.

Anyway... not yet! I didn't stab his back yet. Watch what you say in front of the newbie.

All right. Let's just say so. So, if you've come this far, you mean you want to do your best to help me, right?

I'm not trying my best to help you I'm just doing my job. So what happens if something comes out?

He could be charged with sexual assault and, hopefully, with murder.

Th, then Since nothing came out, he could be released innocent?!



Team Leader Heo Insung slammed the table with a Bang!.

He had already given no help to the head of the district regarding Park Seokhyun. If Park Seokhyun, the son of the head of the district, was not accused of sexual assault and murder, the head of the district would not collapse. If that happened, Team Leader Heo Insung would have to endure the retaliation of the head of the district he had feared so much.

No, no matter what, you have to stop it Even if its just sexual assault, it must be recognized!

Team Leader-nim.

Hyunsoo was also feeling that Team Leader Heo Insung's anxiety level had reached its peak. Standing in front of him, Hyunsoo spoke slowly.

Thats why please proceed with what I asked you to do quickly.

* * *

Head of the District-nim, Inspector Lee Hyunsoo or something, he's more stupid than I thought. What nerve did he have to catch Park Seokhyun-gun?

The hallway in front of the interrogation room.

Lawyer Baek Jin, who laid his arms leisurely over the window, was on the phone with the head of the district.

-Did everything go well?

Yes, hopefully, less than the expected sentence I told you No, I don't think he needs to go to jail at all.

-Really? Is that true? Lawyer Baek, are you sure?!

Hahaha, I'm Baek Jin. The ace lawyer at the Daesang Law Firm! Didn't I tell you that I have that much ability?

-Thank you very much. Thank you!!

Lawyer Baek Jin squeezed his cell phone tightly at the laughter of the head of the district.

That's enough. There's no evidence, so Lee Hyunsoo, Park Seokhyun can be safe regardless of whether he passes the indictment or not.

Lawyer Baek Jin, who turned his head and looked at the hallway for a while, opened his mouth again.

There is no way to prove the murder, and the sexual assaulter is a high school student, a first-time offender, and if you reduce it to mental and physical weakness because he drank alcohol Its flawless. As soon as the arrest warrant for Seokhyeon-gun is dismissed, I will immediately go to Head of the District-nim.

-Yes, I will never forget this favor! Let me know if you want anything. I will help you unconditionally as far as I can.

Lawyer Baek Jin held his cellphone to his ear and bowed as if the real head of the district was in front of him.

Thank you, Head of the District-nim!

* * *

Behind the mirror in the interrogation room was the monitor room.

Hyunsoo was looking at Park Seokhyun lying face down on the desk through the glass mirror, thinking hard about something.

Damn it! There's even an article!!

And next to Hyunsoo, Team Leader Heo Insung trembled nervously and squeezed his phone tightly.

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency investigated a group sexual assault case involving Park X-gun, the son of the head of the district, and the victim died.... In any case, you damn reporters! Only at times like this!!

Team Leader Heo Insung, who kept reading the news with one hand, tore his hair off.

He had hoped that it would pass by quietly and hurt the head of the district less. However, the article was already in full swing. It was too late to run away now.

F*ck What should I do. Lee Hyunsoo what are you going to do? Even if what you asked for is done quickly, if there's no evidence!

It was then.

A refreshing Ding- sound echoed through the monitor room. It was the sound from Team Leader Heo Insung's cell phone.

At the same time, Lawyer Baek Jin entered the interrogation room and held up his cell phone toward the monitor room.

It's been dismissed.

Hyunsoo had arrested Park Seokhyun urgently. In case of emergency arrest, Park Seokhyun could be held without a warrant for only 48 hours.

The warrant must be requested within that time. However, if the warrant is dismissed, Park Seokhyun must be released immediately.

What appeared on Lawyer Baek Jin's cell phone was a screen that said the warrant had been dismissed.

Hyunsoo's brows furrowed.

Are you just going to let that guy go? Lee Hyunsoo!

Lawyer Baek Jin, who put down his cell phone, took Park Seokhyun out of the interrogation room. Seeing them like that, Team Leader Heo Insung grabbed Hyunsoo's clothes.


Then, Ding!

Heo Insung's cell phone rang again.

Aish, what's it this time! Cell phone tracking Warrant?

Hyunsoo's head turned.

Did the warrant come out?

* * *

Can I really just go like this?

After a while.

Park Seokhyun was walking in the parking lot with Lawyer Baek Jin, looking sloppy.

Student Park Seokhyun's arrest warrant was dismissed. Without a warrant, even the police can't do whatever they want.

And what about those guys?

Lawyer Baek Jin stopped walking at Park Seokhyun's question.

Guys? Who.

My friends. Those bastards told the police my name, so can't you take them out so I can take care of them myself? A warrant or something, that's what my dad did. I'll hit those bastards a few times.

At that time, Lawyer Baek Jin laughed loudly.

Why are you laughing?

The best chance in the world is the parents chance. You were born lucky enough to receive that precious chance. Without that, it would be retribution for the friends in there.

Park Seokhyun nodded at his words. Park Seokhyun, who was released without paying for his crime thanks to his parents, and his friends who were forced to pay for his crime because they didnt have such parents.

Park Seokhyun was lucky, and his friends were unlucky. At least, that was the case with Lawyer Baek Jin's logic.

Patting Park Seokhyun on the shoulder, Lawyer Baek Jin opened the car door.

Get on, let's go and see Head of the District-nim. Fasten your belt.

Lawyer Baek Jin was in the best condition.

There had been no evidence, and the prosecution was full of people on their side. All that was left now, was a smooth and easy road.

That was when he was drawing the blueprint.

Vrooom- Screeech!

That, that.

Hyunsoo blocked the front of Lawyer Baek's car as he turned the steering wheel.

That crazy!! What, what are you doing!

Lawyer Baek Jin stepped on the brakes in surprise and hurriedly got out of the car.

Are you crazy?!! Why are you running in front of the car. What, what are you doing?

Lawyer Baek Jin, who had raised his voice, turned his gaze to Hyunsoo's hand.

Something big was in his hand.

Why, why did you hold a baseball bat.

Can you open the trunk?


At Hyunsoo's words, Lawyer Baek Jin's expression became contemplative. His face, which had been unwavering in the interrogation room even when asked about the cell phone, quickly turned pale and hardened.

Open, the trunk.

Lawyer Baek Jin, who hastily composed himself, barely opened his mouth.

Is, is there an obligation to open it? I can't do this without a warrant! Hey!

But he was already panicked.

Lawyer Baek Jin had no choice but to watch as Hyunsoo, carrying a baseball bat over his shoulder, headed for the trunk.

Now, no one is in the back, right? I don't want to hurt anyone.

Surprised, Lawyer Baek Jin ran behind the car. But it was already too late.

His opponent was the devil-may-care Villain Detective.

Hyunsoos high-hanging bat hit the trunk glass window as it was.


What are you doing!!

Despite Lawyer Baek Jin's shout, Hyunsoo did not stop and began to break the trunk window.

And after a few swings of the bat.

Hyunsoo, who shook off the broken glass, put his hand into the trunk and began to search through it.

Look, look here! Even if you're a police, it's illegal to do this now!!

Then, the moment when Lawyer Baek Jin, who finally came to his senses, grabbed Hyunsoo's hand and tried to pull it out.

Found it.

Hyunsoo pulled his hand out of the trunk. Then, when Lawyer Baek Jin saw something in his hand, he froze.

In Hyunsoo's hand was a gray cell phone.

You have used your head well.

This, this is.

To buy time, you left the fake one in the park and held the real one yourself. I couldn't believe it.

It was the cell phone containing evidence of Park Seokhyun's sexual assault and a video to prove the murder charge.

Hyunsoo, holding the cell phone tightly, slowly approached Lawyer Baek Jin.

I think youre pretty good with tricks.


I hope that good head of yours will be used in the trial.

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