Villain Cultivator

Chapter 642 Devil’s Loneliness

Chapter 642 – Devil's Loneliness

As soon as Mu-Nyang finished his announcement, he cut off the communication.

​ Miaomiao, Devil, Xie Tian, Meng Xin, and the people on the planet were at a loss. Although they weren't afraid of early-ranked deities, they were cautious of players, who could grow rapidly stronger by killing people.

Devil thought of something and mustered his courage. He flew toward Miaomiao and appeared in front of him.

Miaomiao only glanced at Devil. He farted with his nose and closed his eyes, planning to resume his activities in the dantian world.

But suddenly, Devil bit his lower lips and knelt. He kowtowed to Miaomiao.

"I'm sorry!"

Miaomiao reopened his eyes and frowned.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" Again, Devil slammed his forehead on the ground.

"What for? Giving birth to me so I can be a sacrificial lamb for your desire? Tricking me into walking the wrong path? Colluding with gods to entertain you? Forcing my hands to kill Xie Tian and other protagonists? Attempting to brainwash me to make me your slave? Trying to kill me when I know the truth? What else? Oh, right. Causing a misunderstanding between me and Lilim and forced me to be the public enemy of the Netherworld Realm?"

Devil was speechless. He didn't even count what he had wronged Miaomiao, but the latter listed it for him.

Even so, Devil decided to throw away his dignity. He slammed his forehead on the ground once again.

"What I have done to you in this timeline and the previous timelines are unforgivable. I know that I'm in the wrong, and I wish for a chance to redeem myself. I only ask you to cooperate with me in the upcoming calamity of players! After this, you can boil me, cook me, or beat me however you like!"

"Why should I?"

Devil raised his head. He frowned, "Won't you participate in the upcoming event?"

"I will. But why should I cooperate with you? Why should I trust you? Won't you betray me again and steal my hard-earned Silver Qi for yourself?"


Seeing Miaomiao's negative response, Devil's expression darkened. He looked down as he was mentally exhausted.

This attempt was his final attempt in this timeline. He had mustered his courage and will to bow down to Miaomiao, but the latter refused to reconcile.

He was depressed. He had enough.

He could think up of a hundred reasons for them to work together, but he didn't bother thinking anymore. He had been living for billions of years, and he only wished for a peaceful ending.

He had a strange thought. Maybe forgetting everything and living the life of an ignorant mortal might be a better choice.

Devil slowly stood up, dispirited, "Forget it. I won't participate in the next event. I'd rather live a mortal life and enter the cycle of reincarnation for the rest of eternity. I don't want to be a sage anymore."

Miaomiao raised his brows, surprised by Devil's reaction. He also stood up, "Hold up."

Without looking at Miaomiao, Devil continued to walk away, "What do you want?"

"Are you giving up the Daos?"

"What else do you want me to do? I fought and tried my best for 25 million loops, and I failed every loop. No matter how hard I fought, I always ended up dancing in a sage's palm. I'm done."

"So, you're not aiming to kill Kishin Douji or sages anymore? Are you just going to give up everything you've done so far?"

Devil scoffed. He turned around and stomped toward Miaomiao.

His frustration reached its peak, and he snapped, venting and lashing his anger at Miaomiao, "What do you know? In this timeline, you've been pampered by sages and gods. Isn't there any achievement that you can proudly say that you accomplished on your own?! How many times have you overcome ordeals without any higher power's help?! Guess what? NONE!"

"Hey, I tried!"

"You tried? PFFT! You did nothing! Without the system and my support, you would have been dead on day 1! You're shit! You're just one of those silver-pant young masters that always showed up in taverns and picked a fight with random protagonists and got his entire family slaughtered at the end of the stories! How many people have you offended?! Have you ever counted?!"

"Look. Protagonists and villains often cross paths-"

"You think you're a protagonist?! Ha! If you're a protagonist, why are you submitting to every villain you encountered?! Where is your heroic and unyielding spirit?! TELL ME, YOU COWARD!"

"Coward? No, that's humility and how you blend in society, you idiot. You don't have to go gung-ho and kill every villain's clan and family you see after every quarrel."

"You're the idiot here! If you were a protagonist of a novel, every freaking reader would have cursed at your cowardice and stupidity from the first chapter to the 642nd chapter! 99 of 100 readers would have bombed the novel with 1-star reviews and cursed the author to death! Do you think your story is cool?! HELL, NO! You're a failure of a protagonist that doesn't even deserve the attention of any god whatsoever!"

"… What?"

"Remember the first day you appeared in this timeline? You didn't even pay attention to your surroundings and got scammed by Wei Huang. You were tricked into stealing Xie Tian's childhood sweetheart. Then, you bowed your head to Xu Xiuying and became a man-whore! Is this what you call a protagonist?! I only see a pussy here."

"… Oi."

"Let me think. When were you truly independent and weren't influenced by a higher power or your family? Ha! I can't think of anything! Do you know why? Because you were always sheltered by your wives, friends, seniors, gods, sages, and me! You're just a stupid bitch of the universe! Oh, wait. I should call you a protagonist heroine instead of a hero! A damsel in distress role suits you well!"

"Hey. Don't cross the line, you punk."

Devil stood so close to Miaomiao that their noses touched. Both men were in their true forms, and they glared into each other's eyes.

"What about it, Mr. Clone? What are you gonna do? Kill me? Go ahead and try, you pussy."

"Don't tempt me."

"See? You're just a little bitch-"


Miaomiao gave Devil a right hook to the face, sending him flying a kilometer.

He kicked the ground and disappeared from where he had stood. Miaomiao reappeared behind Devil and delivered another punch to the latter's spinal cord.


The back of Devil bent in a weird angle as if his back was snapped in half.

But Devil wasn't knocked to the ground or sent flying elsewhere. On the contrary, the time stopped, and Miaomiao couldn't move.

Devil vanished and reappeared above the Miaomiao. He soccer-kicked Miaomiao's face.

Ten of Miaomiao's teeth were broken and his jaw was dislocated.

But Miaomiao activated his time-domain and grabbed Devil's leg. He squeezed it so hard that Devil's shin was cut in half. Yet, the leg was glued to Miaomiao's hand.

Miaomiao roared and enveloped Devil's body with Tribulation Lightning Element Providence Qi. Miaomiao dragged him from the sky and smashed him to the ground.


The lightning cracked and stunned Devil.

Following up with the previous strike, Miaomiao cladded his fists with every element providence he had and sent a barrage of punches to Devil's face and chest.


Devil shouted and a black katana appeared out of thin air. It stabbed Miaomiao's forehead!

But Miaomiao sneered. The katana failed to pierce through his hard skull.

Miaomiao knocked the katana away with his backhand. He tried to punch Devil again.

But Devil transformed into smoke and split into two!

Two Devils appeared!

"Don't get cocky!"

The Devils punched and kicked Miaomiao from both flanks. His attacks contained the power of element providence, and each strike left a trace of Providence Law Domain.

No system message informed him about what Devil's power was. Miaomiao felt like his body got heavier and it was harder to move. Moreover, he could barely circulate his Qi.

Still, Miaomiao found an opening and seized the necks of both Devils. Then, he used his brute force to slam both heads at each other with his full strength.


The clone of Devil was shattered to pieces, and the real body's forehead cracked as if he was a cracked glass.

Devil grabbed Shuten Douji and swung her at Miaomiao.

Miaomiao grumbled. He missed Killer Queen, but he had no choice but to fight Devil without a sword.

An energy sword appeared in Miaomiao's hand. He waved it like a lightsaber, parrying the katana of Devil.

But Devil's katana cut through the energy sword. The katana left a deep wound on Miaomiao's chest, but it failed to cut through his bones.

Miaomiao had an idea. He shoved his hand into his chest and broke three of his ribcages. Then, he pulled out the broken bones!

The wound instantly healed, but the three pieces of ribcages in his hand merged and transformed into a bone sword.


Devil was astonished by Miaomiao's ruthlessness. Yet, he didn't stop attacking.

Miaomiao adjusted his bone sword and clashed it against Shuten Douji. This time, the soul-bound weapon of Devil couldn't break his weapon again.

But as both men were about to cut each other to death, Metatron, Uriel, and 10 first-generation war droids dragged them away from each other and stopped the fight.

"Devil! Calm down!"

"Miaomiao! Stop fighting!"

Both men struggled to break free, but they couldn't withstand the physical strength of multiple pseudo sages.

Being helpless, they stopped resisting. They canceled their time domain and providence domain.

"What's the matter with both of you?! Why are you fighting?!" Metatron scolded the two.

Miaomiao scoffed while Devil spat. None of them spoke as they hated each other's guts now.

Uriel stood in front of Miaomiao. He patted the latter's shoulders, "Calm down, Miaomiao. I don't know what happened to both of you, but you need to give Devil a chance to redeem himself, okay?"

Miaomiao clicked his tongue, "As if I can trust that backstabbing loser. Do you even know who you are serving? How many times did he kill your counterparts in the other timelines?!"

"We know."


"We are aware of what Devil did."

"And why are you…"

Uriel bitterly smiled, "Because he's doing very best despite wanting to give up. He's struggling so hard on his own for 25 million times. Do you know how long each loop lasts? A billion years on average! How long do you think he has been enduring this all alone?"

"A billion years per loop?" Miaomiao had thought that it was less than that. He never bothered digging deeper into Devil's karma memory as it was exhausting to experience someone else's entire lifetime, especially Devil.

Uriel continued, "Let me remind you something. Devil never had a backer. He fought against all sages alone. He planned everything by himself. He fought and experimented with his own body and soul. And in the end, no sage, Pangu, or Mu-Nyang gave him a hand. Only this timeline, Mu-Nyang offers him a hand."


"He's just a lonely grumpy man, Miaomiao. Please forgive him."

"SHUT IT, URIEL!" Devil overheard the conversation and yelled, "I don't need sympathy from that ingrate! I'll do this on my own like I always did!"

"Father," Uriel reached out to Devil.

However, Devil swatted the former's hand off him. "Keep pampering that identity thief. Well, good luck, Mr. Mao Miaomiao. I hope you like my original name."


Devil walked away from his creations.

Metatron and others followed after Devil, but he used his domain law to keep them away from him.

Miaomiao stared at Devil's lonely back. He took several deep breaths as he thought about Uriel's words.

It was sad and depressing.

Yet, in the karma memory that Miaomiao had read, every time Devil showed up, he seemed cheerful, overly cheerful.

It got him thinking.

What if those smiles and laughter in the past were fake?

What if Devil had been hiding his pain under those smiles?

Miaomiao's expression softened. However, even though Devil deserved some sympathy, it didn't change the fact that he deserved some beating as well.

'Even if you're lonely, you have no right to treat others like shit, Devil!'

Miaomiao pushed the archangels away. He stomped toward Devil.

Devil also sensed Miaomiao approaching. He turned around and clicked his tongue, "Do you want another beating or what?"

"No," Miaomiao pulled a pill out of his system inventory. He pressed his stopwatch and activated the time domain at the same time.

Devil was caught off guard. His response and reaction were delayed for a split second.

But that was enough for Miaomiao to shove the pill in his hand into Devil's mouth!

As soon as the pill went down Devil's throat, Miaomiao canceled his time skill.

Devil widened his eyes and tried to vomit the pill out. However, his stomach already digested the entire pill!

"Bastard! What did you feed me?!"

Miaomiao sighed several times. His expression hardened, but his eyes revealed a tinge of caring and sympathy.

"A pill that can teach you what love is."


Uriel, Michael, Metatron, and other archangels had weird expressions on their faces as they could guess what the pill was.

Soon, Devil discovered the pill effect first-handed.

He transformed into a woman!

That was the 100-year gender-swap pill!

Moreover, he had the appearance of Miaomiao's woman version, whose beauty surpassed Diaochan and Xu Chu!

Uriel facepalmed as he knew what was about to happen next.

"Selfcest is a great sin, Miaomiao."

Metatron shook his head, "Isn't Selfcest equal to masturbating?"

The other angels also commented. However, they already brought out their popcorn and 3D glasses to watch the drama.

"Don't mind it, captain. You won't feel a thing if you look at them as a man and a woman."

"But one of them is our brother and the other is our father!"

"Is this a BL novel?"

"Gender-bending porn, here we go."

"Gay as F. But since the dad turns into a mom, I don't mind. If I have a dick, I can fap to this."

"Joshua! Where's Joshua?! We need to record the Greatest Porn of our Timeline!"

"The camera, the light, the backdrops! Where are they?!"

Listening to the first-gen war droids' remarks, the onlookers were speechless.

Meanwhile, Miaomiao and Devil didn't pay attention to the naughty angels. The former pulled out a chess piece and shoved it into Devil's forehead.

It was the King Piece.

"What are you?!" Devil was confused.

"I'll teach you what a loving family is. For now, be obedient and get to sleep."

"You!! You are going to-…"

Devil couldn't finish her sentence. The sudden appearance and the injection of the chess piece made her dizzy.

Devil fell unconscious!

Miaomiao sighed. He turned toward every onlooker around him and smiled at them.

"One Silver Qi, and I'll reserve a box seat for this porn of the millennia for you. Who is interested?"


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