Villain Cultivator

Chapter 602 - Past Of Killer Queen

Chapter 602 – Past of Killer Queen

Miaomiao stared at the quest screen in a daze, wondering how Xie Lian would face his demise.

In the other timelines, Xie Lian's luck was better than lottery winners while his power was second to none. Not even Xie Tian could kill him despite having several cheat-like skills.

Miaomiao was confused. Other than deities or sages, who could kill Xie Lian?

This annual exam might not be simple. A powerhouse or another chess piece of other sages might be involved.

And that annual event would begin in a few days!

Within less than a week, Miaomiao wouldn't be able to digest the third Heavenly Dao Merit Marble and get the fourth stellar planet.

If Miaomiao entered combat during the digestion period, the power within the marble might kill him during the fight! It was unsafe to digest the marble until the event was over as distractions were everywhere .

However, Miaomiao didn't need to be the one to use it. The Heavenly Dao Merit Marble had another usage.

"Killer Queen."

Killer Queen came out of Miaomiao's dantian space via a portal. The katana floated and orbited around him, "Wassup, hooman?"

"Interest in becoming a munya-grade weapon?"

Miaomiao brought out the Heavenly Dao Merit Marble, which he had received from the quest reward.

"I hate that name! Why does that stupid cat call it the MUNYA-GRADE instead of a super-hyper-ultimate-extreme-legendary-almighty-omniscient-omnipotent-alpha-omega-goddamn-OP-grade-god-like weapon of mass destruction?"

Miaomiao rolled his eyes. Even if the cute name might sound silly, the cringe name of Killer Queen was too pretentious and too long. It also was too difficult to memorize.

"Here's the marble. Eat it or I'll eat it myself," Miaomiao tossed the marble to the katana.

"BAHAHAHA! Foolish hooman! You gave it to me, so it's mine!"

The katana sliced the marble in half and digested its energy right away. The marble turned to dust while everything invisible inside entered the black blade.


Miaomiao's heart shook as Killer Queen transferred a portion of her pain to him. He felt like he was about to have a heart attack.

The flying katana fell to the ground and stopped moving. Miaomiao also knelt and clenched his chest.

"Damn cocky sword! What the hell did you do?!"

Killer Queen didn't respond. She simply hibernated to recuperate herself.

Miaomiao couldn't withstand the pain. He fainted, and the consciousness inside the dantian space vanished as well.

For once in a while, Miaomiao fell into a deep sleep.

Miaomiao had a strange dream. He saw the world through a newborn female oni, who had just opened her eyes to see the world.

The first people she saw were many old onis. There was no female oni within sight.

The baby girl couldn't even speak the first word, but she saw an old oni, holding a sharp blade in his hands.


The blade penetrated her heart!

She died instantly without having a chance to see or memorize her mother's face.

The vision went blank for a short moment. After a short while, Miaomiao's dream continued.

When Miaomiao realized that he was in a dream, he already found himself looking through the vision of a baby spirit, who had been trapped inside a blade.

Currently, the blade was smelted and combined with other strange liquids. Many blacksmiths and immortals gathered in a small room to pour their energies into the new metal.



Strange men from various races and appearances put everything together to forge several weapons. Among them, the spirit of the newborn baby became one with a katana.

The katana was crude and roughly made. Its edge was not sharp enough to be used as a killing weapon.

The blacksmiths tossed the crude katana toward a pile of defected weapons. The blacksmith trainees carried them to another blacksmith to reforge them.

The crude katana with the baby soul was smelted once more. Again, the blacksmiths added strange liquid and blood into the mix and forged new weapons.

The baby's soul accidentally ran into other souls, which were trapped in other defective weapons. Some of them merged into one, but the baby's soul instinctively consumed other souls.


The smelted liquid exploded as the baby's soul attacked other souls. Black liquid splashed onto the blacksmiths and instantly corroded them to ashes. Even their souls were devoured by the spirit of the strange baby.

A commotion broke out, and more people rushed into the blacksmith shop. Several strong immortal onis also rushed in to oversee the situation.

When they noticed the black liquid and the rampaging soul of the dead baby, the leader of the immortals was excited. He shouted at his men, using incomprehensible language.

The baby couldn't understand anything at first. But slowly, their words started to make sense.

"Be careful of that material! It's a sentient weapon we're making!"

Sentient weapon?

"My lord, I think this one has the corrosion properties. Should we report this to the Great Lord?"

"Of course, we should! But first, gather every single drop into the box!"

More blacksmith trainees and old blacksmiths came in with strange protective gears to scoop the black liquid. Then, they collected them inside a metal box, which was not melted by the corroding properties of this hot liquid.

After the commotion, the baby soul and the liquid were transported to a green world. The immortal leader presented them to a handsome oni, who seemed to be their leader.

But their leader was heartless.

"I don't need defective souls at the moment. Store them in the usual warehouse. Once I feel like it, I'll use them to reincarnate as my daughters or something."

The immortal leader was disappointed and took the liquid box back. Then, he transported the box to a warehouse, where several millions of similar boxes were stored.

The leader quickly put his precious box on the nearest shelf and ran away from the warehouse. Then, he sealed the warehouse entrance.

The world became pitch black again.



Even though Miaomiao couldn't see anything, he started hearing a million voices of newborn babies, crying as if they were looking for their parents or mothers.

They were the voices of all baby souls in here!

The soul inside the black liquid also cried, joining the symphony of tragedy and sadness.

Miaomiao slowly regained his senses after the deafening cries of a million souls awoke something inside him.

He was angry at the baby's parents and the oni people, who killed the babies and put them in here! He felt like he could destroy several galaxies for the sake of avenging these children.

The baby soul also had the same emotion. She was not sad but infuriated at her fate.

The soul had devoured the souls and the memory of the dead blacksmiths earlier. And now, she was the only one here with intelligence.

Because of her rage, the black liquid moved by itself and transformed into a slime. It attacked the entrance gate, melting the talismans and the metal doors.

However, the doors were too sturdy, and they could self-repair. No matter what the black slime did, she could not get through these doors.

Even then, the slime didn't give up. She attacked everything in sight. Walls, floor tiles, and ceilings were scratched and melted, but everything auto-regenerated.

After countless years of fruitless results, the slime gave up. She sat still at the corner of the warehouse, crying by herself.

One day…


A strange guy in a hooded robe barged into the warehouse. His appearance was shrouded in black mist, and his fiery eyes looked intimidating.

The slime only looked at the strange guy in a daze, but Miaomiao recognized him right away.


What was he doing here?

And whose memory was this?

Miaomiao started to pay attention to the details. He tried to follow Devil's movements with the baby soul's vision.

Fortunately, the slime also kept looking at Devil. Although she didn't move, her sight and her visual range were impressive.

Devil gathered all boxes into his spatial ring. Then, he beelined toward the slime.

He seemed to smile and greeted the slime.

"Here you are, Shuten Douji."


Shuten Douji?

The slime only gazed at Devil in confusion, but Miaomiao was even more baffled by the development.

Devil carried the slime in his arm. Then, he tried to leave the warehouse.

But then, he stumbled on something on the floor. He stopped and looked at it.

The slime also followed Devil's line of sight and looked at the ground. Only then did she notice that another metal slime had been hiding and trembling inside a hole between the broken floor tiles.

Devil frowned for a moment and looked back and forth between the slime in his arm and the cowardly slime in the hole.

"Ah, shit. I picked the wrong one. The real one was originally a coward, so she should be that one. This one should be KD's fated myth-grade katana, Killer Queen."


Devil pulled the other metal slime from the hole and hugged her, "Welcome back, Shuten Douji. Oh, as for you, don't be sad. I'll only weaken you a bit, but I won't completely destroy you. I'm not heartless enough to sacrifice newborn babies to create a superweapon, you see? At least, I want you to have a happy life until the end of this timeline."

Devil patted both slimes, and the vision turned blank. Both slimes got unconscious.


The dream movie resumed several years later.

By the time Killer Queen regained her senses, she found herself in the katana form, and an oni priestess was her master.

The Oni Priestess and her followers seemed to treasure Killer Queen a lot. They protected her inside a luxurious casket, and they always carried many sheathed that supported KQ's sizes.

Killer Queen was in a daze throughout her life as she was in the middle of digesting something. Her black metal glittered and shone even in the darkness.

For years, the priestess poured strange blood to the blade and let Killer Queen absorb them.

But one time, Miaomiao sensed that the blood seemed oddly familiar. It emitted the aura of a certain dragon that he knew.

Then, he realized it. The blood was Cernun's blood!

Miaomiao internally screamed in confusion for a while before he realized that he found Killer Queen from Hopea's plane, where Cernun once lived and died.

He connected the jigsaw pieces. From Devil's testimony, Killer Queen was supposed to be a myth-grade weapon, which Kishin Douji used in the Devil's earliest timelines.

Then, the blacksmiths that Miaomiao saw might be from one of Kishin Douji's weapon factories. KD might be trying to forge an exceptional weapon for himself, using an unorthodox method. However, Devil knew about it and prevented Kishin Douji from getting either Shuten Douji or Killer Queen.

It was questionable why Devil left Killer Queen on Hopea's plane instead of destroying her.

Still, because of Killer Queen, Miaomiao managed to get this far.

Miaomiao believed that it was Devil's plot to give him Kishin Douji's weakened weapon during his early days. Without it, he wouldn't be able to cancel Xie Tian's [Return to Zero] skill.

'I think I get the big picture. That guy was really a schemer.'

Killer Queen's memory dream continued until the priestess and her people were slaughtered by armies of goblins, gnolls, and orcs. However, the attackers also died to the ents, who buried them alive to use their corpses as their fertilizer.

Killer Queen was sealed and left alone in the dark underground tunnel… until Miaomiao showed up.

After that, everything was history.

The dream ended after Killer Queen encountered Miaomiao.

Miaomiao in the real world opened his eyes and discovered the ceiling in his room. His eyeballs shifted, looking around himself.

Seeing that he returned to his room, Miaomiao got up.

Suddenly, a sharp headache hit him. Miaomiao rubbed his temples to soothe the pain.

But as Miaomiao was massaging his face, he felt something soft touching his thighs.

Without looking, Miaomiao grumbled, "Xie Fan. I'm having a headache. Not now."


Xie Fan opened the door. Upon seeing Miaomiao, she smiled, patting her round belly, "Oh, you're up?"


Miaomiao widened his eyes and stared at Xie Fan.

Xie Fan was there?

Then, whose hand was this?

Miaomiao looked down to see the owner of a pair of cold hands, which had been caressing his thighs.

The blanket was flipped, revealing a black-haired pretty woman with two small horns – the similar horns that Wei Yuan had.

Also, she had the same hairstyle and facial outline as Killer Queen's.

A glamorous woman rubbed her eyes and grumbled, "Stupid hooman, I had a bad dream. I didn't sleep enough.. Don't disturb me."

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