Villain Cultivator

Chapter 365: ONE OF US

Chapter 365: ONE OF US

12 Hours after Miaomiao and Zhu Qiao had left the sect and Jianye City, the mobilization of the flying island of Jiangdong White Tiger Sect had started.

The massive floating mountain slowly climbed the altitude, moving northwest at a cruising speed of 200km/hour.

The speed was extremely slow, considering that the destination was over thousands of kilometers in distance. Moreover, they had to take a detour around the Jing Province to avoid the no-fly zone restriction.

Gan Ning, mixing among the crowd on a transport ship, gazed at the city below him, which slowly got smaller as the flying ship continued to ascend.


The hoodlum had never seen the view from a flying ship. He continued to cling onto the guardrails, looking at the small buildings and the ant-like people in the city.

Many weak cultivators who couldn't fly also had the same reaction as Gan Ning. Many clan members of the Sun Clan also admired the scenery from high ground.

A hundred transport ships carried his clansmen, their families, and servants along. They formed a fleet formation, traveling together with the flying mountain island.

As if Sun Wentai had intended to relocate his sect from Jianye City to Siren City, he didn't leave any clan member behind. All clan buildings, businesses, houses, and the casino hotel had been sold to the local merchants and rich cultivators there.

With that, Sun Wentai had no ties with Jianye City anymore.

While others had been traveling, one of the smaller transport ships parked on a dark meadow next to the riverbank, where a meter-wide burrow was located.

Zhou Gongjin and Zhou Tai knelt and inspected the hole. The former grinned while the subordinate wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeve.

Zhou Tai no longer wore the ninja mask as it was daytime. His stern expression and deep jawlines were visible, but an X scar on his right cheek highlighted his face, making him look cool and intimidating.

"I sense killing intent coming from below," Zhou Tai had goosebumps as he stared into the abyss within the hole.

A second later, he felt like something or someone had looked into his soul.


Zhou Tai leaped backward, away from the hole. He coughed blood and started bleeding from his ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

Zhou Gongjin took out the unified healing water, which he had obtained from Miaomiao, and poured it into Zhou Tai's mouth and on his face.

The scarred-face ninja panted in exhaustion as if he had run hundreds of kilometers at his full speed. He lied on the dark grassland and took his time to catch his breath.

"My lord. Something is in there."

Zhou Gongjin grinned, "The Will of Qiongqi attacked your mind."

"Qiongqi!? That was the will of the legendary four evil fiends!?"

"That's right. Qiongqi is one of the four evil fiends. He left his legacies for the beast tribes before he ascended to the immortal realms several thousand years ago. Only the descendants of the tiger clan or someone who has already received their approval can enter."

"F-Four evil fiends… T-Those m-monsters are real!?" Zhou Tai stuttered in shock. "If one of them is on our continent, aren't Taotie, Hundun, and Taowu on our continent too?"

"Nah. Don't worry about them. All those monsters have gone to the immortal realms. The only things they left are leftover artifacts, technique scrolls, and heirlooms that they wanted to pass to their descendants."


Zhou Tai gulped as he stared at his lord in astonishment.

The four evil fiends, Taowu, Hundun, Taotie, and Qiongqi were the icons of ignorance, chaos, gluttony, and evilness. Their identities were vaguely described in history books and ancient records, but no living human had seen or met them in person.

Thus, encountering the will of a mythical being was a shocking experience for Zhou Tai.

Meanwhile, Zhou Gongjin was not surprised. In his previous life, he had seen how Gan Ning abused Qiong Qi's power for his personal goals, such as fame, authority, strength, and women.

Gan Ning in Zhou Gongjin's memory, was a delinquent hoodlum, through and thorough. Although he served his sworn brother and Sun Bofu's younger brother later on, he was the cause of the Sun Clan's downfall.

For the sake of weakening the troublemaker, who had already joined forces with someone else, Zhou Gongjin planned to steal Gan Ning's future power.

"I'm going in," Zhou Gongjin left a bottle of Miaomiao's spring water by Zhou Tai's side, after which he jumped down the hole.


It was too late for Zhou Tai to stop his lord. The youth already entered the unknown abyss by himself.

Mysteriously, the 1-meter hole closed itself after Zhou Gongjin had entered. Now, Zhou Tai couldn't follow his master.

After Zhou Gongjin had entered the unknown abyss, he instantly fell unconscious. His mind entered a dreamland, wandering aimlessly in the unknown void and slowly losing the track of time.

It would take several months or years before this protagonist could wake up from this slumber. For now, he had to overcome the tribulations and the tests of Qiongqi in his dream before he could wield the power of an evil deity.

= Jiangdong White Tiger Sect's public meeting hall =


Lazing around with his belly facing the ceiling was the chubby white tiger, who was also the sect's guardian beast.

He didn't know why, but he felt like someone had badmouthed him or his parents. He kept sneezing even though he couldn't catch a cold.

"ACHOOOOOO!!! MEOW MIAOMIAO! You must be talking shit behind my back! Damn you! Curse you! I hope your semen is all dud! I hope your balls can't produce semen! I curse your PP to be small forever-ACHOOOOO!!"

Because of the repeated sneezing, the guardian beast accidentally transformed into his true form, a 3-meter-tall white tiger with four flame wings.

Fortunately, the hall's ceiling was tall enough, so the tiger's body didn't destroy the building.

The unnamed child of Qiongqi coughed and wheezed as he was out of shape. He gazed at his plumb and round belly as it was oddly heavy.

"CURSE THE FAT! DAMN YOU, SUN WENTAI! CURSE YOU, FOR FEEDING ME TOO MUCH DELICIOUS FOOD! I hope your wife cheats on you! I hope your wife gets fucked so hard that she bears a daughter of her affair. Then, I hope you will unknowingly marry that daughter to her real father! KEKAKAKAKAKA-ACHOOOO!!!"

The descendant of Qiongqi roared for a moment before he ran out of energy. He shrank and reverted back to the chubby white tiger cub.

The tiger farted and sprayed his pee randomly. The smell of urine and yellowish gas lingered in the air.

Fortunately, Sun Wentai's servants had been standing by in front of the meeting hall. Upon seeing that the tiger started making a mess, they brought in water buckets and mobs to clean the place.

The tiger hated the scent of detergent and air-condition sprays. He snorted and left the building, strolling aimlessly within the sect.

"Pfft! Good luck cleaning up my piss, suckers! I'll be leaving forever! Don't ever come looking for me!"

The workers looked at the cute tiger with wry smiles on their faces. They shook their head and ignored him, cleaning the hall like usual.

The white tiger scoffed and farted at them. Then, he left a healthy glossy long black poop on the entrance carpet, "For real, I won't be back!"

= Later at night =

The chubby tiger ran back to the hall while his stomach growled non-stop.


This was a common occurrence in the sect. Every time the tiger was hungry, he always came here, yowling as loud as possible to disturb the entire mountain. Until he got his food, he never stopped screaming and meowing.


The long yowl annoyed everyone in the sect. Yells and shouts from the elders and disciples echoed everywhere.



"Can someone feed that stupid cat!!?"


"Rather than feeding him, can someone catch him a female tiger somewhere so that stupid cat can have a girlfriend!!?"



The screams and annoying yowls exchange continued for several hours before Sun Wentai brought a large plate of raw meat to the tiger. Only then, peace returned to the sect once more.

Sun Wentai sighed as he gazed at the tiger cub, who had been eating the food as if his life was depending on it.

"How are you going to survive without food? Tell me, little fatty."

"NOM-NOM-NOM-Don't call me-NOM-NOM-NOM-fatty!!"

"Don't talk when you're eating."

"NOM-NOM-NOM-I don't-NOM-NOM-NOM-give a fuck!!"


Sun Wentai sat on his butt, looking at the guardian beast. He warmly smiled and petted the latter's head, "Have you chosen your disciple yet? Is there anyone in your eyes this year?"


"Oh? Who have you picked?"

The tiger finished all meat on the plate before him. He licked his right paw and wiped his face with it as he talked, "The four humans that passed my test – Mao Miaomiao, Zhu Qiao, Gan Xingba, and Zhuo Gongjin."

Sun Wentai's face changed. He was fine if the tiger picked Zhu Qiao as his successor, but he didn't like the other three.

"Why them?"

"Zhou Gongjin is smart and cunning. He has the potential to become a demon lord if he trains hard enough. Gan Xingba has the right foundation and mindset to practice my techniques, so he should be able to inherit my bloodline. Zhu Qiao is, meh, a succubus. She's already a demon, so my bloodline is compatible with her. As for Mao Miaomiao…"

The tiger paused for a moment. His face was solemn as he thought of the right words to describe Mao Miaomiao. Yet, he couldn't come up with the right explanation.

"That man… is a must."

"A must? Why him?" Sun Wentai still didn't understand why Miaomiao was necessary since he was an outsider.

"Pfft. Since he fucked your niece, shouldn't you treat him like one of your kind?"

"But why him of all people!?"

"Simple. He's one of ours!"

"Ours?" Sun Wentai's face distorted in disbelief. He thought that the tiger referred to Miaomiao as one of his family members. "I still don't see him as a relative. He's too selfish and unpredictable. I don't trust him."

"I don't care about your opinion. He's one of us, period! When everything is over, summon those four to me. I'll give them something, though I already gave one to Zhou Gongjin."

The tiger snorted and turned his butthole, rubbing Sun Wentai's legs with it.


Sun Wentai frowned as he looked at the dirty yellowish part on his pants. It felt wet.

Because of the tiger's dirty urine and a portion of his poop, Sun Wentai failed to think or notice the true meaning of the former's words.


"Yikes! Don't sneeze on me! What if you get your COVID on me!?"

"Shut it! We're now in the diseaseless world! Who cares about COVID when you can cultivate!?"

"Sure. When you were at the brothel, I thought you would have caught STD someday. Who would have thought that cultivators don't have any virus on them? Shame! You should have gotten Syphilis at the very least with that amount of pussies you've fucked."

"Pfft, I'm vaccinated in my previous life. I won't catch it even if STD exists here."

"Are you sure? I thought you were one of the anti-vaxxors."

Meanwhile, Miaomiao and Zhu Qiao continued to fly west, bypassing many landmarks and tourist spots. On the way to Siren City, they never stopped dissing or insulting the other.

Miaomiao blew his nose and stopped talking as his right eyebrow twitched.

"Oh boy, here we go again."

Miaomiao stopped flying. He looked around and examined the area.

They were still in the Central Plains territory, but they had traveled west for hours now. The sun had already set, but they were not anywhere near Siren City.

"What now?" Zhu Qiao also stopped.

"Should we rest and refuel our essence?"

"Hah! You're out of gas, I see."

"Pfft, I can fly all night, but I want to sleep."

Zhu Qiao rolled her eyes, "You still sleep at this stage!? Most 4th-stage cultivators already stop sleeping already. Why do you need sleeping when we can meditate for half an hour, then we are refreshed as if we've slept for days!?"

Miaomiao chuckled as he thought of Xu Chu and his wives, "Obviously, I need sleep. How can I get wet dreams if I don't sleep?"


Zhu Qiao was speechless. She shook her head and squeezed her brow.

Arguing with Miaomiao for a day gave her migraines.

Miaomiao pointed south, "There are several caves down there on that mountain range. I think we can rest for a night."

"It's one of those mine tunnels, though. Have you forgotten that we're still in the Blind Eagle Mountain Range territory?"

"I thought we left that place long ago."

"The mountain range still reaches here. Don't underestimate its length."

Miaomiao stared at the tall mountain range and the hills. Although they had flown all day at a cruising speed, they should have traveled at least 3,000 kilometers by now.

However, for some reason, they hadn't left this territory.

"We traveled north for how many kilometers before we went west?" Miaomiao asked Zhu Qiao for confirmation.

"I don't know either. I just use my eyes and hunch to tell the direction."


With a pokerface expression, they looked at each other. In an instant, they came to a conclusion.

"Are we lost?"

"But we kept flying west…"

"When was the last time we checked the direction if we really flew west?"



Stupidity wasn't a disease. But when a friend was an idiot, the other friend usually became an idiot, too.

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