Villain Cultivator

Chapter 358: Spreading FREEDOM – Part 2

Chapter 358: Spreading FREEDOM – Part 2

On top of the eastern wall, Ma Moxi lied prone with an anti-material rifle that he got from Wei Yuan. Even without a scope, his eyes could see everything clearly even if his targets were five kilometers away.

Being a cultivator had its perk. His five senses were sharper than when he was an ordinary human in the previous life.

Observing the intruders, who were charging at the small town below the wall, Ma Moxi took several deep breaths before he exhaled all air from his lung and stopped breathing. Then, he pulled the trigger.


The DU element shell took another life.

Ma Moxi ejected the empty cartridge and manually reloaded another ammo. He took a couple deep breaths to slow his heart rate and aimed again.

However, his targets stopped packing together and spread out, moving to the sides instead of charging directly at the town.

Ma Moxi raised his right eyebrow. He picked up the rifle and pulled the trigger without holding his breath.


The bullet hit the target's right chest, leaving a gaping hole.

Yet, the target barely survived. He only fell to the ground, but he slowly crawled away while his friends fed him a healing pill and brought him to safety. Still, the person died from shock.


Ma Moxi ejected the blank cartridge and turned to his clansmen and the orcs, whom he had trained.

"Alright, greenhorns, have you seen what I did? Have you learned anything?"

All transformed beastmen and giant orcs with similar rifles stood attention and answered at the same time, "YES, CHIEF! WE'VE SEEN YOU!"

These demi-humans, cultivators, and orcs were the 100 soldiers that Ma Moxi had handpicked. Tang Fan, Pao Luo, 3rd-stage human cultivators, weak beastmen, and several worker orcs had been organized and transformed into rookie marines. Although they hadn't had enough training from Ma Moxi's point of view, they were disciplined enough to shoot some guns for a couple rounds before their enemies could reach them.

"You've seen how I used the weapon. Now, it's your turn. Everyone gets to shoot once, and you'll retreat to the west wall with your guns. Remember what you've been training and reload your gun properly! DU shells are fucking expensive, you hear!?"


"Now, get to your position and fire at will!"

Everyone loaded their rifles and aimed at the intruders. Two seconds later, more than half of them began pulling the triggers.


90 cultivators were easy target practice for 100 snipers on the wall. Still, half of them missed their targets. 50 invaders went down, but the rest managed to find a cover in the outskirt town.

After the first volley, the troops followed Ma Moxi's instruction, retreating and running toward the western wall.

Ma Moxi sighed as he felt bad for wasting the precious DU shells to kill 50 weak cultivators that he could easily defeat. Still, dwindling their number before the direct combat was never a bad move since the other party had two 7th-stage cultivators with them.

Ma Moxi looked at the crowd below.

The last beastmen and human cultivators had already evacuated from the eastern outskirt town and entered the city while the people behind to wall worked together to close the gate.

Ma Moxi snickered. Even if the gates were closed, it wouldn't prevent these invaders from crossing the walls as they could simply fly over them.

The responsibility of defending the eastern wall was now on Ma Moxi's shoulders, who was the only one in this area. He could have asked his men or the townspeople to help him, but they might die due to the domain power of the two nascent soul cultivators.

'Gramps and Senior Jia haven't returned from Chicken Ann City. I guess it's up to me now.'

Both Ma Ping and Jia Shan had accompanied Zhang Jue, the abbot of Huangjin Monastery, to Chicken Ann City to negotiate for a truce with the new city lord, Liu Xuande. Unfortunately, they hadn't returned yet.

After the three nascent soul cultivators completed their job at Chicken Ann City, they traveled north to the Desert Mountain Province, located on the far north of the continent, to search for Liu Bian's hidden pylon tower according to the instruction of Miaomiao.

As a result, only Zhao Bao, Lu Fengxian, and Fogan were the only high-level guardians of this city.

As Ma Moxi had been thinking about Fogan, the giant orc flew out of the city and charged at one of the nascent soul intruders. In his hand, he held a sky-grade war axe, which he had gotten from Wei Yuan.


Fogan mimicked Miaomiao's warcry as it sounded cool. He kept shouting and yelling as he beelined toward the front nascent soul cultivator.

The orc and the cultivator activated their domain power and got into a territorial fight. Fogan dove into the sea of pink petal flowers while his fire, blood, and light element Qi barrier burnt the leaves and harmful blade petals.

Within a few seconds, Fogan forced the cultivator into close combat, which he had the overwhelming advantage due to his size and his battle style.

Seeing how enthusiastic Fogan was, Ma Moxi had the urge to leave the wall and assassinate the remaining intruders one by one. Still, he was calm enough to collect his anti-material rifle in his spatial ring and brought out a handgun, which he had crafted when he had free time.

The DU element shell couldn't fit in the handmade colt revolver's chamber, but Ma Moxi had already prepared his own ammunition. Even without a proper primer to ignite the bullet, this former assassin had invented something to make up for it.

Again, being a cultivator had its perk. As he was currently a 5th-stage cultivator, who could use multiple element Qi and golden element Qi, a simple combustion manipulation using fire element Qi wasn't a problem to him. Moreover, it enhanced the shell's launching speed and propelling speed, causing the bullet to be more destructive.

Unfortunately, this technique was too powerful that an ordinary gun with normal material couldn't withstand its power.

In short, Ma Moxi could only shoot one bullet with the handmade revolver before it broke.

Even so, he could also flicker the butt of each bullet shell and shoot it like it was fired from a gun. However, they would lose 90% of their firepower.

'One more surprise attack, and I'll switch to a cold weapon. Haiz, I wish I could meet that dungeon master guy and buy his guns.'

As Ma Moxi was absentminded, the remaining nascent soul cultivator entered the pillar of light, passing through Zhao Bao's barrier unhindered.

Zhao Bao's light pillar was there to prevent external energy power to damage everything inside its territory. However, it couldn't stop living beings from entering the barrier.

As such, the 7th-stage elder of Mount Hua Sect sneered, believing that he had found a weakness in Zhao Bao's technique.

Without hesitation, he rushed Ma Moxi, activating his domain power and sending a storm of pink flower blades to him.

Ma Moxi shrugged as his body faded to nothingness, phasing into an ethereal form.

The fluttery flower storm gathered at the place that Ma Moxi had stood, but they couldn't find or harm the target.


The nascent soul cultivator concentrated on his Qi sense, trying to find the missing assassin that he had detected.

In an instant, the elder found an invisible cultivator behind him.

But Ma Moxi had already pointed the handmade revolver's muzzle at the elder's back of the head.


The bullet almost couldn't penetrate into the elder's skull even though he was caught off guard and didn't protect his head with any Qi or essence. Fortunately, the force was enough to drive the bullet into the soft brain of the elder and kill him.

At the same time, the revolver's chamber shattered as it couldn't contain the explosive power of fire element Qi. The explosion also damaged Ma Moxi's hand, forcing him to cancel his Heaven and Earth Escape technique.

Ma Moxi tossed the ruined revolver away and circulated Life Essence in the air to heal his hand. He also squatted and examined the elder's body and the latter's spatial ring, collecting his profit.

But two more elders and five disciples of Mount Hua Sect also jumped on top of the wall, and their swords, coated with wind, metal, and wood element Qi, flew toward Ma Moxi's head.

"Oh, dear."

Ma Moxi dragged the corpse of the elder jumped off the wall. Seven swords penetrated the surface of the battlements, but the owners pulled them and chased after the murderer of their colleague.




Three gunshot sound came from the Yin Slave Manor, and three 5th-stage cultivators fell.

The snipers were Sun Yun, Liu Guang, and Jiang Lan. The other yin slaves also had anti-material rifles but they chose not to pull the trigger.

That was not all.


From the top of the pylon tower, Fang Meirong's arrow punctured through a 5th-stage cultivator's head, claiming another life.

The archer was still wearing the skimpy bikini armor as usual as it was her habit. Still, her archery skill was not something to be looked down upon.




Three crimson arrows flew in the sky as if they were alive. Fang Meirong's blood Qi manipulated the trajectory of these projectiles and pursued the targets.

Seeing the homing arrows, one of the 6th-stage elders bellowed and erected a metal wall, using the material from the nearby houses and the city wall. The other also summoned his dao avatar and merged with it, transforming himself into a colossus living plum tree, swing its branches at the incoming arrows.

The arrowheads stabbed the tree branches, failing to kill anyone.

However, the arrowheads had been implanted with a certain technique, which Miaomiao and many vampires always used to leech their opponent's blood and Qi.

Vampiric Touch, Chapter Three, Life Steal Trap!

The three arrowheads began draining the 6th-stage elder's Qi, Essence, and elemental Qi, directing them toward the archer on the tower. River of various energy flowed toward Fang Meirong, creating colorful aurora, connecting the wall and the pylon tower.

"Imbecile demon wench!"

The transformed elder roared in anger. Despite having tree roots as his legs, he jumped 1000 feet and extended the tree branches toward Fang Meirong.

But he had forgotten someone within the light pillar.

One of Zhao Bao's hands directed the muzzle of a cannon and fired a round at the jumping tree.


A DU element shell shattered the massive trunk, cutting the tree in half!

The 6th-stage elder was forcefully reverted back to his human form, but his body was severed in half as well.

His upper torso and his lower stomach were disconnected! Innards, intestines, and blood splattered everywhere.

Zhao Bao glanced at the intruders inside his pillar of light and complained.

"Lady Ju, could you please do something about the pests? They're in our city now."

Ju Shoufen, Wei Yuan, and all yin slaves, except for Fang Meirong, had been observing the fight from the Yin Slave Manor's rooftop.

It was not like they were slacking. However, it was Ma Moxi's request that he wanted to use this opportunity to let his men experience a real combat environment. It also served as a drill for the townsmen and non-combat beastmen to learn how to react during a crisis.

"Is that it? Just letting his men shoot a bullet and retreat while he will take care of the rest?"

Ma Xingjuan couldn't understand what her nephew had been trying to achieve by having his men doing something so simple. She took out a loudspeaker which she had bought from Mountain Goose City long ago. Then, she shouted while using it to enhance her voice.


A couple of seconds later, Ma Moxi snapped the neck of a 5th-stage cultivator and shouted back.


As soon as Ma Moxi finished speaking, all surviving intruders already got inside the city and placed weird essence cores on the ground.

Even though they had lost so many colleagues in this fight, none of them showed a hint of sorrow or anger as if none of them had actually died.

They sneered at the women and Zhao Bao as if they had won.

The surviving 6th-stage elder of Mount Hua Sect injected all his Qi into the inscribed essence cores. The other 5th-stage disciples did the same as well.


A red dome was erected next to the eastern city wall, from the city and outside the city. Then, several tentacles of green vines emerged from the ground, and they began devouring the life essence and light element Qi in the air to grow larger!

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