Villain : After Slacking Off, The Protagonist Collapse

Chapter 42 - One Move, Instant Kill?

Chapter 42 - One Move, Instant Kill?

Chapter 42 : One Move, Instant Kill?

Yan Ruyu’s appearance immediately drew everyone’s attention, surprising many. Although many knew of Yan Ruyu’s presence in the Holy Land, few had ever seen her.

“Yan Ruyu?” Du Guyun’s eyes flashed with admiration. As a famous beauty from the Eastern Wastelands and a woman known for her enchanting allure, she was naturally someone Du Guyun desired.

He had resolved to win over both Ye Qingcheng and Yan Ruyu long ago, though he had not succeeded with Ye Qingcheng and had yet to interact with Yan Ruyu. Hearing that Yan Ruyu had become a follower of Jiang Chen only deepened his regret.

“I only want the Holy Son!” Du Guyun insisted, gritting his teeth. While Yan Ruyu was an appealing option, she couldn’t compare to Jiang Chen in terms of status and fame.

Moreover, Du Guyun feared that defeating Yan Ruyu might draw Jiang Chen’s attention, which could be disastrous. His secret technique could only be used once. If he used it against Yan Ruyu, he would stand no chance against Jiang Chen.

“It seems this fellow is afraid!” Yan Ruyu remarked. “Although I am a follower of the Holy Son, I am no unknown. In the vast Eastern Wastelands, among the younger generation, there are few stronger than me. If you can’t even defeat me, you stand no chance in front of him.”

“Not to boast, but Soaring Snake God Son, a formidable figure, was but an ant before him and was easily crushed. How much stronger do you think you are compared to Soaring Snakes God Son?”

Yan Ruyu spoke softly but sharply, her words filled with scorn and sarcasm. She had seen many like Du Guyun and knew how to handle them.

“I think Fairy Yan is right!” remarked Nangong Xie. “If you can’t even defeat Fairy Yan, how do you deserve to face the Holy Son? Besides, if you beat Fairy Yan, given his character, will surely come out to avenge her, which would be exactly what you want.”

Suddenly, Guo Long, who had been silent, spoke up with a taunt, “Are you suggesting Fairy Yan isn’t worthy enough for you?”

“Why back down now?” someone else chimed in. “Coward! Too afraid to accept the challenge? We’ve never seen someone so arrogant as to disdain Fairy Yan. Even the Holy Son wouldn’t dare to belittle her. Fairy Yan is a Young Saintess, and today, she’s being slighted by a mere disciple!”

“Perhaps he initially thought the Primordial Holy Son wouldn’t accept his challenge, presuming he would maintain his dignity and not stoop to respond, which is why he dared to act so recklessly?”

“You might be right. Otherwise, he would have accepted Fairy Yan’s challenge. If he’s confident enough to defeat the Primordial Holy Son, he should be even more confident against Fairy Yan.”

“If he could defeat Fairy Yan, he could showcase his strength and talent, even if not against the Primordial Holy Son. It seems this guy is just bluffing.”

Du Guyun’s retreat and silence only fueled the disciples’ onslaught of criticism. It indeed seemed unreasonable. Yan Ruyu was no ordinary figure; she ranked highly among the young generation of the Eastern Wastelands.

Even in the Primordial Holy Land, few could match her. If Du Guyun truly had the ability and confidence to defeat the Holy Son, why wouldn’t he dare to face Yan Ruyu?

“I actually think Yan Ruyu’s idea is good! You can defeat Yan Ruyu first, then challenge the Holy Son! If you can defeat Yan Ruyu, maybe he will give you a chance!”

“After all, you haven’t shown anything yet to attract his attention!” The Sixth Elder also advised Du Guyun.

He was somewhat displeased with Du Guyun’s approach. Initially, he was extremely arrogant, demanding to challenge Jiang Chen. But now, someone with both a notable name and strength has stepped forward, yet he hesitates to face them.

“I accept!” Du Guyun said with an unsightly expression and a heavy voice. He had to accept, or all his efforts would be for naught. The label of a coward would follow him forever, and his plans would completely collapse.

“That’s more like it!” The Sixth Elder nodded in satisfaction.

Soon, the stage was set for the showdown between Yan Ruyu and Du Guyun.

“As you requested earlier, I will suppress my cultivation to the third level of Soul Sea Realm!” Yan Ruyu said with a hint of sarcasm. “Otherwise, if I accidentally kill you, it wouldn’t be good for me to explain to the Primordial Holy Land, and it would cause trouble for the Holy Son.”

“Suit yourself!” Du Guyun, his face pale with suppressed anger, responded. He clearly understood that Yan Ruyu was mocking him.

“Begin!” With the Elder’s command, all eyes were on them.

“Soul Subduing!” Yan Ruyu’s eyes shone with a white light as she cast her spell. A terrifying soul force erupted, overwhelming like a vast ocean. Each strand was immensely powerful.

Caught off guard by the sudden soul attack, Du Guyun immediately used a secret technique to amplify his strength fivefold. However, against the overwhelming soul force, he was like a tiny boat in a vast ocean, utterly helpless. In an instant, the soul force penetrated Du Guyun’s soul, stunning him on the spot.

With a thud, Du Guyun’s body, devoid of strength, crashed to the ground. The abruptness of this moment caught everyone off guard. Even Yan Ruyu herself didn’t expect Du Guyun to be so easily defeated.

“Just a jumping clown!” Yan Ruyu lost interest instantly. “Boring. He seemed so confident before, yet this is all he’s got?”

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