Villain: After Intercepting the Female Lead, the Protagonist Collapses

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Brother, Don’t Be Angry, I’ll Prepare a Surprise for You Next Time


Jiang Che parked the Maserati at the Jiang family’s gate and leaned against the car hood, waiting for Jiang Yun’er. From afar, he saw her waving at him.

“You look very pretty today.” Seeing Jiang Yun’er’s outfit, Jiang Che didn’t hesitate to praise her.

The white-haired loli in a JK short skirt with twin ponytails…

Jiang Che couldn’t help but marvel at how well this little girl could dress up…

“Hehe, as long as brother likes it.” Jiang Yun’er said with a smile, feeling delighted at Jiang Che’s compliment.

“Get in the car…” Jiang Che opened the passenger door for Jiang Yun’er. After she got in, he also got into the driver’s seat, stepped on the gas pedal, and headed straight for Junyue Hotel.

Jiang Yun’er had previously told him that their classmate gathering would be at Junyue Hotel.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Jiang Yun’er stared at Jiang Che’s handsome profile. After a few days of not seeing him, she felt he looked even more handsome than before.

Suddenly, her bright eyes sparkled, and a mischievous smile appeared on her lips as she thought of something.

She took off her little leather shoes and placed her white silk-wrapped feet on the front board of the passenger seat.

While waiting at a red light, Jiang Che turned his head and saw her actions, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Suppressing some thoughts, he took a deep breath and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing, just thought it’s more comfortable this way.” Jiang Yun’er said innocently, her big eyes filled with pure light, seemingly not understanding why Jiang Che was asking.

Jiang Che wanted to say something else, but his thoughts were interrupted by the honking of the car behind. Seeing the green light, Jiang Che stepped on the gas pedal without thinking further.


At Junyue Hotel, in the parking lot.

Jiang Che and Jiang Yun’er got out of the car one after the other. Looking at Jiang Yun’er’s smiling face, Jiang Che frowned, feeling that this little girl had done it on purpose.

“Did you do that on purpose in the car just now?”

“Do what on purpose?” Jiang Yun’er looked at Jiang Che with an innocent expression, her big eyes full of naivety.

“You’re still pretending!” Jiang Che rubbed Jiang Yun’er’s head, feeling a bit annoyed.

Jiang Yun’er knew some of his preferences, so she must have done it on purpose. After a few days of not seeing her, this little girl had become even more mischievous, daring to tease him like that.

“Hehe, don’t be angry, brother.” Jiang Yun’er said with a smile, standing on her tiptoes to whisper in Jiang Che’s ear.

But with Jiang Che being 1.85 meters tall, he was too high for her, who was just over 1.5 meters tall.

Jiang Yun’er pouted, feeling a bit resentful, “Brother, lower your head, I have something to tell you.”

When Jiang Che lowered his head, a smile finally appeared on the little girl’s face as she whispered in Jiang Che’s ear, “Daddy, don’t be angry, I’ll prepare a surprise for you next time~”

Jiang Che felt a tingling sensation in his ear, making his heart tremble.

This little girl was really too good at this!

“Brother, let’s go, the gathering is about to start.” Jiang Yun’er’s face also turned slightly red. Saying such things made her feel extremely shy, but it was also a bit exciting!

“You said it…” Jiang Che raised an eyebrow, said no more, and held Jiang Yun’er’s soft hand as they walked towards the hotel.


On the sixth floor of Junyue Hotel, Jiang Che walked in holding Jiang Yun’er’s hand. The hall on the sixth floor had been booked by one of Jiang Yun’er’s wealthy classmates, and now it was filled with young freshmen.

Seeing Jiang Yun’er holding a man’s hand, everyone looked at them curiously and started whispering.

“Do you know who that person is with Jiang Yun’er?”

“No idea, maybe her new boyfriend?”

“Didn’t expect such a cute little loli to have a boyfriend. Sigh!”

“What a pity…”

The boys looked disappointed, sighing continuously. After all, who wouldn’t want such a cute little loli as a girlfriend? They might have had a chance before, but now Jiang Yun’er was taken.

Listening to her classmates’ discussions, Jiang Yun’er proudly lifted her head and took Jiang Che’s arm.

The surrounding boys, seeing this, felt their hearts shatter and glared at Jiang Che with murderous eyes. Jiang Che remained indifferent, not bothered to argue with this group of kids.

“Yun’er, aren’t you going to introduce your boyfriend?” A heavily made-up woman looked at Jiang Yun’er teasingly.

Wang Kai also glanced at Jiang Che curiously. He was one of Jiang Yun’er’s many suitors. He had organized this class gathering, hoping to confess to Jiang Yun’er, but it seemed he had no chance now.

He could see that the man beside Jiang Yun’er was from an extraordinary background. The limited edition Patek Philippe watch on his wrist was something his father couldn’t get despite many connections.

“This is my boyfriend, Jiang Che, from the Jiang family in Linjiang City. He’s also a student at Linjiang University.” Jiang Yun’er said proudly. With Jiang Che’s status, she felt proud to mention it.

“Jiang Che, nice name.”

“Which Jiang family is that? I’ve never heard of it.”

“Wait! Jiang Che?”

“Isn’t he the school prince of Linjiang University?”

“My god, I finally get to meet you!”

The surrounding girls were excited after hearing Jiang Yun’er’s introduction. Jiang Che was quite famous at Linjiang University. Every student had heard of him.

With his good family background, looks, and academic performance, he was the dream boyfriend of countless female students. They didn’t expect to meet their dream guy today.

Seeing the girls’ eyes light up at Jiang Che, Jiang Yun’er suddenly regretted it. She shouldn’t have revealed Jiang Che’s identity, now she was attracting more rivals.

Wang Kai was dumbfounded hearing Jiang Yun’er’s introduction. He never imagined she had found this big shot as her boyfriend.

Others might not know how terrifying Jiang Che’s background was, but as the eldest son of the Wang family, he knew.

“You are Young Master Jiang?” Wang Kai walked up to Jiang Che cautiously, afraid of saying something wrong and offending him.

“I am Jiang Che, and you are?” Jiang Che nodded, looking at Wang Kai with some confusion.

“I’m Wang Kai, the eldest son of the Wang family, a freshman at Linjiang University. I’ve heard a lot about you, Young Master Jiang. You’re truly outstanding.”

“Meeting you in person, I can see that the praises are true. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.” Wang Kai flattered Jiang Che with a sycophantic smile.

Jiang Yun’er looked at Wang Kai with disdain, thinking he was just a bootlicker.

“Nice to meet you.” Jiang Che smiled. He didn’t mind Wang Kai’s attitude; it was better to be friendly.

“Didn’t expect Miss Jiang to find such an outstanding boyfriend. She’s really lucky.” Wang Kai said with some envy, any thoughts he had about pursuing Jiang Yun’er vanished.

He wouldn’t dare to covet Jiang Che’s woman. That would be digging his own grave. Luckily, he hadn’t done anything too bold. Otherwise, he might not have survived today.

Thinking about it, Wang Kai’s back was drenched in cold sweat.

“What do you mean by that, Wang Kai?” Jiang Yun’er frowned, displeased with his words.

“Uh, nothing. I just meant that you and Young Master Jiang are a perfect match.” Wang Kai said awkwardly, realizing he had forgotten Jiang Yun’er was still there in his eagerness to please Jiang Che.

“You’re good at talking.” Jiang Yun’er snorted but didn’t argue further. She grabbed Jiang Che’s arm and sat down with him.

“Young Master Jiang, I propose a toast to you…” Wang Kai raised his glass, stood up, and toasted Jiang Che, then drank the wine in one gulp.

Jiang Che remained seated, taking a symbolic sip. He didn’t need to show respect to Wang Kai.

Seeing Jiang Che’s attitude, Wang Kai wasn’t offended. He knew Jiang Che had the right to be arrogant, given his background.

“Young Master Jiang, let me toast to you as well…” Seeing Wang Kai’s respect for Jiang Che, the others realized his identity was not simple and started to toast him.

Jiang Che accepted all the toasts. With his high alcohol tolerance, he wasn’t worried about getting drunk.

Thus, the class gathering turned into a session of everyone trying to please Jiang Che. Only one young man sat silently in the corner, his expression somewhat gloomy.

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