Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 95 – Zhan

Chapter 95 – Zhan

Someone asked, why didn't Lin Jichen take action and just watch this inhumane scene unfold?

It's not that he's cold-blooded, but rather, his intervention wouldn't change anything.

This is a dream, an endless nightmare belonging to the sorrowful.

If he were a novice player, he would have already been notified of failing the Secret Realm.

Because it's a dream, he must be an observer.

In the other party's memory dream, he needs to find clues and locate the final BOSS.

Wan'er managed to hold on without collapsing into suicide because she always wanted to escape; she couldn't bear to leave her husband.

It was this belief that kept her going for a year.

But under the torment of the one-eyed guy, Wan'er finally lost her mind and became insane.

Everyone lost interest in her, and the watch over her became lax.

Taking advantage of the night when the one-eyed guy was asleep, Wan'er took a hatchet and chopped off all his limbs.

His screams echoed through the entire night.

It alarmed everyone, and by the time they arrived, the one-eyed guy had been turned into a human swine and stuffed into a wine jar.

This act completely enraged the mayor and his group; they would not tolerate any woman daring to resist.

If they didn't punish her severely, other submissive women might start to rebel.

So, the mayor ordered Wan'er's limbs to be chopped off as well.

Knowing she couldn't escape death, Wan'er swallowed a ring and calmly awaited her fate.

Wan'er was eventually dismembered, and the mayor summoned a demonic cultivator who used a vicious secret method to permanently seal and suppress her Three Souls and Seven Spirits, burying them deep underground.

They thought the matter was over, but who knew Wan'er's vengeful spirit grew stronger within the seal, constantly trying to break free.

Strange things began happening in the town.

Every night, men would be found with their limbs severed, dying miserably in their own beds.

At first, they thought some women were imitating Wan'er.

It wasn't until the mayor suffered the same fate that they realized Wan'er had come back for revenge!

In an instant, the men in the town were terrified, and they sought out the demonic cultivator.

The demonic cultivator found he could no longer deal with Wan'er's vengeful spirit and could only offer a suggestion.

Every year, they needed to chop off the limbs of a few men and offer them as sacrifices to appease Wan'er's resentment.

So, every year, men from the town were chosen, their limbs severed, and the town indeed remained peaceful.

Those without limbs didn't die, but they had to rely on others for the rest of their lives, a fate worse than death.

This sacrificial method only temporarily suppressed the spirit, and as time passed, more and more limbs were needed each year.

The men in the town began planning to escape, but anyone who left the town's boundaries died a horrible death.

They had no choice but to return and continue the sacrifices.

As more and more men were dismembered, all the men in the town had become human swines.

But even this didn't satisfy Wan'er's vengeful spirit. Finally, when there were no more sacrifices, she broke the seal and began a frenzied revenge on the town's men.

All the men were tortured to death, and her great revenge seemed complete.

But then the scene shifted back to the beginning, to when Wan'er's carriage first arrived in town.

Lin Jichen, aware of the plot, knew this was an endless nightmare, and he was in Wan'er's dream.

Only by finding the most crucial clue could he exit her dream and defeat Wan'er, who had become the BOSS, to clear this Secret Realm.

This is why many players said that even if they found the final BOSS, they couldn't bring themselves to act.

Lin Jichen used to feel the same, thinking this woman was truly pitiful, and even if she became a demon, it was understandable.

Many players even chose to abandon this task.

But more players later interpreted the best ending of this Secret Realm as killing Wan'er, letting her soul return to the underworld.

Otherwise, continuing to live would be even more cruel for her, as she would relive her memories every day.

Now, for Lin Jichen, he just needed to find the clue to break the dream.

He went to the place where Wan'er's remains were buried and immediately found the key clue.

It was the ring.

It was the token of love from Wan'er's husband, and also her spiritual support.

Of course, finding the ring meant he still had to face Wan'er, just like other players who knew the strategy in the future.

Moreover, Wan'er as the BOSS was exceptionally powerful, especially in the Hell Realm.

The moment Lin Jichen found the ring, the dream indeed vanished.

The town's scenery instantly shifted from heaven to hell, with corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

There was no sunlight, only dark clouds covering the sky, and everything was in ruins.


The ground suddenly started to tremble, and a sound like a giant's footsteps reached Lin Jichen's ears.

Looking up, he saw a gigantic humanoid spider appear above the town, covered in arms and legs.

There were thousands of them, densely packed like human hair.

Its face had no features, only a huge bloody mouth, splitting its head in two, filled with thousands of fangs.

Each fang reflected a man's terrified and desperate expression, including the one-eyed guy, the mayor, and... all the townspeople!

Such a horrifying creature was enough to make anyone shudder.

This was the final BOSS of the Nightmare Secret Realm, the vengeful spirit of Wan'er.

It was no longer a ghost; Wan'er's ghost had died, and what remained was a Zhan!

Humans become ghosts upon death, and ghosts become Zhan upon death!

Zhan is a hundred times more terrifying than ghosts.

Humans fear ghosts, just as ghosts fear Zhan.

The Zhan that Wan'er had become had already noticed Lin Jichen and was slowly crawling towards him.

With each step, some limbs fell from its body, but it didn't care, casually grabbing them and tossing them back into its mouth, chewing vigorously.

Blood flowed like a spring, mixed with screams, dripping down to form a path of blood.

Lin Jichen sighed. Encountering this instance again, he still felt some reluctance.

On one hand, he felt the men of this town deserved their fate; on the other, he felt Wan'er was truly pitiful.

But he also believed that eliminating the Zhan was the best release for Wan'er.

"I'm sorry, I sympathize with your plight, but I hope you can let go of the past. Your enemies are all dead, don't live in pain anymore."

Lin Jichen said this earnestly, then his eyes flashed, and his body moved suddenly.

This time, he didn't taunt or provoke the enemy as he usually did.

On the contrary, Lin Jichen was very silent this time, not wanting to anger it.

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