Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 100 – You look like Cao Cao

Chapter 100 – You look like Cao Cao

Inner Temple disciples are essentially the future elite of the sect, personally taught by elders and considered the sect's cream of the crop.

With Ren Lan's innate talent and her exceptional combat skills, it's foreseeable that her achievements in "Tale of Immortal" will be boundless.

Lin Jichen was genuinely happy for his capable wife and sent her a congratulatory message. He reminded her to remember his teachings from today, and Ren Lan readily agreed before diving into tasks to improve her cultivation.

Seeing Ren Lan work so hard, Lin Jichen felt he couldn't fall behind. Currently, he could only surpass Ren Lan in the game; in other areas, he couldn't hold a candle to her.

He couldn't let this crazy woman surpass him in the game too. If she stopped relying on him, he'd lose face. Lin Jichen, who had grown used to Ren Lan clinging to him, couldn't allow this rookie to surpass him. He needed to become stronger as well.

Three hours flew by in the game.

It wasn't until Ren Lan came to knock on his gaming pod that Lin Jichen emerged.

"It's only six o'clock, isn't it a bit early..." Lin Jichen muttered.

"Stop whining, you asked me to train you. Now it's too late to back out. Come on, let's go for a run!" Ren Lan forcefully pulled him up.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to get up, quickly freshen up, change into sportswear, and go running with her.

He thought it would just be a simple run, nothing too serious.

But after a few kilometers, Lin Jichen was drenched in sweat and panting heavily, in stark contrast to Ren Lan, who hadn't even broken a sweat and was breathing evenly.

"I can't... I need a break, please, Superwoman," Lin Jichen stopped, collapsing onto a park bench, barely able to speak.

"Tsk tsk, you're really out of shape," Ren Lan said disdainfully.

"Yes, I'm out of shape. Just let me rest for a bit," Lin Jichen didn't care about his male pride anymore.

Arguing with this superwoman would only bring more suffering. A man must know when to bend and when to stand tall!

"Alright, five minutes," Ren Lan reluctantly agreed to stop and wait for him.

As they rested by the roadside, Lin Jichen seized the precious five minutes to rest as much as possible. His body was indeed too weak; he couldn't handle even this small amount of physical exertion.

No wonder it took him several months to fully restore his in-game strength after the world merged five years ago. He needed to train, not to become as strong as Ren Lan, but at least to be somewhat decent.

During their rest, Ren Lan suddenly noticed a very cute little girl by the roadside, her eyes filled with adoration.

"Little Lin, look, this child is so adorable."

Lin Jichen looked over and saw that the little girl was indeed very cute, around seven or eight years old, with big, adorable eyes, like a porcelain doll.

But Lin's attention wasn't on the little girl; it was on the tall woman holding her hand.

This woman had an impressive figure, looked very young, and was exceptionally beautiful, with a refined and elegant demeanor. She was holding the little girl's hand with one hand and carrying a large suitcase with the other.

Lin Jichen felt the woman looked familiar. Just as he was about to take another look, someone pushed him, almost knocking him off the bench.

The pusher was Ren Lan.

"What are you doing, crazy woman?" Lin Jichen cursed.

Ren Lan sneered, shaking her head, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, Little Lin."

"What kind of person?"

"A scoundrel!" Ren Lan pointed at Lin Jichen's nose and shouted.

Passersby gave them meaningful glances and strange smiles.

Lin Jichen felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, utterly embarrassed and speechless.

"How do I look like Cao Cao?"

"Stop arguing. I saw you staring at that woman for a long time. I told you to look at the little girl, but you kept staring at her mother. You love married women! Don't deny it!" Ren Lan said.

Lin Jichen was speechless and explained, "I just thought she looked familiar, like I've seen her somewhere before, that's all."

"Ha, even my dog could come up with a better excuse. Stop pretending, scoundrel Lin."

Ren Lan was fuming, seemingly very angry.

Lin Jichen, feeling guilty and unable to argue, decided not to explain further. The more he explained, the worse it got.

"Let's go, keep running!" Ren Lan stood up.

"But we were supposed to rest for five minutes. It's only been a minute," Lin Jichen protested.

Ren Lan sneered, "Hmph, you were staring at that woman for so long, proving you still have plenty of energy. You don't need five minutes, one minute is enough. Let's go, let's go."

Ren Lan said, pulling Lin Jichen up and starting to run again.

Lin Jichen felt like crying but had no choice but to follow her.

Why did this woman suddenly act like a lit firecracker? What was going on?

Two hours later, Lin Jichen returned home and collapsed on the floor as soon as he opened the door.

His whole body felt like jelly, with no strength left anywhere. His legs felt like they were filled with lead, swollen like pig's trotters.

For someone who had never exercised, sudden intense activity would lead to this kind of result.

He had almost run the equivalent of a year's worth of steps in one day. No wonder he was exhausted.

He had only intended to exercise a little, but Ren Lan, this crazy woman, had forced him to run for two hours.

It was a miracle he made it back on his own.

"Can you get me a glass of water?" Lin Jichen said weakly, too exhausted to crawl to the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Jichen in such a sorry state, Ren Lan couldn't help but feel a bit regretful for pushing him too hard.

"Get up, the floor is cold. Lying down right after exercising can easily cause a cold."

"No, just let me lie here. I can't get up," Lin Jichen said feebly.

"No, you'll really catch a cold. I'll help you up," Ren Lan said, trying to lift Lin Jichen, but he was uncooperative, just wanting to lie on the floor like a dead pig.

Ren Lan had no choice but to scoop him up in a princess carry.

Lin Jichen looked at Ren Lan, his eyes filled with questions.

Ren Lan ignored his reluctance, effortlessly carrying him back to the bedroom and placing him on the bed.

"Water, I need water..."

"I'll get you some electrolyte water. Drinking plain water after intense exercise isn't effective. You need to replenish your fluids and salts."

Ren Lan turned to get the water but was stopped by Lin Jichen grabbing her wrist.

"What?" Ren Lan asked, looking down.

Lin Jichen, with a pained expression, said, "Can we skip the workout tomorrow?"

"No, fitness requires consistency," Ren Lan refused firmly.

But she added, "I admit I was a bit harsh today. Tomorrow we'll just do a light jog, nothing like today."

Only then did Lin Jichen feel relieved, his hand dropping weakly to the bed as he fell asleep instantly.

Ren Lan felt both guilty and amused.

This scoundrel Lin, who liked married women, was getting his just desserts.

After a short nap, Lin Jichen was woken up by Ren Lan, drank some of her precious electrolyte water, took a shower, and felt much more refreshed.

They quickly made some noodles for breakfast and then immediately returned to their gaming pods, diving back into the world of "Tale of Immortal."

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