Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 168 Screwed Up.

Nino teleported a moment too late and thus took a hit across the chest. 

Holding a hand to her wound, she tried to understand what happened before snapping back to reality. 


CS ducked attempting to dodge the spear thrust at her, and though it grazed her left shoulder the spear bounced off leaving only a scratch behind. Not minding it the gray-haired Valkyrie swung her claws with mad ferocity, but her opponent didn't budge letting them pass right through her leaving not even a scratch behind. 

'What in the…'

The bad feeling Sam had intensified. That woman was already a force to be reckoned with and now not only do weapons have no effect on her, but her attacks also bypass the supposedly impregnable force field of the Valkyries. How are they supposed to face her now?

"Doctor, you need to get out of here." Five said.

It was the most logical choice. He knew he should trust his Valkyries to handle the fighting, same as they always did, but Sam was reluctant to go. He didn't want to leave for safety while the girls fought to protect him.

"Doctor?" Five called once more.

"No," Sam replied. "

Having no combat abilities, Sam was nothing but a burden. That's why he needed to find another way to contribute to the battle. He needed to find a gap in the enemies' defenses, a way to surpass them and attain victory.

'There must be some explanation for this…'

As he thought that to himself, he tapped his glasses causing half-transparent windows to appear in front of him.

He had already dispatched a few hundred drones around the battlefield, all equipped with cameras and sensors that have been collecting data from the ongoing battle. 

Analyzing said data, he tried to learn how the enemy's powers work. It wasn't too long before he had an understanding of what was happening in front of him.

"And that's one down." Nine said as her giant cannon slowly disintegrated.

Being able to create weapons out of another dimension's materials was rather convenient. She could summon one whenever she needed it and once she was done with it she could just go and it disappears. 

Her only complaint was the few seconds it took for the weapon to form and the concentration required to keep it. Apparently all Valkyries have been trained on the way to use runes long before they arrived in the real world, but even though it should be second nature to them because of that, some still struggled with forming things that are too complicated. 

"Wow, you really didn't hold back there huh?"

Hearing the voice caused Nine to flinch leaving her open for an attack, however what she felt next shocked her even more.

"Hey, I've been wondering for a while now," The archer said. "How do you even move around with these?"

Not only did he survive all of her attacks, he somehow managed to sneak up on her from behind. And as if that wasn't bad enough, instead of attacking her he was groping her giant breasts, squeezing them repeatedly without a care in the world.

"There were quite a few in the previous world as well. What's wrong with these over-exaggerated desi-"

The last word got stuck in his throat as the air around them went ice cold all of a sudden. Even Miku who was rushing over stopped in her tracks going pale as she got a really bad feeling.

Nine's head slowly turned, her usually blue irises gone completely black.

"Eh?" Feeling the danger in her gaze the man quickly teleported away, but when he looked down at his body he realized his arms were gone.

"How dare you." Came Nine's voice, quiet yet sharp like a cold blade. "Only Doctor is allowed to… how dare you…"

"Um… Perseus… I think I might've screwed up…"

Seeing that he had no way of fighting back the man began to retreat, but then a sudden pain hit him from behind taking his mind off the wounds on his arms. His nervousness turned into fear as it became clear that he got distracted, forgetting that he was fighting two opponents. Just as he began to regret messing around too much, a wild scream reached his ears informing him that his fate was sealed. 


As her voice resounded through the sky, Nine's body glowed brilliantly with the halo over her head expanding a few times. 

"Three, set a box around us." He said. 

Seeing that there is no hope of breaking the enemy's harrier, Sam ordered the young Valkyrie to shift her attention back to protecting them.

Analyzing the data provided by the drones gave quite shocking results, and it all has to do with the aura that washed over them a couple of minutes ago. 

It was impossible to notice the effects right away because it worked on the molecular level. The dark-skinned woman was covered in a layer of aura that was causing her to vibrate at an incredible speed which 

allowed to phase through anything that tries to come into contact with her. 

Then there is the glowing blade of her spear which was vibrating at a different frequency allowing it to bypass the force field and damage the Valkyries. 

The theory behind it was simple even if it was just theoretical. However it seems their enemies found some way to make use of it and apparently it has something to do with the aura that washed over them a couple of minutes ago.

'That said, how are we supposed to stop this?'

Sam suspected that the strange particles were something collected from a different dimension, one similar to where they get the energy for Baldr's Light. He wondered if simple radiation cleansing will eliminate the effects, but getting the equipment for it can't be done in such a hectic battle.

Having realized that her armor is capable of stopping the spear stood her ground deflecting Antia's attacks keeping her away from the Doctor. With no way to counter the fight was at a standstill, however with only one side receiving damage it was only a matter of time.

"Maybe if we cut her fast enough…" Zero Five could only grit her teeth knowing she wouldn't be able to do anything even if she left her post. 

Sam was still looking for a solution, having already sent an emergency request for the cleansing equipment. It was then that he spotted a distinct pink hair among the Valkyries, his eyes widening at the realization.


Hearing her name shouted directly into her ear startled the already tense Valkyrie causing her halo and the thin Baldr's Light she was shooting to disappear. She turned to look at Sam, shaking and on the verge of tears, not understanding why she was being singled out. 

[Cleanse the entire area!] Sam commanded, but the tall Valkyrie only looked more confused. [Now!]

Ichigo looked around frantically as her nervousness skyrocketed, but then she forced it all aside in order to obey the command and summoned her halo once more, this time adding a number of symbols to it changing its shape a little.

"H-here I go!"

Ichigo's cleansing works by expanding her force field, which had more unique properties, to a really wide range. Normally she would require specific equipment made using multiple hearts in order to amplify this ability, however after she had her heart modified she learned how to achieve the same effect on her own.

"What are they up to…" Perseus was the first to notice the pink light coming from the sides. "Cyclops, shoot the tall one over there."

Without saying a word the gorilla-like woman reached into her bag and took out a large cannon, aiming it at Ichigo with her finger on the trigger. 

Of course she couldn't shoot without opening the barrier protecting her and the two others, but that was the mistake she made, thinking nobody will notice a hole in an invisible barrier.


Light flashed in the distance and the next second her only eye blew up along with the left side of her head. As her body fell like the huge boulder it is the tiny man jumped from her shoulder to Perseus going snow white in an instant.

"Cyclos!!?" He cried before turning in the direction the bullet came from.

"You had a sniper of your own, right?" Nana said, lying down on the rooftop of a building half a mile away. "What made you think we don't have the same?"

With Perseus' head at the center of her scope she fired another bullet. Sadly the hole closed before it reached the target.

Though his friend was just murdered in front of him, the man named Perseus seemed oddly calm. His eyes moved from Nans's direction to Ichigo's and a sigh escaped him.

"Maybe it's time to retreat," Hr said. 

The moment those words left his mouth a pink wave of light exploded washing over everything in the area

"Huh?" Antia noticed the change immediately, jumping back and putting some distance between her and CS.

"So it worked." 

Hearing the voice her neck made a snapping sound as she looked behind her. Five was there preparing to swing her blade, leaving Antia no time to get her feet on the ground.

Though she tried twisting her body in the hope of evading the Slash, Five's red katana slashed right through the dark-skinned woman's arm drawing a crimson arc in the air.

Sam was almost relieved that the plan worked until he noticed something. At first, he thought the crimson arc was just an after-effect from Five's katana moving too fast, however a closer look revealed that t was a red liquid splashing from the clean-cut on Antia's severed arm. 

"Hold on…"


Another explosion drew Sam's attention away. Something had smashed into the ground a small distance from the portal.

"Um… boss…" A middle-aged man crawled out of a crater looking in a really bad condition, a hole in his chest spilled the same Crimson liquid as the dark-skinned woman. "I think we should-"

The words were caught in his throat as a shadow loomed over them, and in the next moment, the whole base shook violently as something gigantic fell from the sky.

As if the horror of a violent earthquake wasn't enough, when the tremor subsided everyone looked up to find an absurdly large face looking down at them.

"What in the-"

With the rigid shapes and mechanical parts one could easily tell that thing was a giant robot of some kind. Just as Sam began to wonder where the blue Eva came from, the giant robot opened its jaw bringing out a cannon the size of a five-storey building, an ominous white light glowing at its center. 


Three wrapped her arms around Sam teleporting him away right after the command left his mouth. The Valkyries did the same as the light grew brighter and brighter.

"Boss!" The man staggered as he ran toward his companions. 

Antia was frozen in place holding her severed arm, sweat beading her forehead as she considered where to flee. 

The calm Perseus was in shock as well. Several green rings had formed around his right arm as he grasped his stave, the crystal decorating it lighting up. Two of his companions were injured, one restrained and another dead. He knew he had to make a quick decision, and so he did.

Light sprung out of the platform swallowing him and the tiny man and the next moment it was gone leaving no one behind.

"Hey…" the middle-aged man said hoarsely. "You gotta be kidding me, right?" 

Realizing they were abandoned he turned to his other companion, but there was nothing in the spot he last spotted her in. 

"Hey… I can't teleport…" he said, his surroundings gradually turning white. "They got my… I can't…"

The world flashed once, followed by a giant explosion erased that transformed into a beam of light erasing everything for hundreds of miles.

As a second sun slowly rose from the south, the few remaining humans got the message that the war has yet to end.

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