Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 165 Final Checks.

"Oh! You're finally back!" Elina exclaimed the moment Sam entered the lab. "How was your date?"

"Great, actually." Sam replied with a rare smile. 

He took the cup passed to him by the female scientist and as he was about to take a sip he noticed the smug grin she had on.

"Guess sleeping with underage girls is something else, huh?" 

"We have been through this already." Sam grimaced and glanced in Wolf's direction. "They are far from being underage."

"Not that it would've stopped you if they were." Elina shrugged.

He wanted to deny it, however it sounded pointless to do so. Nothing he says will help his case. In fact, the more he tries to deny it the more of a predator he would appear to be. 

"Now that I think about it, I've always wondered why the Valkyries looked the way they do. I mean, them being females is understandable, but why exaggerate their appearance to such extent?" 

Silence filled the lab for a brief time. When he took his eyes off the screen in front of him, Wolf realized that the other two were staring at him awaiting his answer. 

He was the one who created the Valkyries so if anyone knew the answer then it would be him. Wolf remained silent for a while hoping they would move on to another topic, however he soon gave up and decided to give them what they want. 

"Excluding their hearts and brains, everything else about their bodies was designed long before Alice was born. Before I met my wife."


"That doesn't answer our question." Sam added.

"Well, you could say I was getting a bit desperate back in the day and went a bit too far." Turning back to the screen the old man went on. "I tossed all of it aside when I met Rena, but when the Nephilim started appearing I found myself needing something to put them in so I made use of it." 

Sam understood that by Rena he was referring to Alice's mother. It was his first time hearing her name since neither Wolf nor Alice mentioned it before. 

"Ah…" as he was trying to imagine how she used to look like, Sam came to a sudden realization. "So it was true!"

Wolf raised an eyebrow and Elena tilted her head a little, both of them looking confused. 

"You designed both the Nephilim and the Valkyries, right? One look and it's easy to tell where you got the inspiration." 

Wolf remained silent, his expression unchanging. Elena on the other hand took a moment to think about it and her eyes gradually widened as she understood what Sam was trying to say.

"You were a weeb!!!" She said with a pointed finger as if she had just exposed the old man's dark secret. "It all makes sense now! You were trying to make your own female robot harem!" 

"Well, we all had a feeling…" Sam commented. 

Pretty much everyone had guessed the real reason behind the Valkyries' appearance, the only difference is that they now know they weren't originally intended to be weapons.

"It's all in the past, I have nothing to be ashamed of." Wolf commented. "Besides, I'm not the one who has been going around sleeping with them."

"Well, you shouldn't have made them so good if you didn't want anyone doing it." 

Sam shrugged and went back to his coffee, his mind returning to something that happened a while ago. 

Wolf had no idea that Sam was having intimate relationships with the Valkyries until long after the war ended. Apparently the reason he prohibited anyone from getting romantically involved with them is that it would've broken the mental barriers they had which allowed them to be so proficient in battle. 

Love is a strong emotion. For soldiers who are forced into battles they might not return from, it would be much better if they never experience it in the first place.

The problem could've been solved by giving the Valkyries a different form, but Wolf wanted to give them the chance to live a normal life once the war ends. It was the least he could do after sacrificing them even when he knew their true nature. 

"So, old man." Putting on her smug grin once more, Elina tried spilling some oil in the hope of it catching on fire. "You made the Valkyries for yourself to enjoy, right? How does it feel knowing another man is doing it instead?"

The old man stared at her for a few seconds then glanced in Sam's direction. His expression didn't change much, but there was a slight shift in the room's atmosphere which informed them that he was quite upset. 

"I already said I have no desire for them." He said. "That said, it angers me that the man my daughter chose to be with is going around sleeping with other woman instead of trying to get her back."

"Well, sorry for having a strong sex drive."

The truth is that Sam had to hold back for some time now as they got ready for the peace conference and the interdimensional campaign that would follow. The date with Miku was his first chance to relieve some stress, but it was easy to see it as him slacking off instead focusing on his main objective.

Elena thought Wolf would be angry about the fact that Sam was cucking him, but when she gave it some more thought she realized that both the Nephilim and the Valkyries are technically his children, even if he didn't want to admit it to himself. Standing by and watching as a single man takes your daughters one after the other must be quite the frustrating experience. It was a more serious reason for him to be angry about and one that's not so easy to make joke of, unlike the first one. 

"Enough chit chat. Let's get to work." 

Sam took his seat and placed his cup down. He booted up his terminal and started typing on the keyboard. 

There wasn't much work to do that morning, only some final checks before the Nephilim arrive. 

He would be representing them in the negotiations as the one leading the Valkyries. Having such a big responsibility placed on his shoulders strained his nerves, but even when he has the ability to suppress it he chose to allow the stress to remain. 

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