Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 158 Prisoner.

"Well well well, look how the tables have turned."

As he spoke, a wide grin spread on Sam's face. A wall of glass stood in front of him, one so sturdy it could withstand a few dozen grenades. Metal bars have grown out of fashion a long time ago so prison cells now had these types of separations.

Though it didn't look like it, the inside of the cell was isolated from the outside, meaning the prisoner had to hear what was said through a speaker and for some reason she didn't seem to like that very much. Though that was the last of her worries.


Glaring in his direction, Hela could only click her tongue, her face twisted in irritation.

"Hey now, is that any way to react to the people who saved your life?"

"You should've let me die."

"Oh, so we agree on something?" Sam replied. "Sadly we can't really do that. You're an important political figure, even if you're a selfish egotistical violent and childish little princess."

"Did you come here just to anger me?" She growled back.

"That's part of it." Dragging the chair that was provided to him closer to the glass wall he sat down and rested his arms on its back. "To be honest, I don't really know why I'm here. Guess I just want to have a heart to heart conversation, even if you don't have yours."

On the other side of the wall was the Nephilin queen, her small figure strapped to an uncomfortable looking metallic chair. Some things were different about her; mainly her skin color which was no longer blue. That was enough to make her unrecognizable and Sam was a little surprised when he first saw her in the security footage Elina showed him.

"I still can't believe we actually won against you." He commented, his tone growing serious. "Sadly I can't really say I'm satisfied."


"You're a horrible leader, you realize that, right?"

"I don't want to hear that from a human." The queen replied.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you but I'm no longer the same man. You could say I'm closer to your little sister and the old man."

A moment passed before she understood what he was getting at.


"Yep. I'm now a full fledged Nephilim. Though that doesn't matter since I consider you the same as humans."

"Hah! The change must've messed your brain." Hela scoffed. "Can you really say you're a human now that you aren't flesh and bone?"

"Spare me the philosophical questions, I got no time for that." He dismissed what she said with a wave of his hand. "Besides, I've already told you, right? You're every bit as hateful and spiteful as a human. In fact you're so human it's difficult to believe you're anything else."

"Get to the point already."

"C'mon now, we have all the time in the world."

As the young queen continued to glare daggers at him, Sam met her gaze with a calm look. The reality is that he was tuning down his anger to a level that allowed him to think properly, though he was careful to not remove it completely having learned that it would return soon after with the source being right in front of him.

"You probably don't know this since you never expected to lose the war, but someone has to pay for everything you have done." Sighing, Sam let his head hang a little before going on. "Lucky for you, you killed most of our leaders when you attacked the Resistance headquarters the other day. And with the war put on hold humans are too busy fighting amongst themselves to pay any mind to you."

Two weeks ago the last Calamity was defeated. With the Ragnarok Heralds gone only the Nephilim were left to fight, however with their queen taken down it was only a matter of time before they were apprehended.

To Sam's surprise it only took the fifteen Valkyries that relocated to the forty sixth base to round up the enemy forces. After having their hearts remodeled it was a relatively easy task for the war veterans so with Nana at their lead they managed to achieve a flawless victory.

It felt a bit anticlimactic but he wasn't about to complain. A total of three hundred Nephilim came to this world along the queen, seventy of which were killed in the last battle. After disarming the survivors by removing their hearts they were all taken into the forty sixth base's custody, and that's when the problems started.

The news spread like wild fire and soon enough everyone knew of humanity's victory. While he was fighting for his life, the world was having the biggest party of the century, but things calmed down after a while and people started asking questions.

The forty sixth base was at the center of all of this but with its commander missing things got really messy. Strangely enough the one to step forward and organize things was Nana as well. Having spent a lot of time by Wolf's side she had learned quite a bit of leadership skills. She had to rely on power to intimidate the soldiers into submition but when looking at how things turned out Sam had nothing to complain about, or so he thought at first.

What the Valkyries did was get things under control as they waited for him to wake up. With four of them being his direct subordinates and the rest convinced that he's the only one worthy of leading them they wanted to leave the big decisions until he has recovered.

That led to the base being locked and all communications with the remnants of the Resistance cut. Only the bare minimum of information have been shared so the rest of the world was still in the dark about what happened.

Of course something like that wouldn't be ignored for long so after the survivors formed their own factions they began demanding answers, even threatening to use violence claiming that the forty sixth base was hiding crucial information.

They could do nothing with the most powerful Valkyries being loyal to Sam so in the end they had to wait for him before deciding on the next course of action.

"Why are you talking as if I should care?" Hela asked.

"Well, because we might have to execute you." Sam replied. "Sadly that would solve no problem. The people you massacred will never return and just killing you won't be enough. We will need reparation for the war and a way to ensure that it'll never happen again."

"I couldn't care less. Alice isn't here anymore, I have no interest in your world."

"I think you're mistaken here." Sam said. "Your opinion doesn't matter. All I'm doing is telling you what's going to happen from now on, real negotiations will be handled by your other sister."

"What?" Hela was silent for a moment. "Thor is here?"

"Not yet." Sam replied. "Odin said you most likely left her in your own world to handle the Nephilim over there. We will send a message after we clear things over here."

The truth is, Sam is no political leader and he had no idea on how he should handle things. Nothing the Nephilim could offer will make the fact that they wiped out more than 80% of humanity disappear. A lot of people will want the war to continue until the other side is completely eliminated and their hatred won't be easy to stop.

There is also the problem with the ASC. Right now only a select few know about them, however it's clear that more problems will arise if the news that they've discovered the secret to immortality goes out.

The best option would be to announce that the humans and Nephilim have reached an understanding and decided to sign a peace treaty with the invading side giving them some of the resources from their world to help rebuild the one they destroyed. Many will be unhappy about this however there is no solution that'll satisfy everyone involved.

"What about Alice?" Hela asked after a long silence. "Don't tell me you plan on letting that traitor have her?"

Sam could only stare at the young queen in return. He understood that she only cared about her sister, but he couldn't help feeling that she's being unreasonable.

"Even if we want to, we can't allow Loki to get away." Sam said with a sigh. "And I don't think she'll just leave us alone. As long as we exist, her plan to start a new supreme race can never be achieved."

The danger Loki's plan poses aside, Sam wanted to go after Alice. His Alice. He still has conflicted feelings about the original one, however he knew what needs to be do and so he'll do it.

"Let's hope your sister is more reasonable than you." Sam said as he walked to the door. "If she's as attached to you as you are to Alice then maybe your life will be worth something."

Just as he disappeared behind the metallic door, the young queen clicked her tongue. Frustration was clear in her expression, however there was nothing she could do at the moment.

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