USSR 1941

Chapter 166: action

  Chapter 166 Actions

   There was no march, no swearing-in meeting, not even a farewell... In fact, Shulka never showed up, and the guerrillas only knew their own instructors, that is, engineers and members of the teaching regiment.

   This is for confidentiality.

   It is important to know that these guerrillas went deep behind enemy lines to conduct guerrilla operations, which means that they are very likely to be captured by the enemy, followed by torture, and then... they confessed everything about the training.

   Then the Germans could send spies, Branfenburg troops, or rebels, etc.

   After all, this is Ukraine, and there are natural rebels, so it is better to be cautious, that is, to let the guerrillas know as little information as possible.

   If there is any benefit, it is that a piece of beef was added to these guerrillas that night... the beef seized from the Germans.

  Then the instructor told them: "Comrades, this is the spoils we captured from the enemy. Remember this taste. We will capture more of these things from the enemy when we go to the battlefield!"

   (Note: Each guerrilla team is equipped with a captain and an instructor. The captain is mainly responsible for the external, that is, bombing bridges and railways, etc., and the instructor is responsible for internal, that is, propaganda, mobilization, communication, etc. after the establishment of a base area)

   This became a practice after that, that is, each batch of guerrillas would be given a piece of beef before being sent out, and then they would say the same thing.

   It is said that this practice did not change even when Kyiv was short of supplies. If it didn’t work, they found a cow to kill, and then: "Comrades, we captured this from the enemy..."

After that, they will be sent to the train bound for Odessa in timed intervals, and then they will be transported by air or sea to Crimea, and then take the train from Crimea to infiltrate from a suitable location in a large circle Enter your target village.

  The guerrilla headquarters in Kyiv has entered a state of circulation:

  Continuously follow up, advise or command the guerrillas that have been sent to the battlefield... The reason why command is ranked last is because guerrilla warfare is a flexible use that needs to be adapted to local conditions, and the headquarters far away in Kyiv is not suitable for too much interference.

  So, Shulka received more reconnaissance intelligence from the guerrillas, such as the German army's defense of a certain bridge or railway, and then gave suggestions or issued offensive instructions.

  The reason why it is said to be in a circular state is that while this contact is being made, the headquarters has launched more guerrilla training and even more teaching regiment training.

  If there is any difference between guerrilla warfare and special operations, it is that special operations place more emphasis on fewer but better operations, and then perform surgical operations on the target to quickly strike and withdraw quickly.

  As for guerrilla warfare, it is more about mass distribution, and even mobilizing the masses of the people.

  So Shuerka is more about seeking speed and more... Time and space do not allow Shuerka's training to be refined.

   Needless to say about time, Admiral Kirponos will come to ask questions every day, eagerly counting on the guerrillas to get results early so that Kyiv can end the meaningless consumption of personnel and materials.

In terms of space, the land occupied by the German army in the Soviet Union at this time almost covered the entire Ukraine, and Belarus even approached Moscow. At this time, it is obviously inappropriate to emphasize that "soldiers are expensive but not expensive", and they should be spread over a large area. Plant the fire and let them set the prairie ablaze.

   "How's the situation?" Admiral Kirponos walked into the guerrilla headquarters again that day.

   "Everything is going well!" Shulka replied: "Eight teams have successfully sneaked into the corresponding villages and towns and started reconnaissance operations. One team was delayed on the way, and one team disappeared!"

"Missing" on the battlefield is a common occurrence, mainly because the communication equipment in this era is too backward, and the long-distance can only be contacted by radio. Once something unexpected happens, such as radio failure, being discovered by the enemy, etc. Notify headquarters.

  So no one knows what happened to this team, that is, "missing".

  Later, Shulka knew that they were exposed when they passed the German checkpoint. A guerrilla failed to calm down when he was searched by the German army, and took out a pistol to kill the German sentinel.

   As a result, the German army encircled and suppressed them. Thirty people were either killed or arrested. Only two escaped and reported the information to the headquarters after a month.

  This is also one of the reasons why Shulka trained the guerrillas to "take volume".

   Unpredictable situations will always occur on the battlefield. If there are only one or two elite soldiers, all hope will be shattered in case of a situation.

  But if you take the amount... if this pot is not opened, then the pot will be opened.

  Admiral Kirponos picked up the document and looked at it, and then asked suspiciously: "You mean, we are ready to attack the warehouse and Lem Bridge?"

"Yes!" Shulka replied: "The Germans were unprepared, I mean they were unprepared for our guerrilla warfare. At the same time, they also needed a lot of manpower to repair bridges or carry supplies... Our two teams took advantage of this to get in. !"

   "So, why no action?" Admiral Kirponos asked.

   "Other squads are not ready yet, Comrade General!" Major Gavrilov explained: "If we act...whether we succeed or not, we will warn the Germans, and it will be difficult for our other squads to act!"

  Admiral Kirponos nodded: "So, you all hope to achieve greater results in one go?"

"Yes!" Shulka handed Admiral Kirponos two documents: "This is for the Tikanka Bridge, this is for the Karliv Transit Station, and Belgorod Railway Station... "

   "Belgorod Railway Station?" Admiral Kirponos asked suspiciously: "You also have actions there?"

   "Yes, Comrade General!" Shulka replied: "We found that the Germans concentrated the captured supplies from various places to Belgorod. They may want to prepare for the attack on Moscow!"

   Admiral Kirponos nodded in agreement.

  Belgorod is located on the southern flank of Moscow, where it has become the staging area for the German Army Group South to attack Moscow.

   "They concentrated a large amount of ammunition and supplies in the warehouse near the train station!" Shulka said: "If the warehouse and train station can be blown up, it will cause great trouble for their supplies and logistics!"

  Admiral Kirponos looked at the document and said: "They are well-defended, it will not be easy!"

   "Yes!" Shulka said: "But we already have a complete plan!"

  (end of this chapter)

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