Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 4

C4 – Moulding Elf

“Can this molding machine really create an elf?” Wen Huaimu asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

Wen Huaimu had devoured countless books in his leisure time, his imagination captivated by the elven race. Yet, elves were nowhere to be found in the real world.

“Mold an elf,” Coldy stated flatly.

A flurry of sounds ensued, and the virtual interface transformed rapidly. A small, vivacious girl materialized on the screen, twirling joyfully. Her pointed blue ears perked up mischievously, and her smile radiated simplicity and innocence, exuding an essence of the natural world.

“She’s absolutely stunning!”

Wen Huaimu’s excitement was palpable; his cheeks flushed as he fixated on the elf girl displayed before him. Overcome with emotion, he blurted out, “I want you to mold her now!”

“Insufficient energy! Unable to mold,” Coldy’s voice, devoid of warmth, doused Wen Huaimu’s fervor like a splash of cold water.

“What do you mean?” Wen Huaimu asked, his confusion evident.

“Elves are beings of pure energy. To mold them, I require a substantial amount of energy, which you must provide,” Coldy explained.

“A substantial amount of energy?” Wen Huaimu’s dreamy haze lifted. Indeed, there were no free meals in life.

“How do I provide this massive energy? What kind of energy are we talking about?” Wen Huaimu inquired, his irritation showing.

“Every non-material entity is energy,” Coldy replied.

Wen Huaimu’s eyes sparkled anew. “How will she absorb this energy? Is there energy around here that can be used?”

“You need only command me, and I will naturally absorb the pure energy within a hundred-meter radius of the Z51 molding machine. However, the energy in your current environment is sparse and impure, unsuitable for creating the pure energy source required by the elves,” Coldy delivered another blow to his hopes.

“Then it seems we’re at an impasse,” Wen Huaimu said, rolling his eyes dismissively.

“The Z51 molding space is a top-tier product. Once it locks onto an owner, a complimentary service is granted. You can use this one-time offer to mold an elf,” Coldy revealed, presenting an unexpected boon.

“A complimentary service? That’s fantastic!”

Without a second thought, Wen Huaimu gestured grandly, “Go ahead and create the elf!”

“Target locked: Elf! Initiating molding process,” Coldy announced in its mechanical tone. The compact molding machine clicked and whirred incessantly, while the Crystal Cabinet began to shimmer with a blue hue. A swirling mass of energy slowly coalesced within the cabinet, its power so immense that even Wen Huaimu, standing outside, could sense it. He shivered involuntarily, in awe of the force contained within the Crystal Cabinet.

Suddenly, the blue glow within the Crystal Cabinet intensified, and the swirling energy converged to a single point. In a flash, an energy form materialized inside the cabinet, bearing the exact likeness of the Elf that had appeared before.

“Molding complete. Please inspect,” Coldy stated.

“That’s it?” Wen Huaimu was somewhat incredulous, having expected a more dramatic process.

Wen Huaimu, still puzzled, questioned Coldy, “Is she just going to keep sleeping like that? Don’t tell me you’ve molded a plant elf.”

“When molding the elf, I need you to provide a genetic imprint. Only then will she respond to your commands after awakening,” Coldy explained.

“How do I provide this genetic imprint? Just give me the details,” Wen Huaimu said, his mood lifting, his tone once again gentle.

“I require a sample of your blood.”

Realization dawned on Wen Huaimu, and he asked with hopeful anticipation, “Does this mean she’ll only listen to me from now on? That she’ll do whatever I ask?”

“Based on the prototype experiments, she will be entirely under your control,” Coldy confirmed.

“Great, I’ll give you my blood right now,” Wen Huaimu exclaimed, elated.

“Please extend your hand,” instructed Coldy.

Wen Huaimu did as told.

From above the Crystal Cabinet, a slender glass tube swiftly elongated, its sharp tip piercing Wen Huaimu’s fingertip. A bead of dark red blood traveled down the tube, dropping onto the elf’s forehead where it vanished in an instant.

With Wen Huaimu watching in anticipation, the elf’s eyelids within the Crystal Cabinet fluttered and then slowly opened.

“She’s awake! This elf belongs to me,” Wen Huaimu exclaimed, overwhelmed with excitement and at a loss for words.

Initially bewildered, the elf’s gaze shifted around until she locked eyes with an ecstatic Wen Huaimu standing outside the Crystal Cabinet. Her focus sharpened as she addressed him, “Master!”

Her voice sent shivers through Wen Huaimu’s entire body.

“Please stand up,” Wen Huaimu said nervously.

“Yes, Master,” the elf responded, now fully alert and articulate. She lifted her torso, and a pair of delicate, gossamer wings unfurled behind her. With a gentle flutter, she took flight, hovering before Wen Huaimu.

Wen Huaimu was taken aback.

She soared through the air, surpassing the grace and simplicity of the elves described in books. Her pale blue eyes were like tranquil pools, captivating and serene. Her figure was devilishly perfect.

“Did I make a mistake? Should I not have created an elf?” In the midst of his excitement, Wen Huaimu sighed deeply. She was breathtakingly beautiful. He doubted he’d ever be interested in another woman again.

“Hello, Master,” the elf girl greeted Wen Huaimu with a soft expression. As she spoke, a natural, fragrant scent wafted through the air.

Almost instinctively, Wen Huaimu inhaled deeply, then quickly realized his error. Glancing at the elf, he noticed she was looking at him with curiosity, devoid of any other emotion.

Relieved, Wen Huaimu smiled and inquired, “What’s your name?”

“Master, I don’t have a name,” the elf replied, her voice tinged with confusion and a hint of sadness.

“What’s the matter?” Wen Huaimu asked gently, directing his question to Coldy.

Coldy responded in a mechanical tone, “Elementary character creation involves only basic behavioral guidelines and skills. Language is derived from the master’s genes, and names are bestowed by the master. Future upgrades require energy provided by the master.”

Wen Huaimu was at a loss for words. He was a true master, content that everything was unfolding as he desired.

“From now on, you’ll be known as Diaochan!” Wen Huaimu declared confidently to the elf.

“Yes, Master,” Diaochan replied with a slight smile, her eyes crinkling with boundless allure.

Wen Huaimu’s excitement surged anew, and he silently cautioned himself, “I am the master, and there will be many opportunities ahead.”

“Master, individuals are approaching the molding space from outside. They have reached the five-meter alert perimeter. Would you like to exit the molding space?” Coldy’s mechanical voice interrupted.

Startled, Wen Huaimu then remembered he was still in his room. The only people near him would be his parents. Curious about their business, he quickly responded, “I’ll come out right away.”

Having finished, Wen Huaimu turned to Diaochan and instructed, “Stay here and await my command!”

By now, Wen Huaimu had nearly adapted to playing the part of the master.

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