Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 15

C15 – The Ultimate Beauty

“What’s the matter, Diaochan?” Wen Huaimu quickly inquired.

The elfin stared blankly at the door, voicing her alarm, “Brother, someone just detected my presence.”

“What? How did that happen?” Wen Huaimu exclaimed in surprise. Could there be others on Earth besides himself and the elfin who were aware of magic and had mastered telepathy?

“I’m not sure, but I have this really odd sensation. That person’s psychic force shouldn’t be able to leave their body, yet their gaze was so intimidating. He sensed my psychic force the moment it got close to him,” the elfin confessed, visibly frightened.

Wen Huaimu’s expression grew somber. This place was clearly far from ordinary. There was a formidable guardian here, yet he had no idea who it might be. He wondered whether he could continue to depend on his magical abilities to survive in this environment.

Meanwhile, two waiters approached and escorted the two individuals seated next to Wen Huaimu away. Judging by their expressions, it appeared a wealthy woman had taken an interest in them.

Now alone, Wen Huaimu felt a twinge of nervousness.

Out of the blue, the elfin transmitted a message that invigorated Wen Huaimu. Skinny and Chickenhead were on their way.

Was the main event about to unfold?

Indeed, as soon as Chickenhead arrived, he swung open the door to Wen Huaimu’s room. With an excited grin, he announced, “Young man, it’s your lucky day.”

Internally, Wen Huaimu scoffed, yet his face beamed with delight. “Are we heading out now?” he asked.

With a subtle nod, Wen Huaimu discreetly slipped the small bottle into his pocket.

Exiting the room, Chickenhead led Wen Huaimu in the elevator up to the sixth floor.

The floor was eerily silent. The waiters they encountered in the hallway were surprisingly dignified, which caught Wen Huaimu off guard.

After navigating several corridors, they stood before an opulent door.

Chickenhead rapped on the door twice. A deep voice from within commanded, “Enter.”

Upon entering, Chickenhead bowed deeply, offering a fawning smile to a middle-aged man positioned behind the door.

The middle-aged man’s attention bypassed Chickenhead, focusing instead on Wen Huaimu, his face revealing a look of approval.

Wen Huaimu stepped into the room, his attention immediately diverted from the opulent surroundings to a woman seated on the hall’s sofa.

She was a vision of stunning beauty!

Other than the two sunglass-clad bodyguards, a middle-aged man had been stealing glances at this breathtaking woman. His eyes held a mix of greed and a touch of fear.

As Wen Huaimu entered, Chickenhead greeted him with a practiced smile, “Miss Zhuang, what’s your take on this young fellow?”

The exquisite beauty lazily shifted her gaze toward Wen Huaimu.

Truth be told, Wen Huaimu was quite handsome, his robust build not quite matching his youthful age. He wasn’t one of those pale, delicate young men; instead, he exuded a rugged masculine allure. His look might not turn the heads of many young girls, but it certainly appealed to mature women.

After sizing him up, the peerless beauty appeared pleased, nodding with a smile, “Very good.”

“If he’s to your liking, we’ll leave you two undisturbed. Should you need anything, just press the red button on the table, and we’ll be here to assist you promptly,” the middle-aged man said quickly, seizing the chance to ogle Miss Zhuang’s figure.

“Then please, leave us,” Miss Zhuang stated with a hint of interest in Wen Huaimu, her tone nonchalant.

The bodyguard with sunglasses exited without hesitation, followed by the middle-aged man and Chickenhead, both wearing smiles.

As the middle-aged man turned to leave, he shot Wen Huaimu a look filled with envy and a sinister edge.

Wen Huaimu made a mental note of the man’s face, silently adding him to his mental blacklist.

With the room cleared and the door shut, Wen Huaimu felt a twinge of awkwardness.

His initial plan had been simple: if Chickenhead had set him up with an elderly lady, he’d feed her a web of lies, ply her with drink, then use a slight nudge of psychic magic to send her into a slumber, sparing himself any concerns about his virginity.

But life is full of surprises. Instead of an old woman, Chickenhead had paired him with a supremely beautiful woman who was far from elderly.

Confronted with such a daunting challenge, Wen Huaimu found himself at a crossroads, torn between compliance and resistance.

“Come over here,” Miss Zhuang beckoned, propping herself up languidly, her eyes teasing as they fixed on Wen Huaimu.

Wen Huaimu hesitated, instinctively shaking his head before realizing it was the wrong response. Embarrassed, he hung his head, his cheeks flushed.

“You’re quite adorable, aren’t you?” Miss Zhuang remarked, taken aback for a moment before letting out a light, muffled laugh.

Wen Huaimu steeled himself. Today, he was determined to get the upper hand. What was there to fear? First, he needed to probe the true identity of this woman.

With decisive steps, Wen Huaimu walked over and took a seat beside Miss Zhuang.

Caught off guard by Wen Huaimu’s bold move, Miss Zhuang then noticed that despite his seemingly relaxed demeanor, his face was now the color of a ripe tomato.

“You’re too amusing,” Miss Zhuang chuckled, drawing Wen Huaimu’s gaze back to her.

“I need to cool off; this isn’t a big deal,” Wen Huaimu silently reassured himself, though his heart raced uncontrollably, his face growing warmer. He quickly averted his gaze, mentally chiding himself, “This is embarrassing. I’m such a novice.”

“I had pegged you as a romantic, someone with a wealth of experience in love. Looks like I’ll have to show you the ropes,” she teased.

A warm whisper caressed Wen Huaimu’s ear, the voice so alluring it nearly made him leap to his feet. He turned to face Miss Zhuang, who was tantalizingly close, especially her slightly parted lips, glowing with an enticing light.

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