Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 - He Fell for It

Ye Hao once believed that with five million yuan in his pocket, he could live a blissful life forever.

However, witnessing a particular scene made him realize that to the upper echelons of society, five million was a mere trifle.

For them, that sum could easily purchase a luxury car or an expensive watch.

Indeed, one's status shapes their worldview.

Ultimately, a prominent business tycoon snapped up the Painting of Eight Horses for a staggering 93 million.

“The next item up for auction is a piece of jade,” Zhou Haimei announced, as an image of the jade materialized on the screen behind her. “We're unsure of the exact composition of this jade, but those who have touched it report feeling invigorated.”

Ye Hao, fixated on the jade in the young woman's hands, had a gleam in his eye.

“This isn't just jade; it's a spirit stone,” he thought, barely containing his excitement.

Zhou Haimei surveyed the room and declared, “The opening bid for this jade is 100,000, with increments of no less than 10,000.”



Truth be told, many of the affluent bidders weren't concerned with the jade's value. They were indifferent to whether it was genuine or not.

Their true aim was to capture Zhou Haimei's attention.

“200,000,” Ye Hao called out from a corner of the room.

All eyes turned to him.

What was happening?

Who was this man?

The usual bidders were business magnates and the cream of prominent families.

“Am I not allowed to bid?” Ye Hao inquired, pointing to himself.

Zhou Haimei paused briefly before responding with a slight smile, “You are certainly welcome to bid. The current offer from this gentleman is two hundred thousand. Would anyone like to bid higher?”

“One million.”

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

Regardless of wealth, spending one million on a piece of jade seemed excessive.

“It's Wang Rui.”

“Has Wang Rui of the Wang family lost his mind?”

“It seems like Wang Rui is deliberately provoking that bodyguard.”

“The bodyguard works for Lin Rou'er. Isn't Wang Rui worried about her holding a grudge?”

Lin Rou'er, upon seeing Wang Rui's bid, understood his intention to seek retribution against Wei Tuo.

The Wei family was aligned with the Wang family.

Ye Hao glanced at Wang Rui and stated coolly, “Two million.”

“You have two million as a bodyguard?” Wang Rui scoffed. “You seem unaware of the consequences of malicious bidding.”

“I will cover all of Ye Hao's expenses,” Lin Rou'er declared calmly.

“No, Young Master Zhou will take care of all my expenses today,” Ye Hao announced, surprising everyone.

Zhou Wenyu's heart raced as he felt the room's attention shift to him.

“Ye Hao must know something,” Zhou Wenyu mused, pausing briefly before his face broke into a smile. “Brother Ye speaks the truth.”

?The crowd was in shock.

Wasn't there animosity between the Zhou and Lin families?

“Do you have any further questions?” Ye Hao asked, turning to Wang Rui.

Wang Rui was silent.

With the Wang family already opposing the Lin family, Wang Rui had no issue standing against them. But he was curious about Ye Hao's connection to Zhou Wenyu.

The same question weighed on everyone's mind.

At this point, nobody dared to outbid Ye Hao for the jade.

“The third lot is a strand of Dawn Pearls.”

The Dawn Pearls were inherently valuable, and a whole strand even more so.

As two girls displayed the Dawn Pearls, it became apparent that each pearl was identically sized.

“This is an extraordinary treasure.”

“This strand of Dawn Pearls must be worth at least ten million.”

“It's likely the only strand of its kind in the world.”

Realizing the immense value, the business tycoons began their bidding war.

“Twenty-two million.”

“Twenty-four million.”

“Thirty million,” Ye Hao interjected sharply.

Zhou Wenyu's complexion turned ashen.

Being part of the Zhou family didn't mean he could easily produce thirty million.

Having publicly committed to covering Ye Hao's expenses, Zhou Wenyu found himself unable to back out.

“Thirty-one million.”

“Thirty-two million.” Ye Hao's bid was swiftly surpassed.

“Forty million,” Ye Hao stated, his expression unaltered.

The onlookers, witnessing this, had no choice but to concede.

Ye Hao hadn't overstepped. After securing the Dawn Pearl, he refrained from bidding on any other items, which slightly eased Zhou Wenyu's tension.

Once the auction concluded, two young women presented Ye Hao with the items. Grasping the jade, he immediately sensed a surge of spiritual energy. Choosing not to absorb it further, he carefully pocketed the jade.

“What's so special about this jade?” inquired Wang Hua, his curiosity piqued.

“I have no intention of sharing that,” Ye Hao replied.

A shadow crossed Wang Hua's face. Ye Hao's arrogance was palpable.

?”I'm going to take my leave.” Picking up the box with the Dawn Pearl, Ye Hao made his way to Lin Rou'er.

?Her gaze, full of curiosity, followed Ye Hao, but she knew better than to question him in such a setting.

Once seated in the car, Lin Rou'er's sparkling eyes met Ye Hao's. “Rou'er, feel free to ask me anything,” Ye Hao said, managing a wry smile.

?Lin Rou'er's beauty was disarming; resisting her gaze was futile.

“What's the deal with you and Zhou Wenyu?”

“I'm a student at Riverdale College.”


“I noticed right away that Zhou Wenyu suffers from a kidney deficiency.”

Lin Rou'er was taken aback. She had not anticipated this revelation.

?”Is that what you're using to threaten him?” Xiaolan asked incredulously.

“What else?” Ye Hao responded with a smile. “If I were to let that slip, do you think it would damage Zhou Wenyu's reputation?”

Undoubtedly, it would.

But even if Ye Hao were to make such a claim, would anyone believe him? Xiaolan had her reservations.

?After Lin Rou'er had dropped Ye Hao off at Blossomfall Chateau, Xiaolan expressed her skepticism.

“Miss, do you actually believe what he said?”

“I don't,” Lin Rou'er replied softly.

?Upon Ye Hao's return home, he found it transformed. Tang Pianpian had tidied up, creating a more aesthetically pleasing and seemingly more spacious environment.

“Are you satisfied?” Tang Pianpian asked with a smile.

“I really can't find fault with it.” Ye Hao replied, but his expression suddenly shifted.

Simultaneously, an icy wind swept through the room, sending a shiver down Tang Pianpian's spine.

?”Why is it so cold?”

“Pianpian, go back to your room,” Ye Hao instructed in a deep tone.

“What happened?”

“We've got something unclean here,” Ye Hao decided to tell her.

After all, Tang Pianpian was aware of the Nightmare Incarnate.

Surprise flickered in Tang Pianpian's eyes before she sought refuge by Ye Hao's side. Pressing herself against his arm with her chest, her eyes darted around cautiously.

“Don't worry, it's just a minor nuisance,” Ye Hao reassured her.

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