Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

Chapter 373 Targets

Jake furrowed his eyebrows after hearing that. That asshole sure was talking like it knew everything about him… if that was a joke, then it was a terrible one. Still, his words were real… Jake was indeed the most hated man of his time in his previous life. However, he had no time to think about that… there was no time for anything else aside from fighting.

In the end, no one dared attack the enemy, even though the creature was like twenty meters away from them. The one who changed that was Luke, who charged and attacked with all his might using his sword that was vibrating with mana.

Jake's sword moved toward the enemy's neck, and he didn't even try to block or dodge it. However, all of a sudden, Jake's sword stopped, and then he saw the enemy grabbing his blade with only two fingers. Jake opened his eyes widely for a moment, but then he used a dark mana blade.

The skill exploded on the hands of the enemy and even cracked the ground below his feet, but he didn't look even a bit unfazed… his hand barely had any scratches.

"Of course, it wouldn't work… what I was thinking?" Jake thought.

Jake's original plan was to use everything he had on the very first strike, but the enemy broke his rhythm, making him forget his plan… all of a sudden, Jake felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and then all of a sudden, the enemy's fingers were piercing it… the enemy literally ripped away some of his flesh before punching Jake with the other hand and making him fly to the opposite direction while making a high pitching sound.

While he was flying, Jake collided with numerous people behind him, and they didn't survive the impact. He flew for around twenty kilometers before he finally landed on the ground and began to roll on it while semi-conscious.

Everyone around looked astonished as they saw Jake disappearing in the distance… they didn't even see what had happened, but they could see the blood dripping from the hands of the enemy. With a single motion of his arm, he threw the blood aside, and then he looked at the people around.

"Limitless healing… mana absorption… perfect reflection… critical surprise… ancestral army… all of your traits will be useful to me."

Jake's party felt shivers when they heard that… it wasn't like their skills weren't exactly a total secret, but no one was supposed to know their real names. Despite the shocking surprise, Julian and Karina still stepped forward and readied themselves to fight.

The enemy raised his right arm, but then numerous earth spikes emerged from the ground and pushed him backward. Frederick's intention was to impale the enemy, but his attack didn't even pierce that guy's skin.

From the back line, Milena jumped and then attacked the enemy with a massive rain of arrows. Helena also made dozens of fire spears appear in the sky and fly toward the target, but those stopped even before they could hit him and disappeared like they had been dissolved in the air.

Louise immediately pointed her hands at the enemy. It was clear that he had used some sort of spell to cancel the attacks, but she couldn't feel the mana, and she was unable to drain any as well. Her eyes were wavering due to the surprise…

She wasn't the only one surprised, Frederick couldn't help but stare in astonishment, but he still made several earth swords emerge from the ground and transform into that silver-like metal before adding the power of lightning magic to them and firing.

The enemy blocked the earth swords with the back of his left hand, and he didn't even flinch even when the impact caused powerful shock waves… Although those attacks failed, all of the other humans around began to use their long-range attacks and kept bombarding the enemy. Those who didn't have that power grabbed their shields and took place between the attackers and the enemy.

"We need to go all out," Arilene declared. "He isn't taking us seriously, so this is our golden chance to attack with everything we got."

"... Right, prepare yourselves," Louise hesitantly said.

Louise wanted to say that they had to gather more information about the enemy, but they didn't have time for that, and she didn't want to throw a bucket of cold water on everyone's resolve when they began to attack.

A large curtain of smoke emerged from the ground and began to cover the entire area, but those who had good magic sense could tell that the enemy was unscathed. There was no alteration in his presence whatsoever, and that confirmed that he didn't suffer a single scratch.

"He is dispersing the energy of the attacks before they even reach him…" Louise though. "That must be one of the traits that he obtained, and if he obtains my power… won't that make him invulnerable to magic attacks?"

That was more than a little troublesome. Around two-thirds of the people around attacked using magic, and while she didn't spread that information, Louise also could drain mana from support spells. If the enemy got that… a shiver ran down Louise's back.

All of a sudden, a loud impact was heard, and the ground of the area began to tremble, and then the attacks stopped… that seemed weird since everyone felt that the enemy caused that. If he could stop all the attacks like that, why would he use such a method to stop the spells? Couldn't he keep doing that forever?

Before anyone could find answers to those questions, the enemy charged and then made dozens of humans fly when one of his punches smashed his target, and the shockwave hit the others… before they could even fall, the enemy looked at Louise and Lana. One was going to give them the power to heal from all wounds, and the other was going to give them the power to become invulnerable to magic attacks…

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