Universal Power System

Chapter 279 Cleaning Up (Part 2)

Chapter 279 Cleaning Up (Part 2)

Whilst Mako was using most of the space in the room for his battle against the ape, Nathan and Erin were also having their own battles on either side of the room.

Mako's explosive battle and giant attacks were really distracting for the other two guards as they would lose their focus on their own battle when they observed the absurdity of Mako's attack.

Nathan and Erin both took advantage of this as they operated with steel-cold hearts didn't care about their surroundings at all and just wanted to defeat their opponent in the fight.

However, the guards they were facing off against were not some pushover gang members either as they had respectable strength combined with great and strong abilities.

Erin squared off against the female guard, who was equally determined to protect her boss. The room was filled with tension as everyone clashed with their opponents.

She summoned a frigid breeze by forming tiny particles of ice in the air and using her wind ability to blow all over her side of the battlefield, causing the air to chill and frost to form a misty environment around her that heavily reduced the visibility for the female guard and made Erin aware of every move as she could detect the changes in the air thanks to cy particles that she was still connected to.

This was a brand new skill that Erin had created from scratch during training that combined her Ice and Wind abilities together to form a very scary combinational skill that she could perform herself which she called, "Ice World".

Her eyes gleamed with intense hatred, anger, and determination as she locked onto her opponent.

The female guard, armed with agility and combat skills, lunged forward with remarkable speed. Not only did she possess the speed ability but she also had the lightning ability and a weird new ability that none of them had seen before.

This ability allowed her fists and legs to become covered in a purple aura whenever she physically attacked, dealing massive amounts of damage. It wasn't exactly like the Strength ability but it did operate quite similarly to it.

She attempted to strike Erin with a swift kick covered in her purple aura, but Erin swiftly sidestepped, her mutant gene enhancing all her physical attributes and allowing her to easily detect and dodge the incoming attacks with her feet forming ice underneath them and seemingly gliding away to safety on the icy floor.

Erin quickly retaliated with a fluid motion, as she quickly formed ten icy bullets that aligned themselves to her arm and she began to accurately shoot them through the icy mist thanks to the tiny particles in the air informing her of the female guard's exact position

The guard's perception was strong as she was able to recognize the danger, and narrowly avoided the icy blast by performing an acrobatic backflip. The guard then quickly began to use her speed to run in circles around Erin so that she would be a hard target to hit with her slowing down and speeding up to dodge any more incoming bullets.

Erin fired all of her bullets with none of them connecting to her opponent. Undeterred, Erin continued forward with her next plan of action.

Meanwhile, the guard used this opportunity to close in on Erin and land a couple of powerful strikes that could greatly tip the balance of this fight in her favor. 

Erin sensed the guard approaching her and she instantly conjured a swirling vortex of icy wind around her, condensing it around the guard turning it into a solid, and creating a protective barrier that encased her. The guard was now frozen inside a block of ice for a few moments with her being uncertain of how to approach the chilling defense.

The guard quickly used her purple aura to bust herself out of the ice block and Erin seized the opportunity to strike. She used her wind ability to launch herself up into the air and over the block of ice as she was now up in the air directly behind the guard. 

She extended her arm, fingers pointed at her opponent, and unleashed a barrage of icicle projectiles. The sharp shards of ice shot toward the guard, who barely managed to sense and deflect some of them with her agile movements.

However, some icicles grazed the guard's arms and legs, leaving behind a frosty wound that greatly reduced her agility as she was inflicted with the frozen status effect.

She winced in pain but pressed on, refusing to give up. The fight had intensified, with Erin maintaining her control over the icy battlefield, forcing her opponent to constantly adapt and evade.

Now realizing that she couldn't defeat Erin head-on, the guard decided to employ a different tactic. She executed a series of acrobatic flips and somersaults, creating a whirlwind of her own. Her wind ability allowed her to counter Erin's icy attacks with razor-sharp gusts.

The two combatants engaged in a dance of elements, with the guard's purple fists and kicks clashing against Erin's ice. It was a breathtaking spectacle of power and agility, and the room echoed with the sounds of their abilities colliding.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Nathan faced off against the male guard.

The guard possessed very formidable abilities, one of which was linked with his short sword power weapon as whenever he swung his sword an azure aura followed the sword's every movement and Nathan was aware of this ability as he had encountered it before. 

The ability was called "Weapon Empowerment" and it basically improved the durability, power, sharpness, and any other attribute of any melee weapon that the user wielded.

Alongside that, the male guard also possessed the mist ability which was obtained through the resonance of fire and water, making him a very formidable opponent.

The male guard was also aware of Nathan's unique abilities as he had been observing him fight the three guards from before and so he approached the fight cautiously as he knew he had to find a way to counter Nathan's perception advantage. 

As the fight began, the guard relied on his mist ability to obscure his movements, making it difficult for Nathan to anticipate his actions because of low visibility. He darted in and out of the mist, launching surprise attacks from unexpected angles.

Nathan's advanced perception was his greatest asset in this battle and while he couldn't see the guard directly in the mist, he could still sense the subtle disturbances in the environment and the lighting that was being reflected by the mist that was caused by the guard's movements.

Nathan maintained his heightened awareness. He was still able to somewhat dodge the strikes as they came so the guard wasn't able to land a solid hit on him and after a couple of failed attempts and taking a couple of cuts and scratches from the male guard's blades, Nathan's senses slowly adapted to the new environment and he was once again able to detect the guard's presence even when he couldn't be seen.

The male guard was agile and skilled in close-quarters combat. He attempted to strike Nathan with swift and precise martial arts techniques, capitalizing on his misty concealment.

However, once Nathan was able to master the ability to sense the guard even while surrounded by the mist, Nathan activated his explosive ability and launched a precise explosion after momentarily sensing the guard's location.

The area became a dynamic battleground, with the guard relying on his stealth and agility to outmaneuver Nathan, who quickly began to adapt and use his advanced perceptions to counter the guard's every move.

Explosions illuminated the room, providing fleeting glimpses of the elusive combatants.

The mist acted like a double-edged sword for the male guard because not only was Nathan affected by it but he himself was too as he also couldn't sense whenever Nathan was launching an attack towards him.

Given this predicament, the table soon turned with the guard failing miserably to defend himself against Nathan who began to launch a barrage of different attacks mixed in with the vocational surprise explosion.

As the fight progressed, Nathan realized that the guard was inexperienced with the mist ability as it was in fact a very strong ability leading him to believe that this guard had only just recently resonated with his abilities.

As the fight intensified, the guard struggled to maintain his advantage in the mist. Nathan's combination of advanced perception and explosive power allowed him to adapt to the changing conditions and anticipate the guard's tactics.

In the end, Nathan's unique combination of abilities and ability to adapt quickly enabled him to finally defeat the male guard by launching a massive explosion right next to his feet when the guard had completely given up and lunged forward for a desperate attack.

He used his advanced perceptions to predict the guard's movements and his explosive ability blasted him with extreme force knocking him back into a pile of boxing and turning him unconscious.

At that exact moment, Erin also claimed victory in her battle as the remainder of her battle was pretty straightforward once she had inflicted the frozen status effect on the guard and heavily restricted her movement.

The guard could only use physical attacks as they were her key strength but with reduced agility, she could never catch up to Erin all the while Erin kept on attacking with different ranged abilities while dodging any lightning-based attacks that the guard used occasionally.

Both Erin and Nathan looked at each other and nodded after finishing their respective fights. They looked at the center to see that Mako had once again exerted himself past his limits and was knocked out with the state of his opponent best left undescribed.

They then turned around to face the crater where Victor was smashed into by Bill and saw that Angela was lying down on the ground with Bill nowhere to be seen. Worried that something might have happened, Erin rushed toward Angela with Nathan following closely behind after making sure that Mako was okay.

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