Universal Power System

Chapter 220 Debriefing Again

"Nathan Wesley, abilities are Enhanced Perception and Blood Wolf Transformation," the boy who had solo survived the entire recruitment stated just as Mako and Iris made their way into the room.

This was the first time Mako was hearing about such abilities and he was quite curious about them even though he got the general idea from their names.

Commander Sable was also surprised to see such unique abilities to appear in a cadet, but he kept his thoughts to himself as he proceeded onwards with the remaining introductions.

Mako already knew about the abilities that everyone else had, so he didn't pay much attention to them and instead focused on using Analyze on Nathan to find out more about his abilities.


[Profile: Nathan Wesley]

[Ability: Enhanced Perception (Level 3), Blood Wolf Transformation (Level 5)] ⓘ

[Ability: Enhanced Perception (Level 3)] ⓘ

[An enhancement ability that boosts the user's perception to unnatural levels, allowing them to detect even the most minute of changes in their surroundings and sense incoming danger from a mile away.]

[Ability: Blood Wolf Transformation (Level 5)] ⓘ

[A transformation ability that allows the user to take on the form of the Blood Wolf, giving the user immense boosts in strength and agility, but a reduction in fortitude and intelligence. At the user's current level, the user can fully and partially transform into the Mutant Rhino, giving a different amount of boosts depending on the amount of the body transformed

At the current stage, the user can utilize basic skills that belong to the Blood Wolf Including Howl, Blood Claw, and Blood Hardening]

This was something new as this was the first time Mako had come across a transformation ability user that actually possessed skills of the beast they could transform into.

This was the power of the Transformation ability and why it was so sought after, if cultivated high enough the person using this ability could not only get the bonus in attributes by transforming but would indirectly get access to all the abilities the original beast possessed while fully transformed.

When Mako last saw Rhino, he had achieved Level 4 Mutant Rhino Transformation which was the point where he had completely mastered the transformation but had not yet awakened any skills of the Mutant Rhino that he could utilize; however, Nathan had managed to awaken 3 basic skills from Blood Wolf.


[Howl] ⓘ

[A unique skill that only Blood Wolfs can possess. This skill allows the user to howl loudly and the howl grants buffs and debuffs to the user's allies and enemies respectively. Howl grants the user's allies a +2% increase in all stats while inflicting the "Scared" status effect on the enemy, making them only able to utilize 90% of their complete potential.

Howl grants a +5% increase in all stats if the user is facing enemies alone with no allies by their sides.]

[Blood Claw] ⓘ

[A basic skill from the Blood Manipulation skill tree that allows the user to manipulate the blood inside their hands and convert it into pure chaotic blood energy. By swiping their hand in the air in the shape of a claw, the user can release 4 blades of blood energy in the shape of a claw attack.]

[Blood Hardening] ⓘ

[A basic skill from the Blood Manipulation skill tree that allows the user to manipulate the blood inside their bodies to congeal and solidify within their muscle fibers, thus greatly increasing the strength and density of their muscles providing great offensive and defensive capabilities.

However, Blood hardening cannot be maintained for a long time as circulation of blood has to be restored which would be blocked by the congealed blood so that the body doesn't die due to lack of blood circulation.]

They were all great skills that could really come in handy and Nathan's overall build was quite impressive which naturally led Mako to want to get to know him more and find out how he was able to get such amazing abilities.I think you should take a look at


"Leon Czolgosz, abilities are Speed, Hardening, Earth, and Fire" Leon stated as he was the last person to introduce himself.

Commander Sable's eyebrows had risen slightly a couple of times as he was listening to their introduction as he was surprised to see such abilities possessed by cadets. Each cadet had either rare abilities or resonated abilities or had even awakened their mutant gene which was quite impressive and rare for a cadet.

Similarly, the commander had yet again a slightly impressed expression on his face after hearing that Leon had 4 abilities in his possession which was also a rare thing for cadets as they had not yet reached their full potential and achieved their maximum mentality to learn as many abilities as possible, with most of them only ever learning two abilities.

Impressed by everyone's current state, Commander Sable knew that this batch was definitely special and he would have to try his best to make sure all these kids become great soldiers for the uncertain times that were fast approaching.

Thinking about that was enough to put Commander Sable back in his serious mode as he looked back and addressed the 8 cadets who were now standing in front of him.

The commander gestured them all to sit and he himself began speaking by standing up and staying close to the middle of the room.

"You all may be aware of humanities advancements on other worlds, how we have made a name for ourselves in the galaxy as a dominant and advanced race, and how we have contracts with many worlds for mutual collaboration among other things." The commander began explaining to which all the cadets nodded "yes".

"Well even though all of what I have said is true, things aren't sunshine and rainbows out there but rather things are very very messy." The commander continued.

"You see, we are currently in the middle of a war and I am afraid to say that humanity is losing to an insane margin," the commander finished and this left everyone in shock and disbelief as they had no idea about something like this even happening.

The cadets didn't interrupt the commander as there were still things he wanted to say and so they quietly expressed their reactions through their shocked expressions.

"I know this may seem hard to believe but it is the truth, a race that calls itself the supreme race has been dominating worlds all over the Milky Way, and within a single century, they have been able to dominate and occupy a quarter of the entire galaxy." The commander started explaining again.

"The Ten Legendary Warriors have already been sent to the frontlines and they have been able to slow down their progression and achieve a temporary balance, but it would soon be overpowered as well, and all of Milky Way would be at the mercy of this race." The commander added.

"Furthermore, there are worlds who actually betrayed the treaties and broke the contracts to align themselves with this race and have started attacking areas that are still under our control to further weaken our allied forces when they are already overextended, making this a very critical time for all the races of the Milky Way to join together and face this threat or get eradicated in the process and this is where you come in" The commander stated staring into every single one of their eyes with the light of hope.

"All humanity's strong forces have been deployed for this battle but we still need more people like you, strong people with amazing skills and capabilities to help us turn the tables on them." The commander said finishing his little explanation.

Everyone sat in silence after that as there was a lot of information to digest as all of their perspectives of the world and beyond had been completely flipped and it looks like they weren't living in the peaceful times they thought they were.

After giving the cadets them to soak up all the information, Commander Sable asked them the main question.

"Your generation is our last hope to help beat this crisis. I have tested all of you and you have proved yourself worthy of being on this special task force, do you accept this responsibility?"

"Whatever your decision might be, know that you will still be entered into the special class of military school, but won't receive the benefits of being part of this task force."

The atmosphere in the room completely changed after Commander Sable asked the 8 cadets, the most important question whose answer would greatly determine their future going forward.

It was a very important decision because if they were to say yes to this, not only would they have to face this great crisis but would most likely die fighting it, all to protect the lives of the innocent.

Before anyone could reply, Natasha was the first person to stand up with confidence and face Commander Sable. She stood in front of him with confidence and proceed to give him her answer.

"Absolutely Not!" She said out loud in front of everyone.

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