Universal Power System

Chapter 215 Arrival At The Military Base

Mako quickly got dressed and ready on time and was escorted out of his room and to the teleporter room by two patrolling officers.

Mako was so amazed by the technology as teleporters weren't readily available and only super big corporations and the military had access to them, mainly because of their price and energy cost.

Mako had learned somewhere while researching different technologies on the internet at the library that teleporters operated on wormhole crystals, which require a huge amount of energy to activate and create a temporary stable wormhole crystal between two predetermined points to allow the matter to transfer from one location to the next.

Mako and the two patrolling officers stood on the platform and the teleporter started to activate. It consisted of several mechanical rings encompassing the main platform and rotating in different directions.

The main platform began to glow up and in the next second, Mako and the two patrolling officers disintegrated into glitchy particles.

The glitchy particles flowed like water and moved upwards as they disappeared into the sky.

At an unknown location far away, at that exact moment, glitchy particles started to appear from thin air and land on a similar platform where they were reconstructed back into Mako and the two patrolling officers.

There were several military personnel waiting for them in the teleportation room and greeted Mako as if he was a VIP guest.

"Welcome to Military command base Alpha 02!" One of the military personnel said as he greeted Mako by extending his arm forward.

This military person had dirty blond hair that was well trimmed and he wore round glasses that were a bit odd.

Glasses weren't really common anymore as the causes for eyesight depletion were resolved centuries ago, and new and new treatments allowed people to have perfect eyesight, rendering glasses useless, but some people still wore them as a fashion statement and just to look cool.

Mako grabbed his hand but did not do a formal handshake, but rather gripped it tightly to rather regain his balance. Mako was feeling extremely nauseous and everything was spinning in front of him. It felt like the most extreme episode of vertigo, and Mako could barely hold himself from throwing up.

Mako used all of his strength to hold onto the military person's hand which became slightly painful for him even though he was a rank above cadet and had been in training for one year and yet he was still feeling some pain while experiencing Mako's full strength.

'The commander didn't lie, this kid is somethin' else,' The military person said in his thoughts as he raised his own concealed power to combat Mako's strength.

"This happens to everyone when they teleport for the first time, you'll walk it off," One of the patrolling officers said as he helped Mako down the steps and walk out of the teleporter room.

The military person who had finally been freed from Mako's grip held his hand as it stung a bit, but internally he was excited," Mako Grey... You are certainly interesting..." he said to himself.

The military base was quite massive with tens of tall multi-story buildings and hundreds of different ranked military personnel moving about, going from place to place, performing tasks, and other daily duties.

"Cadet Grey, we were instructed to escort you to the landing bay where the participants who have passed the test will arrive in about an hour; however, before that, the main commander of this wishes to speak with you," The other patrolling officer said.

"Umm... okay," Mako said while still holding his head.

The effects of the teleportation had definitely died down with the fresh air he was breathing but they were still lingering.

The three of them started walking towards the main building right at the heart of the military base.

"May I ask you guys a question?" Mako asked the patrolling officers.

"Yes, Cadet Grey, what is it?" The first patrolling officer replied.

"Well... I was wondering where my friend Iris was. She was also admitted into the clinic and was supposed to be here, but I haven't run into her anywhere today. Also, why does the main commander wish to see me?" Mako asked innocently.

"Oh, you're friend left before you and is already at the main building. they are actually waiting for you to show up, so we must hurry." The patrolling officer replied.I think you should take a look at

Mako was a bit confused as to what the highest-ranking officer in this entire base had to do with him and Iris, just as they had arrived. The patrolling officer didn't really open up much about the reasoning and just picked up the pace, prompting Mako to walk faster as well.

Mako just decided to just go with the flow and find out directly what it was that the main commander wanted with him.

Mako and the patrolling officers entered the main building of Military Command Base Alpha 02. The interior was sleek and modern, with high-tech equipment and screens displaying various data. The bustling activity indicated the importance of the operations taking place within.

As they walked through the corridors, Mako couldn't help but notice people giving him curious stares and whispering to other colleagues. It was evident that his arrival had generated some interest among the base's occupants.

Finally, they reached a large door guarded by two stern-looking soldiers. One of the patrolling officers exchanged a few words with them, and the guards stepped aside, allowing Mako to enter. The room beyond was a spacious office with a massive desk and a panoramic window overlooking the base.

Besides the office, there were a set of stairs that led to a massive command room full of servers and workers, and a giant round table where high-ranking officers were sitting and discussing.

Seated behind the desk was a distinguished figure, the main commander of Military Command Base Alpha 02. He exuded authority and confidence, and his sharp eyes scanned Mako as he entered. The commander motioned for Mako to approach and take a seat.

The main commander had an average height and was well-built. His close-cropped salt and pepper hair and well-groomed beard gave him a distinguished appearance, accentuating his strong facial features.

His eyes, a piercing shade of grey, held a mix of intensity and wisdom. Behind those eyes lay years of experience and a mind honed by strategic thinking.

In front of the main commander were two seats facing him, and one was already occupied by none other than Iris Jade Cooper.

"Welcome, Cadet Grey," The commander greeted, his voice firm but composed. "I'm Commander Anderson, and I oversee this base. Please, have a seat."

Mako took a seat, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He couldn't help but wonder why the commander had requested a meeting with him and Iris. As he settled into the chair, he turned towards Iris who had the exact same curious look as him. He looked down and noticed a holographic screen on the desk displaying various reports and mission briefings.

"Firstly, let me commend you on all of your impressive performance during the selection process," Commander Anderson began. "Your exceptional abilities and potential have caught our attention. That's why we've brought you here."

Mako's and Iris' curiosity deepened, and he leaned forward, eager to hear more. "Thank you, sir, but may I ask why you're interested in us specifically? I don't think we did anything too extraordinary during the test, and we ended up failing it too" Mako said keeping up his innocence.

Commander Anderson leaned back in his chair, a surprised yet playful expression. "You and Iris have shown such unique qualities and achieved such great feats that you have been placed in the top 1% of cadets that have ever participated in the normal recruitment test."

Both of their eyes widened as they didn't expect this.

Were they really so good?

"I am not sure I follow you, sir, we were both eliminated... we wasted several days doing nothing, how are we in the top 1%," Iris asked with shock and curiosity.

Commander Anderson leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Are you guys serious? Do you have any idea how many people successfully pass the normal recruitment test?"

Mako felt a surge of embarrassment and stupidity. Was the information given to him by the internet wrong? While researching for the test, it said that many cadets were able to clear it with last year the acceptance rate being 4% as only 80 were accepted from 2000.

"It seems you have been fed lies by those media companies." Commander Anderson stated as he leaned back on his chair after affirming that both had no idea what was going on.

"Listen you two, We don't have much time as the other cadets are due to be arriving soon, so I'll cut this short. Hardly anyone has ever been able to survive on that island. Every single one of them gets eliminated and we don't even take eliminations into account as we calculate the score. This year three groups of cadets including yours were the first people in 30 years to make it past the third wave of the horde night." The Commander said.

Mako and Iris had their mouths left completely wide open. Such a huge bombshell of information was taking them very long to process and understand as it was truly unbelievable.

Commander Anderson's expression softened slightly. "I know you guys must be shocked, but that is the truth. You guys have truly blown us away with your performance and now we shall discuss your rewards."

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