Universal Power System

Chapter 210 Penalties & Rewards

Mako decided to ignore the new notifications and scroll back from the time that he was fighting the Beetle King when the system forcefully deactivated his Rage Mode.

[Notifications] ⓘ

[(200+) Unread messages]

[Forcefully Deactivating Rage Mode]

[The remaining Rage mode bar has been completely depleted and converted into energy in order to support the Energy Beam skill for additional 7 seconds.]

[User was unsuccessful in eliminating the singular target while Rage Mode was active.]

[Calculating penalty]

[The User is Exhausted]

[Penalty Calculated]

[Penalty: -50,000 EXP]


[Due to the use of Rage energy to fuel the insufficient mana cost of maintaining the Energy Stream Skill, User's mana highways have been completely destroyed.]

[Without any working many highways, the user can not regenerate, move, or manipulate mana.]

[Risk of abilities going rouge and destroying the user's body from the inside out]


[The system will be shutting down the user's body and placing it under DEEP SLUMBER until the sufficient mana highways are reconstructed]

[User's body shutting down in 3... 2... 1...]

[Complete Body Shutdown]

[User has entered DEEP SLUMBER] ⓘ

[Time until recovery: 24 Days]


The notifications continued to move forward but ordered them to pause here as there was just so much to unpack in just these few notifications alone.

Whilst Rage Mode was active, Mako really didn't pay attention to the prompts that were appearing in front of him as his only goal at that point was to eliminate the Beetle King which he failed to do.

Because of this not only did he lose fifty thousand experience points, but in his rage, he substituted his exhausted energy reserve with his Rage energy which ended up destroying all the channels in his body that allowed mana to flow through and reach different parts of the body.

Mako was in shock after he understood the severity of his prior condition, and once again thanked the system for stepping in and saving him from literal death.

If a regular person had access to Rage Mode and they destroyed all of their mana highways, it was almost a certainty that they would die as the freed abilities stored inside them would finally be allowed to roam free and ravage the person's body.

It is extremely rare for a person to be very in tune with their abilities that their abilities wouldn't go out of control even if their mana supply is cut off, but Mako wasn't that person, so he didn't understand how the system was able to prevent such from happening to him.

The answer was the DEEP SLUMBER things that the system put him in immediately after Rage Mode was disabled. Mako had no clue as to what it was and so he decided to use click on the information symbol next to for more info.


[Deep Slumber is a coma-like state that the system can forcefully put the user in if the user's body has sustained significant damage that might endanger their life and cannot be healed quickly enough.

Once Deep Slumber has been activated, all of the user's bodily functions drop to 5% working capacity, including the brain and heart so that they use the absolute minimum amount of energy from the limited reserves within the user's body in order to remain alive.

The remaining resources of the body are allocated to repairing the body as much as possible and once the body has achieved a stable enough condition, the system would bring the user out of the Deep Slumber.

External help can help speed up the recovery process and shorten the time for Deep Slumber to end, but it will ultimately be the system's decision, whether the user has recovered enough to awaken again.]

Mako was amazed to learn that the system had such a backup method to save him in case he was ever in real danger of dying.


Even while Mako was reading the older notifications, it seemed like he was getting more. He decided to ignore these for now as well as he wanted to relive and read all the notifications in the order they were released.

Mako was really intrigued by the DEEP SLUMBER mechanic integrated into the system and wondered what other mechanics had his great-grandfather and his team added to help in his ever-difficult journey.

Mako realized that DEEP SLUMBER was a very double edge sword since he had no control over when the system would deem it necessary for him to enter it.

If just like when he was fighting the Beetle King, the enemy he is fighting doesn't die, he would be at their mercy as he would no longer be able to fight back.

Fortunately for him, Commander Malik told him how Erin arrived on the scene just as he collapsed and finished off the Beetle King before it could reach and kill him.

Mako was very thankful to Erin; however, this didn't excuse the fact that it was still very dangerous for the next time when he would be in a similar situation where if he doesn't have any allies nearby, it would be game over for him.

Knowing this Mako made a mental note that going forward, he would only activate PERSEVERANCE, if it was absolutely necessary so that he wouldn't be in a similar situation again.

After this Mako resumed the flow of notifications.

[Slumber Timer: 23:23:59:49]

*I think you should take a look at



[Slumber Timer: 23:23:40:03]

[User has begun receiving external healing]




[External Healing Complete]

[Calculating Slumber Timer]

[Slumber Timer: 3:00:00:00]

Mako recognized this as Commander Malik's doing as he was the one who used his advanced healing abilities to heal him and help his body a lot during the recovery time. Of course, there were some things that even Commander Malik couldn't heal and this was to be done by his body only which required only 3 days rather than 24 to complete.




[Slumber Timer: 00:00:05]




[User is no longer exhausted]

[User can now escape from Slumber]

These were the notifications that Mako had received as he woke up from his slumber, so the following notifications were all those he had silenced, and Mako was very excited to learn what these notifications were about.


[A Difficult Advanced-Tier Beast Has Been Defeated]

[+50,000 EXP]

"Wait, what?!" Mako couldn't help but say it out loud as the very next notifications were completely mind-boggling.

'The system mentioned before that I wasn't able to kill that Beetle King while Rage Mode was still active which was why I received such a great penalty, but now it is saying that I killed it?' Mako said to himself.

Before things got any more confusing, the system stepped up as a prompt message appeared in front of Mako explaining the details of what happened.

[Since the user was unable to kill the target while Rage Mode was active, the penalty is indeed valid; however, soon after going to DEEP SLUMBER, Erin Robinson landed the finishing blow killing the advanced tier beast. Since the user had dealt 90% of the damage to the beast and had the greatest contribution, the system had deemed it that the user shall receive the rewards for the kill of the Terra Beetle King]

Mako was at a loss for words. He always treated the system like a machine, but right now it had proved to Mako that it had a great amount of intelligence and could make decisions based on the situation Mako was currently in.

The concept of getting rewards for kills was virtually in every single MMORPG game that Gary forced Mako to play whenever he used to visit him.

Even though he didn't have much of an interest in such old-school games, he still had to play them decently, and one part that he hated the most was that no matter the contribution, the player who gave the final blow would end up getting the kill and the rewards even if he didn't contribute much.

This prospect really annoyed Mako, and after he got the system and saw how similar it was to those games, he subconsciously started treating it in the same manner as those games.

However, the system had blown past his expectations as it used common sense and saw that Mako was the one that dealt the most damage to the Beetle King, and hence should receive the reward for the kill.

Mako was very happy with this and he didn't even mind that the reward canceled out the penalty, leaving him with nothing as he just moved on.

[An Amazing Achievement!]

[The user has slain an extremely dangerous beast]

[Rewards: +200,000 EXP]

[Quest Completed!]

[Obtain 3 amazing achievements]

[Rewards: New Title]

Mako was very happy that his dangerous fight was enough to count as an amazing achievement, and he was very satisfied with the rewards, plus now he had another title that might be less dangerous and useful than PERSEVERANCE, but there was only one way to find out.

[Titles] ⓘ (NEW!)

[Available Titles: PERSEVERANCE]


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