Universal Power System

Chapter 199 Final Battle (Part 4)

Mako had just decelerated himself enough to land safely on the ground, but before he could even stand back up on his two feet, the Beetle King was already upon him again, and it swung one of its legs right at Mako's abdomen launching him once again, but this time completely vertically.

[-50 HP]

[User has several cracked ribs and internal bleeding]

[Emergency healing has been activated]

A lot of blood spat out from Mako's mouth as he received the massive strong kick to his abdomen that swung him around and launched him into the air.

The Beetle King opened its very large mouth, aiming to swallow Mako whole, Mako was still very conscious and wouldn't let it end so easily.

Mako released fire from his hands once again to propel him off his original path led straight into the Beetle King's mouth.

He swayed over to the right and landed on his feet. His abdomen area was extremely painful and even the slightest movement was causing him pain; however, he knew he couldn't afford to let the pain hinder him as the slightest miscalculation or mistake could mean his immediate death.

Both the Beetle King and Mako were at a disadvantage in this fight.

The Beetle King was currently in its Lightning mode which was its strongest state but the lightning wasn't really effective against Mako who himself had a level 5 Lightning ability.

Since it had a level 7 Lightning ability, It could still do some damage to Mako with its lightning attacks but its effectiveness would be heavily cut down because of Mako's resistance against the lightning element.

Mako, on the other hand, couldn't even fight with his lightning ability as it was completely useless against the Beetle King with the superior Lightning ability.

However, Mako's second ability was super effective against the Beetle King it was his only hope to have survival chances in this upcoming fight.

The Beetle King could switch from its lightning mode to earth mode which would allow it to have a usable ability against Mako, but it decided not to after it learned that the other Beetle King was in its earth mode when it got killed.

The Beetle King had understood that the humans it was facing had the capability to kill it in its weaker state so it decided that it would go the physical route and simply overpower Mako using his superior stats and not take the risk of becoming weaker just so it could use an ability against him.

Mako gritted his teeth as ignored the pain and stood up to face the Terra Beetle King in a one-on-one fight.

The Beetle King did not give Mako a single second to recover as he quickly began dashing toward him with his sharp and strong mandibles opened wide to shop him up and crush him into a paste.

Mako replied by throwing out multiple blades of fire which was the modified skill from the skill Flame Wheel.

The Flame Wheel skill had been leveled up several times now and even though it was only an E-tier skill, it currently did 95 attack per blade and Mako had just launched about ten of them at the Beetle King.

The Beetle King choose to ignore the blades of firing coming its way considering they were so small in size that it didn't consider it a threat, but that ended up being a terrible decision because the blades of fire were very compact with fire aura and exploded into a large area of flames upon impact.


The Beetle King screamed in agony and pain as the ten fire blades exploded and covered its entire body in super-hot flames upon impact.

The 95 attack stats on the Flame Wheel skill didn't consider the mutation that Mako's Fire ability had received as instead of regular flames, Mako had switched to using his red fire in this fight against the Beetle King.

Mako's Red Fire did 25% more damage and had a much greater chance of burning the opponent making it much more deadlier than regular flames with it costing additional energy to cast which wasn't much of a problem for Mako who had a greater energy pool than all of his friends.

The flames on the Beetle King caused immense pain and even though it was only for a few seconds, it was enough for the Beetle King to absolutely lose control and run forward blindly, missing Mako completely and crashing straight into a big tree that was quickly destroyed from the impact.

The Beetle King was dealt a decent amount of damage but it was ways off being strong enough to actually kill it as moments later, the Beetle King stood back up with nothing but a few burnt marks on its exoskeleton.

It turned toward Mako who had his right hand extended towards it with his fingers shaped like a gun. At the tip of his fingers, a super-condensed ball of red fire sat and grew in size.

Mako didn't only need fire, but he also needed penetrating attacks, as Fire alone wouldn't be able to kill the Beetle King.

Since the Flame Bullet was the only penetrative fire skill that Mako had, he decided to use the time that the Beetle King recovered from getting lit in flames by the Fire Wheels to create as strong a bullet as he could.

By the time the Beetle King got back on his feet, Mako had a bullet prepared that was about 75% as strong as the bullet he used to carve out a cave during the thunderstorm test.

The Beetle King had a decent level of intelligence and it had now learned that the red fire the human in front of him was producing was utterly dangerous and it was vital for it to avoid the red flame at all costs, no matter the size.

Equipped with this knowledge, the Beetle King activated a skill and his whole body became covered with electricity.

Mako didn't know what the Beetle King was planning so he was on his guard for any lightning attacks, but since the Beetle King was still dashing toward him like before, he didn't really understand what was the point of him covering itself in lightning.

Mako chalked it up to maybe some sort of defensive skill, but skills like those would be ineffective against his Flame Bullet as it had such a small surface area that the majority of the lightning wouldn't even be able to block it.

With that, Mako prepared himself and shot the Flame Bullet at the Beetle King. The bullet traveled as fast as always and the Beetle was too big to move out of the way in the time that the Flame Bullet took to reach it with the bullet aimed straight at its center where it would deal the most damage.

The bullet was about to make contact with the Beetle King, but just before it did so the Beetle King completely disappeared.

The Flame Bullet kept going forward and finally made contact with another tree in the vicinity, exploding in a dome of fire that enveloped the nearby trees and completely turned them to ash.


All of this happened in a split second with the Beetle King appearing a bit to the left of where it was originally running with no more electricity covering its body.

The Beetle King continued to dash forward at the same speed with its limbs reaching out to attack Mako once again.

Everything happened so quickly that Mako couldn't even react to what had just happened before the Beetle King was upon him giving him no time to move or escape as another massive limb struck him from the back and launched him face-first straight into a boulder with great speed.


Bone-cracking sounds resounded in the area as Mako was lodged into the boulder with a fountain of blood leaking from his mouth and other areas. A single attack that made contact with Mako was able to cause many external injuries and bones to fracture and crack.

Mako's almost lifeless body remained stuck inside the boulder with him only having the energy to move his head slightly and allow air to enter through the crack and allow him to breathe. It was taking all his energy just to breathe air as multiple notifications kept on ringing in his ears causing a massive headache.

[-140 HP]

[User has broken their Skull, 6 Ribs, 10 Teeth, Left Femur, Right Femur, Pelvic Girdle,...]

[User has multiple sources of internal bleeding]

[Injuries too great for Emergency healing]

[Find external medical assistance quickly]

[User will lose an additional 1HP per minute due to internal bleeding]

[Estimated time till death: 2 minutes]

Mako had been put in critical condition with a single powerful strike from an advanced tier beast despite him having 50 points in Fortitude.

His mind was going numb as his body was imprinted into the boulder. He could barely make sense of anything that was going on, but he was still conscious.

Emergency notifications were continuously buzzing in his ears and his vision was fading.

The nearby patrolling officers had a look of pure pain and empathy as they watched Mako's body get embedded into the boulder.

The Beetle King's attack was sudden that even the patrolling officers couldn't react to it in time and were now afraid that maybe their mistake would cost them a very valuable cadet.

The patrolling officers quickly jumped out from their concealed spot. One went to finish off the Beetle King so that it wouldn't attack Mako anymore while the other ran toward Mako, praying that he was still alive so that he could quickly disqualify him and teleport him to the clinic or else it would be him that the military officials execute for incompetence.

However, before either of patrolling officers could do their respective tasks, Mako had already opened up his inventory and selected "YES" to a specific prompt he hadn't seen in a while.


[Do you wish to instantly use the effects of the (4) High Tier Healing Pills?]

[Cost: 1000 Energy]


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