Universal Power System

Chapter 178 Body Scan Complete


[Body scan 100% complete]

The message finally appeared in front of Mako's eyes as soon as he entered back inside the shelter and closed the door behind him.

Since he had analyzed the Frost Cobras and knew they had the Sound ability, he had to make sure not to create much sound inside, or else the cobras could sense the sound waves coming from the shelter and start making their way to it which wouldn't be a big problem for Mako as he plopped down against the wall to rest and finally check out all the notifications that were giving him a headache.

'Open system interface,' Mako commanded the system, and a usual holographic blue screen appeared in front of his line of sight, one that only he could see.

Mako knew a lot had happened during the fight with the giant Puffclaw and he knew that most of the notifications were about him dealing the finishing blow and killing it, so he decided to skip them for now and first just look at the results of his body scan.

[Scan Complete!]

[Fractures and Injuries: (3) Fractures found] ⓘ

[Tumors and Growths: None] ⓘ

[Organ Health and Functionality: 94%] ⓘ

[Blockages and Obstructions: None] ⓘ

[Infections: None] ⓘ

[Abnormalities: None] ⓘ

[Mana Recovery Rate: 212%] ⓘ

[Mana Channels: 87] ⓘ

[Mana Blockages: None] ⓘ

[Aura Recovery Rate: 100%] ⓘ

[Foreign Auras: (1) Foreign Aura Detected] ⓘ

The scan provided several different findings and revealed all the important information about Mako's body and current health as well as things related to mana that he had no clue about such as "Mana Recovery Rate" and " Mana Channels".

Mako was quite intrigued by this and decided to click on the information tab right next to the reading to find out more about each thing he was curious about.

[Fractures and Injuries: (3) Fractures found] ⓘ

[User has several fractured ribs, a fractured right forearm, and a fractured collarbone]

Mako knew he probably received those injuries when Bill kicked him away from the path of the red laser beam, saving his life, but he really had no idea that so many of his bones were fractured because he didn't feel much pain except in his muscles which were stiff because of being exhausted.

However, he probably guessed that his system's emergency healing must have activated whose notification he might have ignored and right now it was actively healing him which was probably why even though he was still under the effect of the rejuvenating pills, his energy wasn't going up by much.

[Organ Health and Functionality: 94%] ⓘ

[User has excellent organ health except for the user's brain which has been slightly damaged from an abnormal amount of different hormones and emotions, suddenly spiking the brain and causing temporary minor physiological problems that will heal with time.]

Mako already had an idea as to what the system was referring to because back when he was about to finish the Puffclaw, it made an illusion of his grandmother appear in front of him and made her say things to Mako that was so extremely hurtful that it ended up causing some actual damage to his brain.

The system had tried to stop the damage by temporarily shutting down Mako's emotion receptors making him immune to the damage but it was Mako who stopped that from happening which did pay off in the end as he unlocked a new type of ire but the damage was also done.

[Mana Recovery Rate: 212%] ⓘ

[User's rate of recovering mana back from the surroundings is abnormally high due to artificial interferences boosting, the user's mana receptors by expanding them in size to absorb more mana every second.]

Mako had no idea that becoming an ability user would change him biologically, but it sure had as now Mako learned that he had things inside him called Mana receptors which were responsible for recovering his energy points by absorbing mana from the surroundings.

[Mana Channels: 87] ⓘ

[Mana Channels are the number of highways built within the body for Mana to flow through and reach its destination from the center of the body where mana is stored to anywhere it is needed in order to use an ability or cast a skill. The greater the number of mana channels, the faster an ability can be used or skill can be cast.]

This was also very informative information for Mako as he never knew that mana had specific channels that it flowed through in order to reach different parts of his body because he believed it to just flow through his body just like water without any obstructions.

[Mana Blockages: None] ⓘ

[User currently has no mana channels blocked that restrict mana flow to different parts of the body]

Now that Mako knew that mana flowed through specific channels in order to reach different areas, it was only logical for them to get clogged or blocked which would mean that it would actually hinder him by taking longer for him to cast skills or use an ability.

Now with this important information, Mako understood a bit more about how mana worked and how his body had adapted in order for him to use his abilities.

Basically, the description of skills and abilities that stated things such as cooldowns and durations were all relative as they only stated the ideal or the general amount of time that some skill or effect would take to refresh or last as it didn't account for the user or the opponent.

Since everyone has a different amount of mana channels, it would mean that the one with the most would cast skills faster, and if a person has more blockages, it would mean they would cast slower than usual.

This scenario could also be applied to effects such as the duration of the effect of paralysis from Mako's Electrical Discharge skill totally depends on what type of opponent he is fighting as people with the lightning ability or resistance to it might be immune or less affected by the paralysis.

[Aura Recovery Rate: 100%] ⓘ

[User rate of recovering ability aura is normal and unaffected by any artificial interference.]

This also fascinated Mako as he learned that his mana recovery and his aura recovery were not the same things. His mana recovery was basically him restoring his energy while his aura recovery was him restoring the small bubbles inside him with a colorful aura that each represents a different ability.

Even if Mako had the energy, he had to also have the aura of the ability he wanted to use available in order to cast the skill. He couldn't cast skills indefinitely if he had a large amount of energy as his own ability aura had to keep up as well, but on the bright side, the aura recovery has a faster rate of recovery than the mana recovery and starts to recover the moment some is used to cast a skill which means that if used moderately, it won't run out.

[Foreign Auras: (1) Foreign Aura Detected] ⓘ

[A foreign aura has been detected near the user's heart. It appears to be a small amount of Level 8 Love aura and it has attached itself around the user's heart where it lays dormant until it detects huge amounts of stress, anxiety, and sadness from within the user at which time it activates and executes the function it was commanded to do upon activation.]

Mako's suspicion turned out to be true after all as there was indeed something inside him that was triggering her grandmother to appear in front of him when he is at his lowest point.

Mako's grandmother did possess the love ability but to his knowledge, it was only a level 2 Love ability, but the blob of aura attached to his heart was recognized to be a level 8 which was kind of weird as Mako didn't know how could his grandmother be able to do something like this.

He knew this was his grandmother's doing as why else would the aura only react when he was saddened and why would the image of his grandmother appear out of all people, last but not least his grandmother was the only person he ever knew that had the love ability so it had got to be her.

'Did she lie to me about being a level 2 user? I mean, I wouldn't have known if she was or not.' Mako thought of a possibility about the level 8 aura.

'But why would she lie about it to me? Was she hiding things from even me? I don't know when she would even find the time to do other things as she was always busy with her job at the daycare and raising me.' Mako said as he tried to argue with himself defending his own grandmother.

However, Mako quickly realized that whatever way he looked at it, the fact was that his grandmother had attached a piece of her aura inside him and somehow that aura was level 8.

Mako was pretty confused after learning this and wanted to learn more about this aura that the system had detected so he asked the system to find out more about the foreign aura.

[Error! The system cannot find out more details about the foreign aura as the user's understanding of mana is still quite low]

Mako was amazed and a bit shocked after reading the response as this was the first that the system couldn't do something that Mako had asked it to do which made him finally understand that the system was limited in its capabilities and was bound to him.

The system still had restrictions that could only be overcome if Mako himself increased his understanding of everything and grow as a person as well as his user level which had been shown to block certain things from happening.

Mako tried to pry at the Level 8 love aura by asking the system to do different things but it always came back with the same response and so in the end, Mako gave up and decided to first learn more about how mana worked after he got admitted into military school and then give it another go.

After thoroughly going over everything from his body scan, Mako finally decided to open his notifications bar and read through all the 200+ notifications that were waiting for him in his inbox.

"Oh Boy..."

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