Universal Power System

Chapter 142 Wild Two Months

(NEW) [(E-Tier) Melee Mana Skill Set]

[The Melee Mana Skill Set is a basic set of moves and techniques that allow the user to excel in close-quarters combat using a wide array of weapons such as swords, knives, clubs, or any other melee weapon.]

- [(E-Tier) Mana Slash] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Mana Slash is a basic technique that allows the user to swing any bladed weapon in a horizontal arc. By improving the blood circulation to the arms during the strike and reinforcing them with pure mana, the user can deal 15% greater damage than the original attack.

Note: Mana Slash will only activate if no other skill is applied on the weapon during the strike]

[Attack: Variable]

[Cost: 50 Energy]

- [(E-Tier) Mana Thrust] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Mana Thrust is a basic technique that allows the user to lunge forward with any pointed weapon, stabbing your opponent for a quick and precise attack. By increasing blood circulation to the legs during the lunge and to the arms during the stab while being reinforced by pure mana, the user can deal 15% greater damage than the original attack.

Note: Mana Thrust will only activate if no other skill is applied on the weapon during the strike]

[Attack: Variable]

[Cost: 100 Energy]

- [(E-Tier) Mana Block] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Mana Block is a defensive technique that allows the user to block incoming attacks with any type of broad weapon or shield. By increasing the overall blood circulation of the body accompanied by the reinforcement of pure mana, the user reduces damage taken by 15% and decreases the chance of being inflicted with any status effects.

Note: Mana Block will only activate if no other skill is applied on the weapon during the strike]

[Defense: Variable]

[Cost: 100 Energy]

- (SPECIAL) [(E-Tier) Cyclone Parry] ⓘ (LEVEL 1)

[Cyclone Parry is a special technique that allows the user to deflect incoming attacks with any weapon. By increasing blood circulation around the whole body accompanied by the reinforcement of pure mana, the user braces themself for the incoming impact, as the user first has to successfully block the attack.

If the block is successful and the user hasn't exerted himself too much, the user can use the opponent's power against themselves by absorbing the energy and combining it with their own drawn-out mana to gain a massive split-second speed boost which the user can use to circle around the opponent like a cyclone and launch a counter-attack.

However, if the block is barely successful, no such energy transfer will take place as the user would have performed a regular block with just a greater expenditure of energy.

Note: Cyclone Parry will only activate if no other skill is applied on the weapon during the strike]

[Defense: Variable]

[Attack: Variable]

[Cost: 300 Energy]

The new skill set was based more around close combat which was a department that Mako severely lacked. Mako had never taken combat classes at school seriously because he was more concerned for his life than actually learning what was being taught.

He did have a habit of writing down cool moves in his journal while he watched his classmates duel each other in the school gym, but he never practiced those moves on his own as he had already accepted his fate that he would always be weak.

However, everything changed from the day when Mako found the system. Now that he had the tools to actually put up a fight, the only thing he needed to do was to train.

At first, Mako was very cocky and believed that since he now had an unbelievable system on his side that granted him attribute points and free skills, he would be riding the easy way up toward the top to become the strongest fighter around.

However, Mako was given his first reality check during the final battle of the battle royal tournament, when Mako faced Rhino for the first time. This was the first time that Mako was given a taste of what true power felt like and how incompetent and far away he was from achieving that level of power.

It was by a pure miracle that Mako was able to survive that fight and somehow become victorious, but he realized that day that he was no more special than any other person. Sure, he had a system that gave him many cheats but still, when it came down to it, the stronger person was the person who dedicated himself more to his training and aimed to become stronger.

Mako realized that he was just insanely lucky to even be alive at this point because, in every serious fight that Mako had during the beginning of his journey, he was bound to lose, but every time something miraculous occurred tipping the scales in his favor.

For his very first fight, Bill could have easily defeated him if he wasn't tired out from another mission from the night prior. In his fight against Rhino, he was already on his last legs after receiving two hits from Rhino, but Rhino wanted to show off to the crowd so he delayed finishing Mako off and allowed Mako to pop pills in secret which resulted in him just being able to barely overcome Rhino and defeat him.

From that point on, Mako became a bit more humble and prioritized his training over anything else, and even though he was a fast learner, there was only so much he could do in only two months. He learned the basics of how to fight and utilize his abilities in the best way according to his surroundings.

During all his major fights up to this point, Mako had always avoided close combat as he would use his greater energy pool to his advantage to deal damage to his opponent from a distance and defeat them with ease.

This in turn boosted Mako's ego and self-esteem back to their prior peak and he became cocky once again. Cocky enough to infiltrate and destroy prison warehouses belonging to the biggest gang bosses in Emerald City.

A stupid mistake that almost got him killed and also created a massive target on his back.

Once again, Mako had put himself in a very difficult position where survival chances were slim, but it seemed that his luck hadn't run dry yet as Mako had unlocked great new tools such as PERSEVERANCE that gave Mako Rage mode.

Mako had also just barely made it out of that situation alive and this time, Mako finally put his feet down and addressed the main problem that kept putting him in dangerous and stupid positions, and that was himself.

Mako had to force himself to swallow the bitter pill and accept that he wasn't some main protagonist in a Sci-Fi Manga and that he had to take things at his own pace and not rush things through.

He was annoyed at the fact that he had to cheat every time he was in a tough situation by either popping pills from his inventory or activating Rage mode. He didn't want to move forward reliant on these two things as he vowed to work hard and fight with his own strength and reserve these things for tough situations only.

During the remaining time that Mako had before coming to take the recruitment test, he spent his days practicing the moves that he noted in his journal and increasing the level of his skills by constantly using them in duels against Bill.

However, Mako knew that he couldn't become a good fighter in such a short time, and this time he approached his fights with caution. It was because of this caution and the results of his training that Mako was able to almost match Mikhail without taking any pills.

Mako had learned that no matter how strong he was to get, he would never become cocky again as they are always stronger people than him out and about in the world.

"Man, these past two months have been absolutely wild," Mako commented as he reflected on his past decisions.

These past two months had been quite a lot for Mako and he had learned, grown, and matured a lot in this time. He was no longer the nerd who had practically nothing going for him other than his strong memory.

Now that Mako had unlocked a brand new set of skills that were directed toward close combat and physical fighting, he took it as a sign from the universe that he should work more toward his mediocre fighting skills and develop techniques that help him defend himself against foes that are on his level and even those that are stronger.

The notifications had come to an end as Mako had read through and affirmed each and every one of them. He was a lot weaker 10 days ago than he was now and it seemed to Mako that intense situations like this test were exactly what he would need to become even stronger.

With that, Mako turned off the system display and returned back to reality. Natasha and Haruto were looking a lot worse for wear as their clothes were ripped from several places and they were covered in dirt, bruises, and cuts all over.

Mako stood up from his original spot next to Mikhail's body crater and rushed over to join his friends to end things once and for all and move on as there were still four days left on the island and there were still many challenges they had to face.

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