Universal Power System

Chapter 139 Mako Vs Mikhail (Part 3)

Another good thing about achieving resonance of two abilities was that the user was not limited to only utilizing a single aura during an attack and could use both auras at once if they so wished.

Mako had achieved resonance with the Lightning and Fire abilities which allowed him to use both of the ability auras simultaneously. Mikhail watched from below as Mako cast a shadow above him by blocking the sun completely; one of his hands crackled with lightning while the other ignited with flames.

[Lightning Strike has been activated]

[Fireball has been activated]

Even though Mikhail's power armor gave him elemental resistance it wasn't on par to continuously tank hits like this without receiving some damage himself and with the number of fireballs and lightning strikes that were heading his way; the damage was sure to rack up pretty quickly.

Mikhail quickly got back on his feet and began expertly maneuvering around the incoming projectile with great precision, dodging almost everything.

'How much energy does this guy have?! I would have dropped dead from exhaustion at this point!' Mikhail thought as he took into account how excessive Mako was being with his attacks and skills.

A normal Level 4 ability user would have had his energy pool depleted a while ago, but Mako was no ordinary ability user. With the system's help, Mako currently had more than 4 times the amount of energy that a regular Level 4 ability user would have.

Mako's goal with these weak attacks was not to attack blindly and hope that his attacks did enough damage to knock him out, but rather Mako was strategically maneuvering Mikhail to be as far away from him as possible because he needed as much time as possible to execute his real plan.

The whole series of events took place in only a couple of seconds while Mako was still airborne from using High Jump. He stopped his attacks the moment he landed on the ground and took a brand new stance.

He firmly planted his feet onto the ground wide apart from one another and took a squatting position for his lower body. Mako positioned himself in such a way that his left foot was in front of his right foot. Mako then made a fist with his left hand and used the left side of his body which was facing Mikhail as a guard.

Mako hid his right hand behind his body so it wasn't in sight from Mikhail's perspective and made a claw-like shape with his right hand. Now that Mako had taken this stance, he silently started releasing a new aura into the surroundings.

He had to do this very carefully because he didn't want his aura to leak out so much that Mikhail would be able to sense it from afar and know that something was up. Mako had activated his Energy Manipulation ability and was now actively attracting the energy particles around him toward his right hand which started to glow slightly green.

Both Mako and Mikhail were pretty exhausted at this point and were nearing the end of their energy reserves. Even though Mako had a lot more energy than Mikhail, he had been using it a lot more recklessly while Mikhail had mostly conserved his energy and didn't use many flashy moves.

Even now percentage-wise, both Mako and Mikhail had the same level of energy, but the actual amount that percentage displayed was much different for the two boys. Mikhail was down to his last 400 units of energy while Mako still had close to 1000 units left.

Mako couldn't deal damage to Mikhail using regular moves so he had to resort to using big flashy moves that dealt a lot more damage in order to make some progress and now as they were approaching the endgame of their duel, Mako was going to bet it all in a single all-out move to defeat Mikhail once and for all.


While Mako took his stance and began powering his skill, Mikhail had also begun charging up as he was done holding back on him. Mikhail had officially lost all patience with him as when he had finally stopped his assault on Mikhail and prepared to take his stance, Mikhail stopped running and slowly turned around.

He saw Mako's confidence plastered on his face as he stayed still after taking his stance ticking him off even more.

"AARRGGHHHH! I AM DONE PLAYING THIS CAT-AND-MOUSE GAME!! SCREW YOU!" Mikhail shouted with frustration as he ignited his entire body with those bright red flames.

"I am going to break, every... single... bone... in your f***ing body, for making a fool out of me today!" Mikhail exclaimed as the flames all over his body intensified.

"Oh yeah? Try me!" Mako replied as he was done running away from Mikhail anyways.

The red flames weren't hurting Mikhail at all and it looked like this was another skill that he had saved to use in case of emergencies. The flame itself seemed to react to Mikhail's emotion as it flickered violently as soon as Mako replied to Mikhail's threat, basically inviting him to try.

Mikhail wasted no time at all as he immediately rushed toward Mako at a brand-new insane speed. Whatever skill, Mikhail had just activated, it provided him with a great boost in agility as Mikhail covered the entire distance between them in just a couple of seconds.

Mako was caught completely off guard by Mikhail's display of such great speed and he wasn't able to respond in time with his skill as Mikhail was already upon him with a blazing punch aimed right at his face.

Mako was just able to bring his left forearm forward and try to block the attack, however, he was not expecting such an increase in strength as well because as soon as Mikhail's punch came into contact with Mako's arm guards, the arm guards cracked into two from the overwhelming pressure and cracking noise could be heard before Mako got launched backward tens of feet with great momentum and speed.

[-100 HP]

[User has broken their left forearm]

Mikhail didn't stop as he chased after the launched Mako and was able to catch up to him with relative ease. Mako was barely able to get his thoughts together after being dealt such a massive blow on his forearm, but his perception brought him back to reality as Mikhail was once again upon him; this time aiming a punch right toward his abdomen.

Mako knew he could take another punch like that once again and he quickly activated his fire aura near the soles of his feet and released them, creating two jet streams of fire under his feet.

The erupting fire gave Mako some more momentum and speed which propelled him forward and made it so that Mako dodged Mikhail's attack.

Mikhail's punch missed Mako by only an inch and landed directly on the ground beneath him instead, creating a massive crater in the process.

[Dash has been activated]

Mako immediately landed on his feet and combined the momentum of his body and his own top speed and bolted as far away as he could from Mikhail, but Mikhail was unrelenting as he was able to catch up to Mako relatively quickly.

He was about to tackle Mako onto the ground when Mako suddenly disappeared from his sight. Since Mikhail and Mako were both moving at high speeds, Mikhail just wasn't able to notice it but Mako had used Phantom Step to break his momentum and basically slow himself down all the while Mikhail kept on sprinting.

However, Mako didn't realize just how much momentum his body was moving with because even after he used Phantom Step, he still had too much momentum but now he was starting from a stationary motion instead of running and so he couldn't get his footing right after shifting which made him fall and skid across the ground.

Mikhail quickly caught on to Mako's little trick and quickly circled back and to his delight, he saw Mako stumble to the ground and skid right toward him. A huge smile appeared on his face as he was finally going to deal the finishing blow and get rid of this annoyance once and for all.

Mikhail increased his speed once again as he rushed toward the tumbling Mako, his fist ablaze with the strongest red flame yet. He quickly approached Mako and was about to deliver the final punch when all of a sudden, Mikhail felt his heartbeat pulse extremely loud as his entire body felt weak and all the flames surrounding Mikhail's body quickly went out.

'Damn it, No!! Not now!' Mikhail thought in his mind as he still continued forward with his attack toward Mako.

Mako didn't quite understand what had just happened; however, he quickly took advantage of the situation and finally released his suppressed Energy Manipulation aura. Mikhail was already weakened by his fire suddenly going out and now a superior aura had made its way into their fight, further weakening him and his attack.

Mikhail felt suffocated in the presence of a superior aura but still, he wasn't going to give up when he was so close to victory. He pushed forward and made sure that his punch would make contact with Mako's chest, but alas, Mako was able to utilize the delay before the attack and placed his right hand on his breastplate just as his punch made contact with his own chest.

[Energy Stream has been activated]

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