Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 222 A big storm is coming

In the center of Retro, four figures stood amongst a group of gang. Li Wei and Chun Hua on one side and Lu Tian and Xu Long on the other.

The remaining gang members all sized Lu Tian and Xu Long. One looked like an aloof man and the other like a good ball. If one was to say, it would of looked like they went into the future, as Lu Tian and Qi Li’s aura was the same and Xu Long to Lin Hui’s.

Oblivious to his men, Li Wei smiles and tilt his head, "What do we owe this pleasure of the business King’s arrival?"

Hearing his words, all the members of his gang were shocked. This unknown man is the actually the king of the business world? Taking a closer look, they can see why Lu Tian is known for his name. The man is a highly distinguished figure in China and yet, here he is in Retro, knowing this area is crowded with different gangs.

Only this man is capable of making such move without a care of his image.

Lu Tian’s dark eyes stare straight into Li Wei’s eyes as if piercing through the man. He was cold as always and his deep voice spoke.

"Black Dragon."

Hearing the name, Li Wei’s smile disappears and he frown. His lip pursed in thought, "Black Dragon? Did something happened that I don’t know?"

He is the leader of the gang, White Tigers and a member of the leaders in Retro. Whatever goes on within Retro, he is one of the first to know. Did Black Dragon cross the line and offended Lu Tian?

"They strayed too far."

Lu Tian coldly spoke. He didn’t have time to stay and chat. Walking pass Li Wei, his eyes dimmed as he was suddenly blocked by the gang members of White Tiger. He scanned each person in front of him expressionlessly. Not an ounce of fear could be seen in him. The look he had was more intimidating than any of the leaders in Retro.

"Let him through."

From behind came Li Wei’s voice to his men. He may be a leader of a notorious gang in Retro, but Lu Tian is someone out of his reach. Many people have tried to go against the business king, but all ended up in failure. For him, it was better to be on someone like Lu Tian’s good side than be an enemy.

Seeing the members of White Tiger make a path to let him through, Lu Tian didn’t hesitate to step forward. Just as he passed the last man, Li Wei’s voice spoke again.

"Fate will be here."

Hearing the words, Lu Tian paused in his steps for second then continues in the direction of a certain place. Following behind was his assistant, Xu Long.

"Brother, what did you mean by that and who is that man?"

Chun Hua asked from the side. She looked in the direction Lu Tian and Xu Long went, then to her brother. Both men held a short conversation, but she knows that they understood each other. The only thing that confused her was what did her brother mean by ’fate will be here’?

Looking down at his sister, Li Wei lift his hand and pat her on the head. He sighed and shook his head.

"Those who know too much will be doomed."

Putting his hand down, he looks to his men.

"Follow Mr. Lu, anyone who offends him will be offending me."

"Yes, Boss!"

Li Wei turns to look at Chun Hua again and he smiles a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He had been informed in advance about Lu Tian’s arrival by Lu Han, but he wasn’t told why. However, he knows it must be serious since it was Lu Tian who personally came here. Not only does it involve Lu Tian, but even someone far more scarier was coming.

Ending his thoughts, he pats Chun Hua on the head again, "Go home, a big storm is coming."

Hearing her brother’s words, Chun Hua frown in confusion. She doesn’t want to leave because she hopes to see Qi Li again, but knowing her brother, she knows she can’t go against his words. Left with no other choice, she nods her head and quickly leaves, but she quickly turns back around and smiles to Li Wei.

"Can you make sure no one lays a hand on the man with the glasses?"

Li Wei smiles with a sigh, he nods his head in agreement to his sister. He and Chun Hua are not siblings by blood, but to him, she will always be his little sister.

Watching his sister leave, until she was in a distance, Li Wei gesture to one of his men.

"Send words to everyone in White Tigers, be on guard with their fate."


Through the bustling area of Retro, at the very end of the street stood a building with red lights. Even from the outside, the music could be heard.

"Boss, this is the place."

Xu Long spoke and looks at the building. Seeing the attention his boss was getting, he sighed. The women here are just like the evil witch that once spread her evil spirits inside Lu Corps. His boss once asked him to buy a mop and he never got to it. Once the sun rises, he should go buy one, so that way he can carry it with him and mop the drools away for his boss.

Oblivious to Xu Long’s thoughts, Lu Tian remained his used indifferent expression. He neither looked at the angry glares coming his way or the women trying to catch his attention. His thoughts was on Li Wei’s words.

’Fate will be here.’

Does Li Wei mean Fate as in the Fate from City Z or another meaning?

Pondering in thoughts for a moment, he quickly push it to the back of his head. Either one, he doesn’t care.

Without another thought, he strides forward and into the doors.

"Let’s go."

However, before he and Xu Long could get inside, a big man weighing 300 pounds stops them.

"Who said you could enter for free?"

Xu Long looked up at the man and he sighed. Such a big man, will he be squash to death? Shaking the thought, he smiles to the big man.

"We’re here to meet Chu Li Xiang."

The big man scoffed and cross his arms over his chest. He wasn’t going to fall for the same trick again. Just moments ago, two kids had came and said the same thing. Did they take him for a fool?

"Black Dragon is not some place—"

"He’s with me."

Before the big man could finish his words, Li Wei’s figure appears next to Lu Tian. He smiles a captivating smile to the big man, however, everyone in Retro knows that, that smile is the one that can end one’s life.

"Li Wei, as the leader of White Tigers, you know this place belongs to Black Dragon. Why are you bringing an outsider here?"

Looking at the big man, Li Wei shrug his shoulders, "This man is my guest, anything wrong with that?"


The big man glare at Li Wei then to Lu Tian and Xu Long. He is a member of Black Dragon, but Li Wei the leader of White Tigers and a good friend of his boss, he cannot offend the man.

Stepping aside, he snorted.

"There won’t be a next time."

Li Wei smiles to the big man and then to Lu Tian. His eyes appearing as if they were smiling too.

"Shall we, Mr. Lu?"

Lu Tian shrug his shoulder and enters the building. Even if Li Wei hadn’t shown up, he had his own way of getting inside, besides, knowing Chu Li Xiang, the man is too readable.

From behind the two men, Xu Long sighed at how stupid the people of Black Dragon are. He can’t help but wonder if they just love entering the devil’s lair. First, they tried to attack Jade Condos; second, they tried to target the lady boss; and now, their idiocies is just beyond idiotic.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Li."

Entering the building, they were greeted by a skinny old man holding a cane. He bows to Lu Tian and Li Wei in respect.

"Please follow me this way."


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