Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 192 It was his wife




Lu Tian sat in the back seat of his car. His brows furrow tightly as he ponder in thoughts. When he left H International, he had glance without thinking at the cab next to his car. The cab had stopped because of a red light. Even he didn’t know why, but he still looked.


Like lightning had suddenly strike him, he felt a tinge of tightness dull in his heart. It was the first time he’s ever felt this way. For the first time in his life, he knew what it felt like to be in disbelief.

It was his wife.

His wife was sitting in the back seat of that cab. Even if she had sunglasses on, he knows that it was her. Even if she was lost in a crowd, he could still pick her out.

Coming out of his thoughts, he stare straight ahead at the cab ’8344’.

"Follow the license plate ’8344’."

He knows that she left Imperial, but he couldn’t put the pieces together. Why is she here in City Z?

If she had left for work related things, wouldn’t her assistant be with her? Not only that, she wouldn’t have taken a cab...

"Boss, should we stop the cab?"

"No, just follow but keep a distance."

Following behind his wife patiently, he noticed the distance it’s been. He frowns in wonder of where his wife is heading. If she came to City Z for work, why would she go further out?

It didn’t take long before the cab came to a stop. To not make them noticeable, he instructs his bodyguard to park in a hidden spot.

Looking out the window, he could see his wife getting out of the cab. She had said something to the cab driver and walked away.

"Wait here."

He ordered his bodyguard before opening the door and steps out. Taking a cigarette out from his coat, he lit it and waited.

As much as he wanted to follow her, he knows that it’s best to give her, her space. She must have a reason to come here.

One cigarette, two cigarettes, three cigarettes.

When he reach to take another cigarette out, he finally realized that the box of cigarette was empty.

Frowning, he looks in the direction his wife went, then to the trees that surrounded them. The wind had picked up and it was getting colder. He could even hear the faint sound of the ocean as well.

"Boss, should we—"

"No, stay here."

Lu Tian gives another order, then he heads in the direction Yue Ling went. She is pregnant and he doesn’t like it when she stays in the cold for too long. Just thinking about her getting a small cold worries him.

Following the small dirt road, he was slightly surprised when the path suddenly changed to cement then stairs.

It was a very unusual place for cement.

Staring straight ahead, he frown in thought.

Why would Yue Ling come here?

What is here?

Climbing up the stairs, he didn’t hesitate to open the fence door. However, he didn’t realize that he had held in his breath. A part of him was actually afraid of what he will see.

Once the door opened, there, sitting next to a stone was the most beautiful woman. Just the view of her from behind was like looking at a fairy. Her long black hair danced with each passing wind.

Seeing her safe, he sighed in relief inside. Moving his eyes to the white stone, his brows crease when he realized it was not a stone, but a tombstone.

Why is there a tombstone here?

Glancing at the photo, he could tell it was a man. Who is this man? Lowering his eyes, he reads the engraved calligraphy.

Lee Shin.

His frown deepens more. This name, why does it sound so familiar? But where had he heard it?

Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, he looks back at his wife. He can’t help but feel the same feeling he gets when he sees her on the balcony.

The feeling of loneliness and abandonment....

"Yue Ling."

He calls out to her. His tone was indifferent but from the way he said her name, one could hear the warmth from it.

"It’s cold, why are you here?"

Just as his words fell, the wind really did pick up more. Frowning, he takes a step forward.

"Yue Ling."

However, when he called to her the second time, the wind blew harder and overpowered his voice. Lifting his hand, he pinch the space between his brows and sighs.

"Yue Ling."

He calls her name for the third time. Yet, staring at the slim woman’s back, she seemed to have not heard him. Like she was stuck in her own world.

Sighing again, he shook his head.

"You’re not going to answer me?"

Just as he thought of walking directly to her, he could see the unmoving beauty finally showed movements.

He saw her shoulder jump in the tiniest gesture, but it didn’t escape his eyes. Nothing of her’s ever escapes him. Everything about her is imprinted into his mind and heart.

In a slow motion, she turns around to look at him. Like a child lost in an unknown crowd, she looked just like one. Her bluish green eyes met his as if he was an illusion. However... he could see the redness in her beautiful eyes.

Had she been crying? Why?

Frowning more at the look on his wife. He didn’t hesitate to walk towards her.

All he knows is that seeing her like this, he just wants to wrap his arms around her and never let her go. To let her know that he is here. To let her know that she has him.


Her soft and angelic voice sounded so hoarse. It was enough to let him know, she had been crying.

Feeling a tinge of guilt crawl on his heart. He hated himself. If he had just followed her right away, he would have never let her cry.

How can he let her cry alone?

Just thinking about her crying all alone felt like thousands of sharp needles piercing his heart.


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