Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 153 Where’s your car?


Yue Ling walks out of the meeting room. She just finished her last meeting about De L’amour’s winter fashion. Liu Shan didn’t attend the meeting because she had asked him to do something for her.

Entering her office, she sits behind her desk and takes out a sketch book and pen. Flipping the pages until she came to a blank page, she starts doodling sketches to add to the new designs in her head.

*ring ring*

She looks at her phone; Lee Hana.

Seeing the name, Yue Ling felt her heart tighten. She still hasn’t told anyone from City Z about Lu Tian....

Reaching for her phone, she stood up and walks to her floor to ceiling window. She lower head and she looks at the name. Taking a deep breath, she answers the call.


["Mami!! Do you not miss me at all? How come you haven’t called me? Hm? Hm?"]

Hearing the cheerful voice of her best friend, Yue Ling smiles a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She did miss everyone back in City Z. But the reason why she hasn’t called, is because she doesn’t know how to tell Hana about Lu Tian. She was hoping to say it when she gets the chance to visit, but.... she knows, it was either now or never.

Taking a deep breath again, she steady herself, and spoke the words.

"Hana, if I tell you that I’m seeing someone, will you hate me?"



["You dare to betray my oppa?!! Hm? If you do, I will not be your friend anymore."]


["Hahah, I was just kidding."]


["Hmm.... You know.. I always hoped you’d be my sister-in-law. I hoped that you, me and oppa would be one family..."]

Yue Ling didn’t say a word. She didn’t know what say to Hana. It was really hard telling her ex-fiancé’s sister that she found someone... someone who made her happy...

From the other line, Hana’s voice continues...

["I know oppa will want to see you happy. Your smile meant everything to him and he wouldn’t want to see you live in grief forever. Neither do I... Mami, if you’re happy, then that’s all that matters."]

Hearing those thoughtful words, Yue Ling’s heart tightens before it turns soft. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

["It’s been three years since oppa left this world. It’s time you moved on too. Don’t let anything stop you from finding your own happiness. Not me, not Qin Jun or anyone. Your happiness is yours and it counts."]

Yue Ling’s hand on the phone tightens and her lips tremble. She was happy to hear Hana’s encouraging words. Especially since Hana is Shin’s only family.

"Thank you, Hana."

["So.... tell me, who is this man? How did you two meet? Is he nice to you? Details. Give me the details."]

Yue Ling’s lip curls upward hearing her best friend’s excited voice. Even if they were only talking on the phone, she knows that Hana was genuinely happy for her. She told Hana everything. From her and Lu Tian’s first encounter to their relationship now. She didn’t leave anything out. Except the parts about their shameless acts.

However, she still needs to tell her Yeye, Jingxu and the members of FAITH about her and Lu Tian’s relationship. She doesn’t know if they’ll react like Hana, but she needs to tell them soon.

As their conversation continue, they laughed and talked about everything that’s been happening to them.

Outside Yue Ling’s office, Liu Shan stood in front of the door, not daring to go inside. His hand that was in midair about to knock on the door, slowly lowers. He turns around and walks to his office. Sitting down, he takes a deep breath. He had heard everything Yue Ling said. It can only mean, she has told Hana about Lu Tian.

Like a proud father, he smiles. He is happy that his boss found her new happiness. It means the world to him to see his boss happy. Liu Shan knows that behind that smile of Yue Ling’s was nothing but a facade. She didn’t want everyone to worry about her, so she hides her sorrow behind her smile.

However, he can see the change ever since she met Lu Tian. The man may be cold and ruthless like the world put him to be, but Liu Shan knows the man is sincere towards Yue Ling.

As his mind continues it thoughts, Yue Ling’s angelic voice suddenly sounds from the door.

"Liu Shan, you’re back already?"

Looking up, he smiles at his beautiful boss, "Mm. I got everything needed."

"Lets go, I want to visit Jingxu and Ting."

"Me too? Where’s your car?"

"Lu Tian has it."



Currently, at Lu Corps, Han Yue Ling and Lu Tian’s relationship was still the hot topic. It didn’t take long before all the men agreed that Lu Corps beauty can only belong to their future lady boss. Qian Li Li was nothing in comparison to Han Yue Ling.

Ever since Qian Li Li was embarrassed, she didn’t leave her office at all. She locked herself in, not wanting to show her face.

"Han Yue Ling. Just you wait. I will definitely get rid of you."

She spoke through her gritted teeth. Holding a pen in her hand, she stabs into a printed picture of Yue Ling on her desk.

*knock knock*

"Miss Qian?"

Hearing Mao Wanlin’s voice, Qian Li Li quickly crumbles the picture of Yue Ling and toss it in the trash bin. She smiles and welcomes her assistant.

"Wanlin, What is it?"

Mao Wanlin enters and sets a folder on Qian Li Li’s desk, "These are the blueprints you asked for."

"Mm. Thank you." She pretends to look hesitantly at Mao Wanlin, then asks, "Is the meeting with Zi International still taking place?"

Not thinking much, Mao Wanlin answers, "No, it just ended."

Hearing this, Qian Li Li’s heart leaps excitedly. She nods her head, "Mm. You can leave."

The moment the door to her office closed, she takes out her make up bag and retouch her makeup. After applying her red lipstick, she stands up and walks to the mirror in her office. Fixing her clothes and adding more exposure to her body, she smiles in satisfaction. Without grabbing any documents like usual, she leaves her office.


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