Undying Warlord

Chapter 535 Muted

"Because that's the Universe's Will?" Dilan repeated the Old Librarian's reply in the form of a question, clearly showing his confusion.

The Old Librarian smiled at Dilan's reaction.

"The Universe, or precisely the Origin of the Universe doesn't want this God's Fragment to be destroyed. They want to use the power of the being they hated the most for something good. This is very important, apparently, since Damian was never actually at fault for what he had been forced to do to survive.

The Circumstances had always been shit for him and the powers he was born with didn't really leave him much leeway, either way!" The Old Librarian explained, sounding almost as if he was trying to defend the actions of a friend of his.

"Oh, okay…" Dilan merely replied, not sure what else he was supposed to say.

'If the Old Librarian knew this God…Damian or whatever his name was, why would he defend him despite being terrified of the one of the 'scariest Gods that have ever existed in the Universe'? That's weird…' Dilan thought but he didn't ask it out loud, thinking that it would piss off the old fellow.

"We should be close to the training grounds. Are you ready to meet your new potential instructors?" The Old Librarian asked all of a sudden in an effort to change the topic, and Dilan nodded his head.

"I am more than ready to get on their nerves and to make them question the safety of the Universe!" He declared, stepping forward with determination and the ambition to annoy everyone as much as possible!

The Old Librarian felt like plucking out the few hairs he had left on his head when he listened to Dilan's declaration but it was already too late for him to say something because they stepped out of the alley and entered the open view of the gigantic training grounds!

The moment Dilan stepped onto one of the training grounds, his Lifeforce attracted the attention of more than a dozen Soul Shards.

No existence in the City of Trials was in possession of genuine Lifeforce. Furthermore, Dilan's appearance was known to every single being, who had taken a look at the information the Oracle had shared a long time ago.

His identity as the Undying in the prophecy was exposed and it took the Soul Shards no time to surround Dilan.

"I am the Emperor of the Mikars Enchantment Empire. My technique to create Mechas and Golems with artificial intelligence was known in the whole Universe. I honed my techniques and knowledge, and I am willing to teach you everything if you can promise to protect my Empire from the Veilures!"

"Forget about this Quack and listen to me! I am in the possession of the strongest Spearmanship technique, recognized by the Origin itself. I have perfected the Spearmanship technique and I can teach you everything if you marry my descendant and allow her to reign the Universe by your side and bring forth powerful Warriors!"

"These bastards are all too selfish. I can teach you my Spellcrafts set as long as you protect the Universe. Of course, there will be no drawbacks when using the technique, except a little exhaustion! My Spellcrafts will allow you to release a might several times more powerful than your strongest attack, trust me!"

"I can sense the power of the Elements within you. I am in possession of the Ring of Infinite Elements, just like you. If you are willing to become my student, I can show you how to draw out the true power of the Ring of Infinite Elements Constitution!"




Dilan's head began to spin the more he listened to the Soul Shards that were bombarding him with tantalizing offers. They were scurrying around like pigeons after some idiot threw a bunch of breadcrumbs to attract them.

He was trying really hard not to get frustrated but patience had never really been his greatest virtue. He took a few deep breaths, cleared his throat, and was just about to shout at every single Soul Shard to piss him off when he noticed something that calmed him almost instantaneously.

"Oh? I can just step through you guys? That's what I call helpful!" Dilan mumbled as his hand passed through one of the Soul Shards.

It was possible for Dilan to touch the Soul Shards he wanted to touch, while those he didn't bother about couldn't even speak to him in a loud voice.

'I can even regulate the volume of their voices...that's what I call exceptional service. Thanks, artificial intelligence!' Dilan spoke in his mind, thanking the City of Trials' AI.

There were many interesting functions the City of Trials provided and Dilan was ready to use them all.

He walked through the Soul Shards and ignored most of them. There were only a few he didn't mute because he was quite interested in their offers.

This included the Soul Shard who had mentioned the Ring of Infinite Elements Constitution. If that God was not too suspicious, he would ask him for some help as well.

Dilan went over to the training ground to take a look at the Soul Shards, who were not affected by his sudden appearance.

"Some of them are trying very hard to act as if they don't notice me. They just want to show off their techniques without seeming desperate for my attention, not a bad tactic," Dilan chuckled lightly as he looked at the situation ahead of him.

He was ready to observe the spars in front of him, and he quickly noticed that quite a few of them were unsuitable for him.

When he noticed that, he used the City of Trials' function to tone down their visibility for himself. The Soul Shards didn't even notice that something changed when Dilan was weeding out the incompatible Soul Shards.

There were quite a few techniques that attracted his interest but most of them were not compatible with him. Dilan could tell that quite easily, and it frustrated him much more than expected.

'My body is really picky with the techniques I can use and those I cannot use, isn't it?' He complained to himself, just to continue observing the surroundings.

There were four training grounds and Dilan went to every single one of them. There were several hundred Soul Shards in total, but Dilan ended up removing more than 80% from his sight even before he talked to any of them.

"At least you are very good at understanding your limits," The Old Librarian tried to improve Dilan's mood, but he ended up frustrating the young Ascender even more.

Yet, instead of saying anything, Dilan tried to continue with his search. His attention was pulled over to a certain place on the third training ground. It had already been the third or fourth time that his gaze was pulled in that specific direction, and the reason for this was quite simple.

Two Soul Shards were fighting one another with all their might, completely unbothered about anything that happened around them.

This was to Dilan's liking, especially since the two Soul Shards used techniques that seemed to be very compatible with him.

"Looks like I found my first two Martial Art techniques! I wonder if they will teach me!"

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