Undying Warlord

Chapter 526 Your Opinions

In the end, Dilan was fully aware that the advancement mission to the fourth Tier could take a long time.

He came up with many assumptions after he saw the four missions which the Ancient Paths of Advancement unveiled to him and came to the conclusion that all missions were quite chaotic.

The Abyss difficulty mission was something that might actually end up being impossible to solve if he were to be unable to finish it before the Fourth Awakening.

As for the Race Purgatory and the Planetary Conquest, it was something that didn't provide a lot of information. It was quite obvious that he would have to annihilate a race or conquer a planet, but that was already the limit to what he received in terms of information.

Unfortunately, that was still more than he got to know for the Divine advancement mission Path of Preparations.

He couldn't tell whether that mission would quickly finish or if it would take a long time, and that made it impossible for Dilan to know what exactly he was supposed to do.

"I want everyone to share your thoughts on the current situation. It is obvious that I might not be able to be there for everyone when the Fourth Awakening happens, especially with the arrival of Lesser Gods. In my current state, I will be too weak to fight against Gods, but I think that is quite obvious.

That being said, I have to advance to the fourth Tier and improve my stats as quickly as possible if we don't want to live in hiding," Dilan revealed what was on his mind, and he turned to his sisters.

"I don't want anyone to regret what we will decide today, so I want everyone's opinion. It might come off as snobbish and overly arrogant for thinking that I am the only one who can rescue everyone, but I don't really care if someone thinks badly of me. I know that it will be possible for everyone to survive without me, but I would not be boasting if I say that I'm somewhat powerful," Dilan tried to make a small joke at the end. Unfortunately, the situation was way too tense for anyone to feel like joking around.

He continued to look at his sisters, who were currently contemplating their choices and all the possibilities that may or may not await them in the near future.

It was possible that the Fourth Awakening would be Milarn's doom, or that it might actually be far less troublesome than anything they were currently imagining. However, it was quite important to imagine all kinds of bad situations and be prepared for the worst-case scenario!

"I will give my best one way or another, and I won't die no matter what happens. That being said, I want your opinion about what I should do. I will definitely come back from wherever I'm taken by the system, but some of the missions might take longer and I won't be able to protect you guys if I'm not here!" Dilan spoke to his sisters, who nodded their heads in understanding.

They looked at Dilan, then turned their heads to one another, just to sigh deeply as they saw the confusion and unwillingness to come to a decision in their eyes.

Dilan gave them too much responsibility by allowing them to make a decision and they were not willing to be at fault for anything that may or may not happen.

Their own lives might be important to them, but they were mostly worried about Dilan's well-being. They knew that if they didn't pay attention to Dilan, not even he would truly care about his well-being, whether it was mental or physical health.

Dilan focused too much on other people's well-being and comfort rather than himself. He had gone through a lot and considered his own life to be less valuable than the lives of the people he liked.

"I think you should just choose the Divine occupation if you want to take it. If I remember correctly, you will grow the most by choosing the advancement mission with the highest difficulty…and its called Path of Preparation, so it might actually not be as dangerous as the other missions. It might be extremely difficult to prepare yourself for something but you might not be in danger…maybe?" Lara spoke her mind, only to end up confusing herself.

Marie nodded her head but she had yet to say anything.

"If you have to annihilate an entire race, your mission will only be considered completed if you kill every last one of them. That's quite harsh, in my opinion, after all, you might be forced to kill young children who have never done anything bad. There might be bad people in the race you have to purge, but if the system makes you do things you don't want to, it will take a toll on your mental health. It will demand the worst from you," Kathrine revealed, giving a valid point in the discussion.

"But it's not like the Planet's conquest is better in that regard. If the planet you have to conquer is as large as Milarn and both Demi Gods and Lesser Gods inhabit the planet, you won't be able to complete the mission even if you spent years. At least with brute force, you won't be able to solve anything. You would have to spend a long time playing politics, scheming, and slowly conquering everything with the help of others. As for the final gains, they're unknown, though they might be very beneficial," Yvonne said, adding to her sister's comment.

A bunch of other higher authorities revealed their thoughts, and Dilan slowly got a hang of their opinion.

'They're all trying to push me closer to the Divine Mission…I mean it makes sense, and I feel like I should pick it as well, but I feel a little bit odd,' Dilan thought, not sure how he was actually feeling about the Divine advancement mission.

He had never accepted a Divine Mission before, and even asking Ariel Silvertale was not helpful. While he had been waiting for the others to come up with their opinion, he revealed everything to Ariel Silvertale.

In the end, he might not trust her with his life, but there was a little trace of trust nonetheless, and that was more than enough for him to ask her about the existence of Divine Missions.

Unfortunately, she didn't know a thing about them, though she tried to tell him that an opportunity like this had to be taken into consideration. If he wanted to reap as many benefits as possible to ensure his family's safety in the long run, he would have to take the Divine advancement mission.

"I think you should take the Divine Mission. If the system wants to prepare you for something, it has to be important. Don't think too much about us, we will survive, no matter what it takes…ALL of us will survive!" Marie declared, her emerald eyes glowing brightly as she stared deep in Dilan's eyes.

Dilan just nodded his head in response, unable to do anything else.

"As long as you guys overcome everything when I'm away…" He mumbled, not sure what kind of magic his sister was putting on him.

Even if he could tell that his sister was only a weak Ascender, it was obvious that her eyes were special. She had not received an Origin ability, but the power glinting in her eyes made him feel like everything she said was the truth.

"Alright…I will accept the Divine mission then!"

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