Undying Warlord

Chapter 517 Girl's Talk

"Don't 'Oho' me, sis! I am telling the truth!" Dilan declared while ignoring everything else around him.

Lara and Marie were trying hard to suppress their laughter by placing their hands on their mouths as they saw Dilan's reaction. At the same time, Yvonne was embarrassed. She was not sure what she was supposed to do in situations like these. It was awkward and a little bit weird, but she didn't truly dislike it.

"Don't be pressured, sweetheart. We are on your side!" Lara suddenly said while grasping Yvonne's hands.

"We are good sisters and not evil sisters-in-law, at all!" She added which caused Dilan's lips to twitch.

"Darling, what's your name?" Marie suddenly joined her younger sister's weird prank. This made Dilan feel like leaving them on their own when he saw that Victoria and Kathrine were also on their way to him.

'Oh, fuck it…they're doing this on purpose, aren't they?!' He shouted in his mind and his expression worsened the moment Victoria opened her mouth.

"He is my lover!" She announced in a voice loud enough to awaken the dead, flicking her hair back pridefully.

"I thought you had gotten back to your senses a while ago…" Dilan responded quietly and it was no sooner when two flat hands smacked against the back of his head.

Both Marie and Lara had slapped the back of his head. They were staring daggers at him, forcing Dilan to keep his mouth shut and to act obediently.

Many looked at the sisters with gleaming eyes, shocked that they were able to slap Dilan and overwhelm him, something that was a shock to all of their eyes.

Kathrine was also astonished about that but her focus was more on Dilan's joyful and relaxed expression rather than anything else. She smiled lovingly at the sight of his smile. Kathrine felt incapable of looking away, which was something both Lara and Marie noticed without many difficulties.

The sisters looked at each other for a few seconds when they realized what was going on. Marie turned her head in Dilan's direction, feeling ready to whoop his butt for bewitching several women at once, but she held herself back at the sight of the oblivious Dilan.

'He has no idea, has he?' Marie thought, once again realizing how dense Dilan actually was when it came to women. From the way Dilan behaved, it seemed that he didn't even know that the three girls liked him!

"Wait…don't tell me…all of them?!?" Lara shouted out loud, holding her hand in front of her mouth in shock. She was a tad second late than Marie but her reaction was far more attention-drawing as well.

Dilan looked at his elder sister and he was about to ask something when he saw that Marie pulled Lara aside.

"We are interested in finding out all about Dilan's achievements to date right from when the Primordial Ascension started. Can you girls fill us in?" Marie quickly pulled an ace out of her sleeves. She tried to save the three girls from an embarrassing situation by changing the topic.

"That's interesting, yes!" Lara exclaimed and the three women nodded their heads as well. Thus, the five women walked off, leaving Dilan alone.

"Well, that gives me more time to find out what happened since I left…not as if a long time has passed," Dilan smiled weirdly and he stretched his body in an attempt to release the awkwardness from his body.

'I'm just glad that they still accept me…' He thought before he walked off.

Looking around he could tell that only one batch of the Mekaz Military Base had arrived. That was much less than what Dilan had expected, but after giving it some thought he realized that his fight with his father didn't really take that long. The real fight didn't even last half an hour before they were already done. What had followed afterward had just been some torture for Dilan to make up for his childhood trauma.

'Until they settle down for good a week will have passed. Afterward, we will have to fix our defenses, restructure everything and make sure that we create a defensive mechanism that can withstand Tier-4 Ascenders, otherwise, things will get difficult. The Tier-3 Golems might be strong but their use is…minuscule after the 4th Awakening happens…that's going to be hard to achieve,' Dilan thought and his mind was further going astray.

He changed his path and went over to the taming area. There, he could find the third or fourth generation of long-legged lizard eggs. The first generation had already reached the second Tier, if Dilan was not mistaken, and they were further trained with the hopes of finding mutations that lead down to the path of a Dragon.

'I should have given them some of the Primordial Blood…well, forget it,' He ended up with annoying thoughts and slapping his own forehead.

Sometimes he really didn't know whether to be disgusted with himself or not, but that was just another part of him, something he had to accept about himself regardless.

When he was done inspecting the taming area, Dilan found himself in the Artisan district of the Sanctum. He was not sure since when the Sanctum had such a large Artisan district but there were always new things he got to know.

"Old Jeff…long time no see!" Dilan greeted in a voice loud enough to make himself be heard over the noises of a Forging hammer smashing upon metal.

Old Jeff, the old man, who didn't look that old anymore, stopped hammering. He looked at Dilan and began to smile.

"Long time no see," Old Jeff replied before he retrieved something from his storage pouch, "I really wonder how you survived getting squashed and burned by this Giganto!"

Dilan didn't need any more explanations to understand what Old Jeff meant by 'Giganto'. He scratched the back of his head and smiled ignorantly.

"Let's just say that I'm…hard to kill?" Dilan answered mysteriously. He didn't mind telling others about his Origin ability, but he didn't want to be looked at like a true monster.

Sometimes he felt as if people saw him as nothing but a monster. That was quite bothersome and it was something Dilan would rather avoid.

That was also why he wouldn't tell anyone how exactly he defeated his father. Even for himself, the battle was a little bit disgusting, and more than a little bit painful.

His entire body had been drilled with holes, and any other normal Ascender would have died hundreds of times with the injuries he had sustained.

Thinking about the injuries, Dilan felt the pain sweeping through him once again. The memories were more painful than it had been when he was fighting, especially since the adrenaline pumping through his veins had mostly cut off the pain he sensed.

"Were you able to turn it into something useless? A bunch of weapons or something like that?" Dilan asked. He was curious about the advancement Old Jeff made in recent days.

He hoped to be able to replace the Cursed Dagger soon enough. Xealtron was slowly getting too weak for him to handle. Dilan could tell that when fighting the Behemoth. Whenever he tried to pierce the Cursed Dagger through the Behemoth's unscathed skin it felt like Xealtron would break.

That was quite annoying because it had forced Dilan to solely rely on the Destruction Slashes when he had slashed out with the Cursed Dagger.

As for the Blessed Blade, Dilan could tell that he would be able to use it for a long time.

If used properly, the Blessed Blade could even cut through the hide of Demi Gods!

But, of course, Dilan was already looking forward to fights with Gods…and to seeing their blood shimmering brightly on the blade of his weapons!

That was quite annoying because it had forced Dilan to solely rely on the Destruction Slashes when he had slashed out with the Cursed Dagger.

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