Undying Warlord

Chapter 433 Foreign Race

In an unexpected turn of events, Dilan saw a dark-skinned woman with pointy ears and purple eyes.

Her eyes were red and tears trickled down her cheeks as she was struggling to move around.

She was giving her all and thrashing around to prevent the men around her from taking what was the most precious to her- her chastity.

Dilan looked at the scene in the room for a moment before he lifted both of his hands to release the tiny thunderbolts that revolved around his gloves.

His eyes didn't know any emotions as the blood of several human Ascenders splattered through the entire room. The struggling woman could only feel something warm trickling onto her naked body before the gurgling noises of several men rang through her ears. Her eyes were tightly shut and she bit onto her lips, imagining the worst possible.

"Do you even know who I am?! I am the command–..." The bulky man, who had desired to take her first, shouted at the top of his lungs, just to quiet down all of a sudden.

Silence filled the room at that moment and the woman opened her eyes carefully upon realizing that something was off. Her eyes widened all of a sudden as an unexpected sight appeared in front of her.

Blood leaked out of the holes that had been pierced into the bulky man's chest, throat, and head and it took a few seconds before the man collapsed on the ground in front of the tied-down woman.

"You are dead, nothing more or less," Dilan said coldly, and his eyes turned to the woman, whom he stared at for a few seconds.

"Were you bought as a slave?" He asked her, completely out of context. She had expected him to pounce on her but his question made her stare at him with a wide open mouth.

"Huh?" That was the only thing she could blurt out after a few seconds, trying to hide her private parts.

Dilan looked straight into her purple eyes rather than her curvaceous body which caused numerous men to lust after her.

The behavior of the young man was more than a bit unfamiliar to the young woman who couldn't hide her shock.

"Well, the Queen of the Dark Elven could be bought in the Essence shop when I had access to it. She was labeled as a Slave, which is why I predicted that her whole race had been forced into submission and enslaved," Dilan explained his theory as he accessed his storage ring to retrieve a blanket.

He threw it toward the woman, whom he presumed to be a Dark Elf while continuing to stare at her.

His assumption might be wrong and both her purple eyes and long and pointy ears were some sort of special condition or created after another race's bloodline had been accepted and fused with her, but even if he was wrong, it didn't really matter all that much.

"Our Queen disappeared a long time ago…." The woman mumbled to herself, trying to make sense of the situation as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

"So why are you here, or rather, how did you come here?" Dilan asked this time after realizing that the woman was actually a Dark Elf and not human.

"Why did you help me?" the Dark Elf asked and Dilan could only frown.

"I think you're misunderstanding the situation right now. I didn't come here to save you but to see how filthy the people in this whole settlement are," Dilan answered her calmly while his eyes darted straight toward the Dark Elf, who realized something within Dilan's eyes that was far more dangerous than lust; seemingly endless anger.

The anger Dilan felt was not about the Dark Elf but the group, who had killed his people and even more importantly, had almost taken his life!

However, the Dark Elf didn't know to who his anger was targeted. Thus, she turned silent for a few seconds while Dilan's eyes felt like they were about to turn her into an icicle.

"I…was enslaved by the Drakins…and they support this group, which is why they send some of their…slaves over to this planet…" The Dark Elf stammered while speaking. She was shaking and it took her a great deal of effort to control her voice as much as possible. However, she had begun to tremble wildly and speak in a trembling voice, which was enough for Dilan to sigh deeply.

'How did the situation turn out like this?' He began to wonder.

"Drakins? Never heard of that race," Dilan said at first before he continued to speak, "Either way, tell me more about the Drakins. Are they already on Milarn with some sort of Temple by their side, or did they merely send over a bunch of Slaves?"

The Dark Elf looked at Dilan in uncertainty. She was about to say something but a purple mark above her chest began to shimmer brightly. The woman swayed a bit, she landed on the ground and stayed there.

Her blanket had loosened and fallen down but the young Dark Elf was not able to pick it up. She felt too weak to do so.

'So that's how the things with slaves work,' Dilan thought as he looked at the weak woman, who had difficulties even breathing properly right now.

He stepped forward, leaned down, and picked up the blanket to tuck her in it. Dilan didn't lift her from the ground but he stepped away once again.

"Just answer what you can without breaking the commands your master has given to you. They betrayed you first by throwing you here. You should understand that after what happened here," He said without showing too many emotions on his face.

The Dark Elf swallowed hard and she was beyond relieved that he didn't do anything to her. It was obvious that he was strong enough to do whatever he wanted to her but he didn't do so even though it was obvious that he showed no mercy or remorse when killing his opponents.

"There are not many Drakins yet, but after our newly appointed master collected enough Soul Fragments more will soon come…" She answered and her slave mark began to shine once again. However, it was more of a warning this time rather than endless pain, which would have been disastrous.

Dilan nodded his head and he thought about a few things while looking at her.

"How many Slaves did they send over, and is your master the leader of this group?" He enquired while trying to think of something.

"I don't know our exact numbers and our new human master is called Regilav Gaul. We have to follow his orders no matter what!" The Dark Elf answered and Dilan nodded his head once again.

The information the Dark Elf had provided was more than enough and he was ready to leave.

"Once your connection with him is terminated you should leave the settlement as quickly as you can," Dilan said and he stepped outside the room just to hear a silent voice reaching his ears.

"But we will die if we don't get a new master…"

It was the Dark Elf who had spoken and Dilan halted in his tracks for a moment when he heard her words.

'Slaves will always be slaves. Is that how it is?' He wondered before he stepped outside again.

There was no need for him to be concerned about the well-being of slaves, but oddly enough he could feel what they had gone through.

After all, his life hadn't been any better than a slave before he had found the chance to run away from home.

He was not different.

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