Undying Life

Chapter 998: The Origin of Mr. Corpse

Chapter 998: Chapter 998: The Origin of Mr. Corpse

Zhong Shan stood atop the mighty Eight-Extreme Heavenly Tail, its immense eight tails displaying their ferocious power, unleashing endless sword qi. Zhong Shan, facing several Heart-Piercing Envoys alone, remained undefeated!

The battle grew increasingly intense. Though it appeared that Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen were struggling, the fact that Zhong Shan was only using the Eight-Extreme Heavenly Tail and the Fangtian Imperial Seal indicated that he had yet to exert his full strength.

Part of his restraint was due to caution, but more importantly, Zhong Shan had not gone for the kill.

The Heart-Piercing Envoys—these Ancient Immortals—could have been consumed one by one by the Eight-Extreme Heavenly Tail, steadily reducing their numbers. But Zhong Shan didn't do so—not out of mercy, but because these individuals were already part of his larger plan.

Sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys? Yama Hall?

These would eventually become part of his own domain. There was no need to annihilate them completely!

To outside observers, however, Zhong Shan's group was already formidable enough. Facing off against sixteen Ancient Immortals without defeat was a feat that would soon be known across the world, earning them the respect of all.

At this moment, nearly everyone had etched the name Zhong Shan into their memories.

Zhong Shan's actions at Sacred Corpse Mountain were merely a prelude, but his display of power at Yama Hall was a true show of his might. Battling against sixteen Ancient Immortals?

After over half an hour of fierce combat, many of the Heart-Piercing Envoys had suffered injuries to varying degrees, but their pride as members of Yama Hall drove them to continue fighting.

King Yama watched the battle in the sky, his heart filled with mixed emotions. What was he supposed to do now? The sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys would surely blame him for this.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, don't you think you should step in and eliminate that demon Zhong Shan?" King Yama whispered anxiously.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled faintly.

With a wave of his hand, a blood-red light descended from the heavens.

It was a path of the Heavenly Dao, a crimson path.

As the Heavenly Dao appeared, it immediately enveloped the combatants.

In an instant, both Zhong Shan and the Heart-Piercing Envoys felt their movements slow, and they all turned to look toward Yama Hall.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!" The sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys offered a slight bow.

They were well aware that dealing with Zhong Shan was impossible without Ksitigarbha's intervention.

Zhong Shan also looked toward the handsome man in monk's robes.

Like Mr. Corpse, this man had a small mustache, making him stand out.

"The underworld is not a place for you to cause chaos. The underworld has its own rules. Release Nian Youyou, and I will let you go," Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said calmly.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? You can't let Zhong Shan go!" King Yama protested urgently.

In King Yama's mind, Zhong Shan had to be captured and torn to pieces. But why was Ksitigarbha letting him go?

Burning Lamp cast a cold glance at King Yama. Let Zhong Shan go? Even a cornered rabbit can bite—how much more so someone like Zhong Shan? Back in the Nuwa Realm, Zhong Shan had even managed to injure an Ancestor Immortal. Ksitigarbha's approach was already a great favor to King Yama.

"Release Nian Youyou? Are you joking?" Zhong Shan retorted coldly.


Everyone around was stunned for a moment. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was an existence who had reached the level of Ancestor Immortal long ago, yet Zhong Shan spoke to him with such a tone?

Not just the onlookers, but even the sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys were now looking at Zhong Shan as though he were a dead man.

"Di Zang—Wang!"

Suddenly, from within the protection of the Eight-Extreme Heavenly Tail, Mr. Corpse spoke, calling out, "Di Zang—Wang!"

Everyone turned to look at Mr. Corpse in confusion. What was this man doing, calling out to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva furrowed his brow as he looked at Mr. Corpse.

"Di Zang—Wang!" Mr. Corpse called out again.

Ksitigarbha's expression suddenly changed as he stared intently at Mr. Corpse.

"Who are you? How do you know my true identity?" Ksitigarbha asked, his voice betraying a slight tremor.

Those around were baffled. What was going on with Ksitigarbha? Everyone knew he was Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The man just called out his name—anyone could do that.

"Are you Di Zang—Wang?" Mr. Corpse asked again.

King Yama and the sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys looked at Mr. Corpse with puzzled expressions. Wasn't it obvious? He's Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

But only Ksitigarbha understood the deeper meaning behind Mr. Corpse's words.

"Who are you?" Ksitigarbha's expression suddenly turned cold.

"From the Zang family—Shishou!" Mr. Corpse replied.

After speaking, Mr. Corpse began to recite a chant, a series of words so cryptic that no one else could understand them. The chant seemed like some kind of secret code.

Ksitigarbha's previously calm demeanor suddenly shifted to one of rare delight. His expression then became serious.

With a wave of his hand, the Heavenly Dao path in the sky abruptly dissipated.

"Sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys, allow me to handle this matter," Ksitigarbha said to the sixteen envoys.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has spoken; we will comply. We take our leave," the sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys responded with a nod.

With that, the sixteen envoys blurred and dispersed in all directions, presumably returning to the Sixteen Heart-Piercing Hells.

At this moment, King Yama was the most relieved of all. He sighed quietly in relief. With the departure of the sixteen Heart-Piercing Envoys, it seemed they wouldn't hold him accountable after all.

Feeling elated, King Yama shot a grateful glance at Ksitigarbha.

"The farce ends here. My apologies to everyone," Ksitigarbha said to the others.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, there's no need to apologize!" Bull Demon King and the others quickly responded.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Buddha has extended an invitation. When might you find time to visit the Great Thunderclap Temple? The Buddha wishes to elevate you to the status of a Buddha," Maitreya Buddha said with a smile.

"Please convey my thanks to the Buddha, but I made a great vow long ago: 'If the hells are not empty, I shall not become a Buddha.' I must first deliver all the evil spirits from the Pit of Ghosts," Ksitigarbha replied, shaking his head.

"No, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, this time the invitation is not from the Buddha," Maitreya Buddha said.

"Oh? Then from whom? Has another prodigy emerged at the Great Thunderclap Temple?" Ksitigarbha asked, slightly surprised.

"It is not from a new talent but from the founder of the Great Thunderclap Temple, Amitabha Buddha!" Maitreya Buddha replied, his tone filled with deep reverence.

Amitabha Buddha?

Upon hearing those four words, Ksitigarbha's pupils contracted.

After staring at Maitreya Buddha for a moment, Ksitigarbha took a deep breath and said, "I see now, I finally understand!"

"What do you understand, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" Burning Lamp asked, puzzled.

"Amitabha Buddha... No wonder, no wonder all the monks and Buddhists across the Four Great Continents chant 'Amitabha Buddha' as their mantra. With each recitation, a small amount of merit is generated. Though the merit is small, it accumulates with the countless people who chant it. One person's chant creates an immense pool of merit. Amitabha Buddha—such a brilliant plan!" Ksitigarbha sighed.

Ksitigarbha had come to realize that the plan had been meticulously crafted by the cunning Jieyin. The downfall of the sages was predestined by the Heavenly Dao, yet Jieyin had planted a resurrection strategy among the world's monks. By elevating the Great Thunderclap Temple as the pinnacle of Buddhism and leading the world to chant "Amitabha Buddha," Jieyin had paved the way for his own rebirth.

Such a subtle and hidden path to resurrection—truly invisible and intangible.

"The world will once again enter a time of turmoil," Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sighed, shaking his head.

From Jieyin's resurrection, Ksitigarbha had discerned much. At the very least, among the fallen sages of the past, there were many who were even more cunning than Jieyin—figures like Hongjun, Taishang, and Yuanshi, all of whom were masters of meticulous planning.

In the past, Ksitigarbha had wondered why, aside from Nuwa's desperate counterattack before her fall, the other sages had passed away so quietly. Now, he understood—they were all waiting for the day of their return.

"When do you plan to visit the Great Thunderclap Temple?" Maitreya Buddha asked.

Ksitigarbha looked at Maitreya Buddha and shook his head. "I will not go to the Great Thunderclap Temple. Jieyin's actions go against the natural order. Heaven's will must punish him. As for you, be careful with your choices."

Maitreya Buddha and Burning Lamp furrowed their brows but did not press further.

After exchanging a few more words, Ksitigarbha turned his attention back to Zhong Shan and his companions, especially focusing on Mr. Corpse.

"Please, come inside," Ksitigarbha said courteously.

"Hmm," Mr. Corpse nodded.

The Eight-Extreme Heavenly Tail shrank and settled on Zhong Shan's shoulder as the group followed Ksitigarbha into the grand hall.

King Yama watched with displeasure as Nian Youyou leaned against Zhong Shan, but with Ksitigarbha treating them so politely, what could he do?

Nian Ben and Nian Can observed coldly from the sidelines. Nian Ben seemed on the verge of saying something but was held back by Nian Can, who remained silent.


The grand hall doors slammed shut.

Ksitigarbha looked at Mr. Corpse, then at Zhong Shan and the others.

"This is the Saint King of Daeng. I currently serve in Daeng, and these are all officials of Daeng," Mr. Corpse explained.

Ksitigarbha examined the group before nodding.

"You said earlier that you are...?" Ksitigarbha sought confirmation once more.

"From the Zang family—Shishou!" Mr. Corpse repeated.

Ksitigarbha suddenly extended his right index finger, which ignited with a small, icy blue flame.

Mr. Corpse likewise extended his right index finger, which flared with a white flame.

When their fingertips touched, the flames clashed with a crackling sound before the blue flame on Ksitigarbha's finger was completely absorbed by Mr. Corpse's white flame.

Retracting their fingers, Ksitigarbha's expression fluctuated as he stared at Mr. Corpse, as though struggling with something in his mind.

"There's no need for you to be troubled. The Zang family—now, it's just me. Tianzang, Xuanzang, Huangzang—they've long disappeared, perhaps all perished. I don't expect you to acknowledge me as the head of the Zang family. I merely want to ask for your help," Mr. Corpse said with a bitter smile, shaking his head.

Ksitigarbha looked at Mr. Corpse, his expression continuously shifting. After a moment, he took a deep breath, as if finally coming to a decision.

With a formal half-bow, Ksitigarbha said, "Di Zang—Wang, pays respects to the head of the Zang family!"

Zhong Shan and the others remained silent, their eyes filled with astonishment. Mr. Corpse's identity? The Zang family?

Mr. Corpse gazed deeply at Ksitigarbha. Although Ksitigarbha had acknowledged his status as the head of the Zang family, it was clear from his earlier hesitation that there was still some resistance in his heart.

"After the decline of the Zang family, the Di Zang lineage must have passed through many generations," Mr. Corpse remarked.

"After the fall of the Zang family, I am the ninth generation of Di Zang," Ksitigarbha nodded.

"Nine generations... You don't need to treat me with such deference. I came here today simply to borrow your Pit of Ghosts. I need it to cleanse the mark of the sage," Mr. Corpse said solemnly.

Hearing Mr. Corpse's openness and lack of arrogance as the head of the family, Ksitigarbha quietly sighed in relief. After all, no one liked to suddenly gain a master, especially when they had already reached the level of Ancestor Immortal, while this "master" was only a Heavenly Immortal!

"Very well, you may enter the Pit of Ghosts with me whenever you're ready," Ksitigarbha quickly agreed.

"Hmm," Mr. Corpse acknowledged.

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