Undying Life

Chapter 950: The Demon-Summoning Banner in Zhong Shan’s Hands

Chapter 950: Chapter 950: The Demon-Summoning Banner in Zhong Shan's Hands

Destiny? At the thought of destiny, the Purple Heaven Leader's initial excitement turned to icy dread. Over the past few months, he had been plagued by misfortune, and now, as the Demon-Summoning Banner descended toward him, he couldn't help but see it as another harbinger of bad luck.

Fearfully glancing around, he saw the greed in the eyes of countless experts. Each one of them was staring at him with malevolent intent.

"@#¥%...&!" the Purple Heaven Leader muttered under his breath, his heart racing with anxiety. He desperately wanted to shout that he was only here to observe, but it seemed the heavens themselves conspired to prevent him from speaking. The Demon-Summoning Banner seemed to be heading straight for his hand as if he had used a secret technique to attract it.

The Purple Heaven Leader was filled with hatred and dread. The Demon-Summoning Banner was nothing short of a death sentence!


The thought of fleeing surged within him. If he could escape, perhaps others wouldn't believe he had tried to seize the banner. With a sudden leap, he tried to take flight.

But the moment he moved, it was like poking a hornet's nest. The tension around him exploded.

"He's trying to snatch the Demon-Summoning Banner!"

"He's seeking death!"

"Kill him!"

Voices roared from all directions, filled with madness and excitement. In an instant, over a hundred powerful artifacts and attacks were launched at him. Great Immortals and Ancient Immortals alike unleashed their might, and even a yellow-robed Ancestor Immortal couldn't resist, striking out with a force of heavenly power.

The Purple Heaven Leader realized his mistake the moment he took off. There was no time for explanations; he was doomed.

"My life is over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" he cried out in despair, engulfed by the overwhelming onslaught.

From a distance, Zhong Shan wiped a bead of cold sweat from his forehead. The Purple Heaven Leader was indeed extremely unlucky!

The once proud Purple Heaven Leader had died just like that, in confusion and without understanding.

The commotion caused a ripple effect, drawing countless powerful figures into the fray. The Demon-Summoning Banner was free once more.

The distant sky became a chaotic scene, filled with shadows of countless figures, artifacts, and dazzling spells. The sounds of battle were incessant.

The Demon-Summoning Banner! It was a curse in disguise!

Reflecting on the countless corpses along the way, Zhong Shan sighed. He wondered how many more would die because of the Demon-Summoning Banner. It was only when Ying had appeared and suppressed the crowd that there had been a moment of peace.

But why, after obtaining the Demon-Summoning Banner, had Ying discarded it?

From the distance, leaders of various factions, who had remained unmoved until now, furrowed their brows and glanced at Zhong Shan. After seeming to issue some orders, they made their way towards the center of the commotion.

Magu, riding a great green snake, flew forward, and the Snow Plum Patriarch also stepped up.

Ancestor Immortals—Ancestor Immortals were getting involved.

Instantly, that area was enveloped in radiant light, obscuring the internal struggle.

"Saint King, what should we do?" Luo Xingchen asked with a frown.

The situation was escalating beyond comprehension. Was it truly necessary?

"Let's go!" Zhong Shan commanded.

With Luo Xingchen in tow, Zhong Shan turned and swiftly retreated, knowing that attempting to seize the Demon-Summoning Banner was a death sentence. However, they hadn't flown far when a group of white-robed individuals intercepted them, blocking their path at a mountain peak.

"Disciples of the Snow Plum Patriarch? What do you intend to do now? Can't accept defeat?" Zhong Shan's voice was cold.

One of them stepped forward and spoke, "The Patriarch said that the Demon-Summoning Banner might still fall into your hands, so we have to keep an eye on you!"

Indeed, one or two people couldn't deal with Zhong Shan, but nearly a hundred? They wouldn't be afraid of him.

Zhong Shan stared intently at the menacing individual who had spoken. The man stared back unflinchingly, seemingly trying to overpower Zhong Shan with his presence.

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Shan shook his head and said, "The Snow Plum Patriarch is truly cunning!"

Hearing Zhong Shan praise their patriarch, the disciples showed smug smiles.

"Indeed!" Zhong Shan suddenly said.

Indeed? The Snow Plum Patriarch's disciples looked at Zhong Shan with confusion. What did he mean?

"The Demon-Summoning Banner is indeed with me," Zhong Shan continued.

"@#%%...&!" The disciples were thrown into disarray.

"What did he just say, junior brother?"

"He said the Demon-Summoning Banner is in his hands!"

"Is Zhong Shan insane?"

"Yeah, he must be. If the banner was with him, why would our master and all the Ancestor Immortals be fighting for it?"

As the disciples mocked Zhong Shan, he suddenly revealed a large banner in his right hand. The banner shimmered with thirteen colors—the Demon-Summoning Banner!

The disciples of the Snow Plum Patriarch were stunned.

What was happening? They could see clearly that it was identical to the banner Ying had thrown earlier. But hadn't the Ancestor and Ancient Immortals been fighting over it? How did it suddenly appear in Zhong Shan's hands?

The disciples' eyes twitched uncontrollably. This was too bizarre!

What kind of sorcery was this?

The disciples stared at Zhong Shan, speechless for a moment. The menacing disciple finally spoke, "Impossible! The Demon-Summoning Banner is being contested by the Ancestor Immortals. How could it be in your hands? Are you saying all the Ancestor Immortals are blind?"

"Ah, that's the difference between you and the Snow Plum Patriarch," Zhong Shan lamented, shaking his head.

The disciples were at a loss for words.

"The Snow Plum Patriarch can foresee such things, but clearly, you cannot. This is destiny. Even a sage cannot defy destiny. Do you think the Ancestor Immortals can defy it? Destiny has placed the Demon-Summoning Banner in my hands. What can I do about it?" Zhong Shan said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"@#¥%...&@!" the disciples muttered.

This talk of destiny was too far-fetched. But how else could it explain the banner ending up in Zhong Shan's hands? It was the first time he'd seen it!

"Is it real or fake? I can tell at a glance. Hand over the Demon-Summoning Banner!" the menacing disciple demanded.

"And if I refuse?" Zhong Shan sneered.

"Snow Plum Sword Formation!" the disciple shouted.


The disciples of the Snow Plum Patriarch immediately formed a powerful formation, their expressions stern and ready for battle.

"Alright, I'll give it to you!" Zhong Shan suddenly said.

The Snow Plum Patriarch's disciples were so frustrated they could almost vomit blood. They had just steeled themselves for a fight, only to have Zhong Shan deflate their momentum with a single sentence.

The menacing disciple extended his hand in frustration as Zhong Shan tossed the banner to him.

"Are you really giving it to us?" The disciples were incredulous.

They looked at each other in bewilderment but then turned to the menacing disciple for confirmation.

"Fourth Senior Brother, is it real?" one of them asked.

The menacing disciple probed the banner with his divine sense but found nothing amiss. Frowning, he realized that deciphering a sage's artifact wasn't something he could do immediately.

"It seems real," he said, still feeling like he was in a dream.

"Really?" The disciples grew excited.

At this moment, Zhong Shan gave Luo Xingchen a subtle signal.

Luo Xingchen suddenly shouted, "Give me back my Demon-Summoning Banner~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

His shout startled the Snow Plum Patriarch's disciples, causing their hearts to skip a beat. Why was he shouting?

As they recovered, they realized the gravity of the situation. Countless powerful figures were now focusing their attention on them.

"The Demon-Summoning Banner?"

"Why is it there?"

"Is it really the Demon-Summoning Banner?"

"Better believe it than miss it!"

A multitude of experts began converging on their position.

"Fourth Senior Brother, we need to go, now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" one of the disciples cried out in panic.

The menacing disciple, pressured by the urgency of the situation, felt the need to escape. If they didn't flee, the Ancestor Immortals would soon arrive!

Turning on his heel, he grabbed the banner and led his three junior brothers in a hasty retreat.

Their flight only confirmed suspicions. If they weren't running, others might not have believed it, but their escape made it clear.

"It's really the Demon-Summoning Banner?"

"Chase them!"

"Master, the Demon-Summoning Banner is here!"

"Go after them!"

A throng of powerful figures began pursuing the fourth senior brother of the Snow Plum Patriarch.

The Snow Plum Patriarch's disciples felt a mix of worry and excitement.

"Alright, now stop blocking my path. The Demon-Summoning Banner is yours," Zhong Shan said calmly.

"No, our master has ordered us to follow you," one disciple insisted.

"But I've already given you the banner. What more do you want?"

"Perhaps, due to destiny, the banner might return to your hands," another disciple said stubbornly.

Zhong Shan stared at the disciple, who met his gaze defiantly, much like the fourth senior brother had earlier.

"Alright!" Zhong Shan suddenly sighed.

Alright? What did he mean?

"The Demon-Summoning Banner is indeed with me!" Zhong Shan said again.

"@#¥%...&@!" The disciples were utterly perplexed. Was Zhong Shan mad?

At that moment, Zhong Shan extended his palm, revealing another identical Demon-Summoning Banner.

"@#¥%...&@!" The disciples were completely stunned. How was there another one?

"Didn't you give the banner to the fourth senior brother? How can it still be with you?" one disciple shouted in confusion.

"It's destiny. Your fourth senior brother forgot to take it with him," Zhong Shan said nonchalantly.


"Is it real or fake? I can tell at a glance. Hand over the banner!" the stubborn disciple demanded.

"And if I refuse?"

"Snow Plum Sword Formation!"


"Alright, I'll give it to you!" Zhong Shan handed over the banner again.

"It seems real?" the disciple said, examining it.

"Give me back my Demon-Summoning Banner!" Luo Xingchen shouted once more.

The disciple holding the banner froze, looking at Zhong Shan in disbelief.

By this time, another group of powerful figures had surrounded them.

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