Undying Life

Chapter 929: Total Annihilation

Chapter 929: Chapter 929: Total Annihilation

Seeing the sword energy, Yan Hui's expression changed drastically. "The Immortal-Slaying Sword?"

The Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail didn't wait for Yan Hui's reaction, leaping towards him again.


With a glare, Yan Hui unfolded his world, causing both him and the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail to vanish instantly.

The distant onlookers were astonished.

"Where did Zhong Shan find such a beast? It's so terrifying!"

"A divine beast at the Ancient Immortal level? I wonder if it has matured yet. It could already be in the top eighty of the divine beast rankings!"

"At least the top seventy-five!"

"But it's a pity. It entered Yan Hui's 'world.' The greatest sorrow of a divine beast is not having a 'world'."

As the spectators lamented the fate of the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail, a massive explosion echoed through the void, as if a giant hole had been torn in space. A huge blood-red tail emerged.


Yan Hui and the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail reappeared before everyone.

The Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail was still excited, but Yan Hui was now pale with shock, holding a Spring and Autumn Annals that was missing half of its pages, apparently bitten off.

Yan Hui's face turned white as he looked at the remains of his artifact, then at the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail.

"Yiya, yiya..."

The Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail continued its cries, but only Yan Hui knew how terrifying they were. Just moments ago, those cries had resulted in half of his world being devoured by this monstrous beast.

A beast capable of devouring worlds? Could someone tell me what this creature is? Its body was like rubber, repelling sword strikes, and its tail was as powerful as the Immortal-Slaying Sword.

This wasn't an imitation; Yan Hui could never forget the aura of the Immortal-Slaying Sword from the sage of Tongtian. Why was this happening?

"Confucian disciples, form the Grand Array!" Yan Hui commanded.

"Yes!" the disciples responded.

Just as the Confucian disciples began to form their array, the sky resounded with a massive roar. A huge cover with nine dragon bones, each adorned with a golden dragon, descended from the sky, trapping the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail within.

"The Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover?" an onlooker exclaimed.

"That's the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover of Taiyi Zhenren—no, Taiyi Sage King!"

Everyone recognized the artifact and were shocked to see another Ancient Immortal involved.

Trapping the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail?

Zhong Shan, the Nine-Tailed Princess, and Su Afo hovered in the air.

Below, within the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover, the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail struggled wildly as if it were being burned by an endless flame.

Seeing the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail restrained, Yan Hui's face lit up with joy, then turned to anger as he glared at Zhong Shan.

At that moment, Zhong Shan looked towards another direction. A man in dragon robes suddenly appeared in the void.

The Taiyi Sage King!

Zhong Shan coldly stared at the Taiyi Sage King.

"Taiyi Sage King, what are you doing? We have no enmity with you. Why target us?" the Nine-Tailed Princess shouted angrily.

Yan Hui also looked at Taiyi with a hint of confusion.

"Sage King of Da Zeng, Zhong Shan?" Taiyi said calmly.

Zhong Shan, seemingly unsurprised, looked at Taiyi and said in a deep voice, "Has the Taiyi Holy Court already sent its troops?"

"Yes, the Taiyi Holy Court has launched an attack on Da Zeng. Not just us; the Taiji Holy Court has also sent its forces. Even the Taichu Holy Court might join in," Taiyi Sage King said.

"You're lying! Taichu would never attack the Da Zeng Holy Court!" the Nine-Tailed Princess immediately shouted.

"Politics is something a little girl like you wouldn't understand," Taiyi sneered.

"Invasions from multiple courts, it seems inevitable. But it's been over a hundred years since Da Zeng descended into the Great Thousand World. Invading now? Too late!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

"Too late? I don't think so," Taiyi replied nonchalantly.

"If it wasn't too late, why would you be in such a hurry to invade?" Zhong Shan sneered.

Taiyi's brow furrowed.

"Even though I left Da Zeng, its institutions remain vigilant. Over the past century, we've gathered the brightest talents from all over the world, even those from the Small Thousand World. You fear us!" Zhong Shan said disdainfully.

"Fear? Hahaha, you think I'd be afraid of a mere Heavenly Immortal?" Taiyi scoffed.

"If you weren't afraid, why would you act now? Humph, after we leave the Nuwa Realm, Da Zeng will march upon the Taiyi Holy Court," Zhong Shan declared solemnly.

A trace of contempt flashed across Taiyi's face. "Just you? Humph, killing you today will just be for the sake of disrupting Da Zeng's fortunes. If you seek death, you have no one to blame but yourself."

Yan Hui's eyes flashed with confusion and then a cold smile, realizing that Zhong Shan had many enemies.



As Zhong Shan laughed, the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail's voice suddenly echoed again across the heavens.

Hearing this, Yan Hui's face changed. That creature had already deeply terrified him. Wasn't it trapped within the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover?

The distant spectators widened their eyes in shock.

"What kind of beast is this?"

"How did it escape?"

The Taiyi Sage King's face turned pale, his chest suddenly feeling tight. Below, the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail had broken free from the cover and, with a single bite, swallowed the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover.

An Ancient Immortal artifact swallowed in one bite? Even a taotie wouldn't be this outrageous!

"Zhong Shan, can you get me a pet like that?" Su Afo said enviously.

Too dominant, just swallowing everything? The world's greatest glutton?

Yan Hui looked at Taiyi with disbelief, then at the half-eaten Spring and Autumn Annals in his hand, finally realizing the terror of the beast.

Taiyi Sage King had made a grave mistake. He wouldn't normally intervene, but the opportunity had seemed too good to miss. He had hoped to maximize the gains of the external invasion by a direct confrontation between kings. However, it had not gone as planned.

The Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail's eyes narrowed into slits, radiating a deadly aura.


With a loud cry, the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail charged at the Taiyi Sage King. This old man had dared to attack it treacherously.

The enormous tail swung with immense force, enveloping the sky with sword energy. Four of the tails formed a circle, trapping the Taiyi Sage King. The sky trembled as the sword energy enclosed the area.

"The Immortal-Slaying Sword Formation?" the Taiyi Sage King shouted in shock.

He hadn't expected the beast to be so ferocious.

On the other side, Yan Hui waved his hand, and countless Confucian disciples formed a massive four-sided array, encircling Zhong Shan and his group.

Yan Hui was now cautious, focusing his attention on Zhong Shan.

"Kill!" Yan Hui commanded.

Thousands of Confucian disciples unleashed their treasures—books, swords, knives, and brushes—each sending forth terrifying energy towards Zhong Shan. The energies merged mid-air, transforming into nine gigantic purple streams. As they approached, the space trembled, showing their power, equivalent to an Ancient Immortal's strength.

The terrifying energy surged towards Zhong Shan, causing his heart to tighten. He swiftly brought out the Emperor's Diagram, enveloping himself, the Nine-Tailed Princess, and Su Afo. The nine purple streams were deflected, shooting back and killing the Confucian disciples from nine directions.

"An excellent treasure!" Yan Hui exclaimed excitedly.

Zhong Shan emerged, the Emperor's Diagram hovering in front of him. He coldly stared at Yan Hui.

"I didn't wish to become enemies with the Confucian School, but you've left me no choice. If that's the case, you have only yourselves to blame!" Zhong Shan said coldly.

Meanwhile, in the Underworld, Zhong Shan's shadow body had arrived near the Reincarnation Hall.

"Mud Bodhisattva, give me the Vexation Miasma, the endless Vexation Miasma!" Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" Mud Bodhisattva responded without hesitation, summoning the vast, blood-colored Vexation Miasma from the east of the Reincarnation Hall.

Unfolding the Emperor's Diagram, the shadow body of Zhong Shan allowed the terrifying Vexation Miasma to pour in.

"You're still putting on airs as an emperor when you're about to die? Confucian disciples, form the Grand Array and kill with me!" Yan Hui shouted.

He needed to kill Zhong Shan quickly because Zhong Shan's current strength far surpassed what he had shown at the Lingxiao Heavenly Court. Was Zhong Shan hiding his true strength, or had he grown this much?

Either way, it was alarming.

Numerous powerful individuals rushed towards Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan pointed with the Emperor's Diagram.


The terrifying blood-colored Vexation Miasma filled the surrounding space, engulfing everyone within. The endless sea of blood was filled with countless struggling and writhing ghosts.


"My treasure!"

"Master, save me!"

The Vexation Miasma brought endless screams from the Confucian disciples. The miasma's power was overwhelming, enveloping everyone.

The Vexation Miasma, used by the Mud Bodhisattva to fight Ancient Immortals, could entangle even them for a while. How could these Confucian disciples stand a chance?

The distant spectators, terrified, retreated further, watching the sea of blood with a chill in their hearts.

"Zhong Shan's power? Who said he was just a Heavenly Immortal?"

"What is that sea of blood? It's terrifying! It's the most dreadful sea of blood I've ever seen!"

"It's so vile, the surrounding space seems to be corroding!"

The onlookers muttered in fear.

Inside, the Confucian disciples suffered directly from the Vexation Miasma. Their treasures were all defiled. The terrible corrosion was unbearable.

"Damn you, Zhong Shan!" Yan Hui roared, breaking open a large hole in the Vexation Miasma.

But as he did, a chill ran down his spine.

Too late!

A massive mouth swallowed Yan Hui and his treasures whole.

The Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail had returned.

With a flick of the Emperor's Diagram, Zhong Shan retracted the endless Vexation Miasma.

The ground sank ten feet, and in the void, all the Confucian disciples had vanished. Yan Hui was gone, the Taiyi Sage King was gone, and the Eight Extremes Heavenly Tail had disappeared as well.

Only Zhong Shan, Su Afo, and the Nine-Tailed Princess remained.

The distant onlookers were stunned. From this day forward, the Fengzhong Territory would never forget Zhong Shan's name. He had annihilated thousands of Confucian disciples, killed the Ancient Immortal Yan Hui, and vanquished the Taiyi Sage King.

Zhong Shan had shown his true prowess in this battle.

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