Undying Life

Chapter 1013: The Heavenly Pulse of "Lin"

Chapter 1013: Chapter 1013: The Heavenly Pulse of "Lin"

"Hong... Jun..." Saint Mitian called out, his voice laced with complex emotions.

The crowd around him couldn't help but tense up. Was Mitian addressing the shadow within the solid Heavenly Dao? Was this towering, ancient figure truly Hongjun?

The solid Heavenly Dao pierced through the heavens and the earth, and Hongjun's shadow, standing thousands of feet tall, emanated an aura of ancient and boundless power.

Saint Mitian stared at the shadow of Hongjun, hesitating for the first time, his steps faltering.

"Saint Mitian, I urge you not to bring ruin upon yourself. This is the Celestial Court, where even saints must not act recklessly. I advise you to leave!" the Jade Emperor said in a deep voice.

Saint Mitian continued to glare at the shadow of Hongjun, then turned his gaze back to the Jade Emperor. His expression shifted slightly as he muttered, "Hongjun is dead. This shadow is merely a remnant of his power, an imprint of the past. How could it possibly stop me?"

With those words, Saint Mitian took another step forward.

But as his foot fell, the shadow of Hongjun within the solid Heavenly Dao moved.

Hongjun's shadow stood upright, raising his right hand to his chest.


The sound of "Lin" echoed thunderously throughout the solid Heavenly Dao.

At that single utterance, the tremors shaking the Four Continents suddenly ceased. Mountains stopped crumbling, rivers and seas grew still!

Across the entire Four Continents, this single word resonated everywhere.


In the vast expanse, the sound of "Lin" seemed to enter everyone's hearts, bringing a profound sense of peace to those who had been gripped by fear. It was as if this calm came from the very depths of their souls.

Many cultivators, upon hearing this "Lin," seemed to break through long-standing barriers, rapidly advancing in their spiritual cultivation. Some even found their cultivation levels skyrocketing in response.

In Xiniu Hezhou, at the Great Thunderclap Temple.

Amitabha Buddha, who had been speaking to a gathering of Buddhas, paused as the earth quaked beneath them. When the sound of "Lin" reached him, he bowed slightly in the direction of the Celestial Court.

In Beiju Luzhou, at Saint Corpse Mountain.

Sa, who had been in seclusion, stepped out of the Biyou Palace as the world trembled. When the sound of "Lin" resonated, he stretched out his arms, as if to embrace the sound. A thick white mist swirled around him, slowly receding into his body.

Further north, in the land of Lu.

Confucius stood atop a high mountain, gazing towards the Four Continents. The sound of "Lin" spread across the lands, seemingly reaching his ears.

"Heavenly Pulse? 'Lin Bing Dou Zhe Jie Zhen Lie Qian Xing'? Lin?" Confucius murmured, a note of excitement in his voice.

East of the Eastern Sea, in the capital of Great Qin, Xianyang.

Ying Zheng stood at the forefront, with the black-robed Guiguzi by his side.

"Lin? It truly is Lin!" Ying Zheng said gravely.

"The nine Heavenly Pulses of the mortal realm—'Lin Bing Dou Zhe Jie Zhen Lie Qian Xing.' Hongjun had already mastered the Heavenly Pulse of 'Lin.' No wonder, no wonder he dared to defy Heaven's will in the past," Guiguzi said in a somber tone.

"Hongjun, indeed worthy of being the First Saint of that time!" Ying Zheng nodded.

"With the emergence of the Heavenly Pulse, the Four Continents will no longer know peace," Guiguzi remarked quietly.

"The Four Continents have always been the focal point, but to say they will never know peace again—I'm not so sure," Ying Zheng replied, shaking his head.

Back in the Celestial Court.

The single "Lin" uttered by the shadow of Hongjun within the solid Heavenly Dao caused an abrupt stillness across the Four Continents. But it wasn't just stillness—every tremor and shock seemed to concentrate toward the place where Saint Mitian stood in the Celestial Court.

Saint Mitian, having just stepped into the Celestial Court's Heavenly Dao array, felt the profound and mysterious force of the "Lin" pulse. His advance halted, and his expression turned grave as the true power of Hongjun's legacy began to manifest, shaking even the resolve of a saint.

At the spot where Saint Mitian stood, a sudden burst of intense white light radiated outward. Strangely, the space around him did not shatter, but it was clear that Saint Mitian was trembling violently within the light.

For a full ten seconds, this trembling persisted before gradually subsiding.

Saint Mitian, who had just taken a step forward, withdrew his foot, staring at the massive solid Heavenly Dao with a mixture of shock and fear.

"Lin? This is not just a Heavenly Dao; it's a Heavenly Pulse? The Heavenly Pulse of Lin? Hongjun, you truly are something!" Saint Mitian muttered, his voice tinged with resentment.

Saint Mitian hadn't anticipated that even in death, Hongjun could still pose a threat to him. Previously, Mitian would have dismissed such a notion as laughable, but now, standing before the Heavenly Pulse, he realized the true power of Hongjun.

The single word "Lin" might have seemed insignificant to onlookers, but Saint Mitian felt the terrifying power of the Heavenly Pulse—a force that rivaled, or perhaps even surpassed, his own.

In the mortal realm, there are nine Heavenly Pulses, akin to the nine saints—a fixed number, unchangeable and inviolable. Hongjun had mastered the Heavenly Pulse of Lin, which explained his audacity in defying Heaven's will.

Heaven's will is immutable, and Saint Mitian had fled to the Small Thousand World precisely because he understood this truth. Had he known that Hongjun possessed the Heavenly Pulse of Lin, his decisions back then might have been different.

"Mitian, do you dare take another step?" the Jade Emperor asked coldly.

Saint Mitian looked at the Jade Emperor and fell silent. Clearly, the Jade Emperor now had the power to challenge him—no longer the insignificant ant he once perceived. But Hongjun was dead; this was merely his imprint combined with the power of the Lin Heavenly Pulse. What now?

Saint Mitian hesitated.

As he wavered, a flash of white light streaked across the sky.

Another figure in white descended from the heavens, landing beside the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor remained calm, while the Three Emperors—Gou Chen, Zi Wei, and Zhen Wu—looked on with slight confusion before their expressions turned respectful.

From a distance, Saint Mitian eyed the new arrival.

"Tai... Shang...?" Saint Mitian said in a deep voice.

The figure in white was none other than the former saint, Tai Shang, who had earlier gone to the Eight Sceneries Palace.

"Shall I escort you out?" Tai Shang asked coolly.

Saint Mitian fell into silence once more. It was clear that his mood was now exceedingly foul.


With a cold snort, Saint Mitian transformed into a beam of white light and shot up into the sky, disappearing from sight.

Tai Shang? The gods finally grasped the significance of this moment.

"Greetings, Tai Shang!" the gods saluted with respectful bows.

Tai Shang nodded in acknowledgment.

The Jade Emperor, watching the direction in which Saint Mitian had fled, wore a somber expression, showing no sign of joy at having driven the enemy away. With a wave of his hand, the forty-nine Heavenly Daos surrounding the Celestial Court slowly dissipated, returning the court to its previous state.

Turning, the Jade Emperor looked at the solid Heavenly Dao—the Lin Heavenly Pulse.

Tai Shang gazed at Hongjun's shadow within the Heavenly Pulse, and with a slight bow, he paid his respects. Clearly, Tai Shang held great reverence for Hongjun.

The solid Heavenly Pulse gradually faded, and with it, the shadow of Hongjun dissolved into nothingness.

But then, a large amount of white energy began to seep from the Lin Heavenly Pulse.

Some of this energy surged toward the Jade Emperor, some toward Tai Shang, and unexpectedly, some even flowed toward Luo Xingchen!

Half an hour later, the Lin Heavenly Pulse had completely vanished, as though it had never existed.

Tai Shang was the first to regain his composure, followed by the Jade Emperor. Finally, everyone turned to look at Luo Xingchen, who remained with his eyes closed.

As they observed Luo Xingchen, the onlookers frowned slightly, puzzled by what they were witnessing.

Tai Shang and the Jade Emperor slowly approached Zhong Shan's direction, while the gods remained in place as the Jade Emperor had gestured for them to do.

As they neared, Luo Xingchen, who had just opened his eyes, emitted a faint blue light from the center of his forehead, much like a sapphire.

"Time manipulation? Just like my teacher back then. You've received a trace of the inheritance of time manipulation, haven't you?" Tai Shang spoke softly, his voice carrying a gentle, spring-like warmth that naturally put those who heard it at ease.

Luo Xingchen glanced at Zhong Shan, who nodded in approval before responding, "Yes, Tai Shang, I have received a trace of the inheritance of time manipulation."

Tai Shang, noticing Luo Xingchen's deferential attitude, merely nodded before shifting his gaze to Zhong Shan.

"The recent conflict in the Celestial Court must have been quite the spectacle for you, King Zhong," the Jade Emperor said in a measured tone.

"On the contrary, Your Majesty's divine might is truly awe-inspiring. How could there be anything to mock in such a grand display?" Zhong Shan responded, shaking his head.

"A few days ago, you played a crucial role in breaking the 'Taiqing Two-Yi Dust-Grinding Formation,' allowing Tai Shang to return earlier than expected. For that, we owe you thanks," the Jade Emperor added.

"It was merely a fortunate coincidence," Zhong Shan replied modestly.

"A fortunate coincidence, perhaps, but the Celestial Court does not leave debts unpaid for long. If there is anything you require, please speak, and I will see what can be done," the Jade Emperor offered sincerely, though his words carried the implicit understanding that any request would be considered within reason.

Zhong Shan understood the Jade Emperor's stance and did not press for anything extravagant. Instead, he made a straightforward request: "I have no particular demands. However, I've heard that Tai Shang possesses unparalleled expertise in formation techniques. If Tai Shang is willing, I would greatly appreciate it if he could offer some guidance to my subordinate for the next ten days before we depart from the Celestial Court."

Zhong Shan's request was modest and within bounds, showing that he wasn't seeking undue favors.

The Jade Emperor and Tai Shang exchanged glances, somewhat surprised by the simplicity of Zhong Shan's request.

Finally, Tai Shang spoke, "Guidance is unnecessary. Your subordinate has already reached the pinnacle of formation techniques, having broken the 'Taiqing Two-Yi Dust-Grinding Formation.' I will simply enhance his knowledge by providing some ancient formations collected by my teacher, along with some of my own insights."

"Thank you very much!" Zhong Shan responded earnestly.

With that, Tai Shang produced a jade slip, infusing it with white light as he recorded a vast array of formation techniques within it. He handed it over to Zhong Shan, who then passed it to Nangong Sheng, despite the latter's evident eagerness.

"Having just faced a saint, I'm sure the Celestial Court has matters to attend to. I won't take up any more of your time. We will remain at the Eighth Princess's residence for the next ten days before taking our leave," Zhong Shan said.

"Very well," both Tai Shang and the Jade Emperor agreed with nods.

As Zhong Shan led the curious Hao Meili back to the Eighth Princess's residence, Tai Shang and the Jade Emperor watched them depart, exchanging a glance of mutual surprise before turning to reassure the gods of the Celestial Court.

At the Eighth Princess's residence, Zhong Shan had barely settled down when Luo Xingchen began to speak, "Saint King, about earlier..."

Zhong Shan, however, raised a hand, signaling him to stop, and shook his head. Luo Xingchen understood immediately and refrained from saying more.

After calming everyone down, Zhong Shan retreated to a quiet room to reflect on everything he had witnessed.

The Heavenly Court truly stands above all, even the Sacred Court...

The Heavenly Emperor?

There is now only one Celestial Court left in the mortal realm, but were there others before?

Yes. Zhong Shan recalled Mitian's earlier words—the Great Zhou Heavenly Court. That, too, was once a Celestial Court.

The world is far more complex than it appears. Ancient secrets have accumulated over eons, and the movements of the saints will undoubtedly plunge the world into chaos.

Such chaos could lead to one of two outcomes: great prosperity or great decline.

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