Undying Life

Chapter 1000: Golden Eye Technique

Chapter 1000: Chapter 1000: Golden Eye Technique

Two days later, at the edge of the Pit of Ghosts.

The group emerged from the palace, with several zombies carrying the purple coffin. The coffin was now inscribed with countless golden characters, giving it an extremely eerie appearance.

Standing on the shore, Mr. Corpse controlled the zombies as they carried the coffin toward the vast blood sea.

Slowly, they waded into the blood sea.

"Ah!" "Roar!" "Ugh!" ... The evil spirits within the blood sea howled in rage, swarming toward the zombies.

In an instant, countless evil spirits began ferociously biting and tearing at the zombies. Within moments, the zombies were stripped of their flesh, leaving only the purple coffin floating on the surface of the blood sea.


The evil spirits tried to attack the purple coffin, but as soon as they touched the golden characters, a sizzling sound erupted, like water droplets on a hot iron.

The spirits dared not approach but continued to hover around the purple coffin.

"Sacred King, please guard me while I work," Mr. Corpse said.


With that, Mr. Corpse sat cross-legged, forming a mudra with his hands on his knees.

He began chanting in an ancient, unintelligible language. As the chant resonated, the golden characters on the purple coffin began to emit a faint golden light.

The light formed a vortex around the coffin, drawing everything around it toward it.

The evil spirits, countless in number, were sucked in, screaming as they were absorbed into the golden characters. Simultaneously, large amounts of blood from the sea were drawn in as well.

The powerful suction force visibly pulled everything toward the purple coffin.

"Ah!" "Wail!" "Caw!" "Roar!" ... The evil spirits desperately tried to flee in all directions, but the suction was too strong, and they were swiftly drawn into the coffin.

The entire Pit of Ghosts seemed to be boiling over.

Zhong Shan and his group waited patiently.

The purple coffin was now glowing red, and as the red light intensified, strange beams of light began to be forced out from within.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Numerous sword energies materialized from thin air, shooting into the surrounding blood sea, creating waves of blood.

From within the purple coffin, a shadowy black sword slowly emerged.

The sword's shadow was faint but exuded an overwhelming aura of sharpness. The surrounding sword energies seemed to coalesce around the black sword shadow.

The Sword Saint—Tongtian Shengren!

"This is the mark of Tongtian Shengren. Left behind by the figure known as Shang?" Luo Xingchen speculated with a frown.

Mr. Corpse's incantation changed, and an influx of evil spirits and blood rushed toward the purple coffin, causing it to appear as though it had been entirely stained red.

"Break!" Mr. Corpse shouted, his eyes snapping open.


The sword shadow shattered, unleashing countless sword energies in all directions, stirring the blood sea into towering waves. Countless evil spirits were instantly annihilated by the sword energy.

Mr. Corpse let out a long breath of relief.

"The mark of Tongtian Shengren... it's broken!" Mr. Corpse said with a hint of excitement.

However, at that moment, at the bottom of the Pit of Ghosts, a massive object, about a hundred zhang in size, began to stir. The object was dark red, resembling a stone, but it subtly writhed as if it were a solidified mass of blood.

Suddenly, a crack appeared at the center of the blood mass, and a strange, purple eye opened within it, emitting an eerie glow that pierced through the blood sea toward the surface.

The hundred-zhang blood mass slowly began to move upward toward the surface of the Pit of Ghosts.

On the shore, Mr. Corpse was about to retrieve the purple coffin when his expression suddenly changed.

"Something's wrong!" Mr. Corpse shouted.

"What's the matter?" the others asked, puzzled.

Mr. Corpse stared intently at the purple coffin and the golden characters that were still pulsating on its surface. He spoke in a grave tone, "This purple coffin... there's another sage's mark—there's still one more!"

With that, Mr. Corpse once again sat down cross-legged and began chanting, continuing the process of removing the second sage's mark.

"Another sage's mark? Is it Confucius's?" Luo Xingchen asked, puzzled.

"Impossible. Even though we clashed with Shang before, Confucius couldn't have left a mark in such a short time," Zhong Shan shook his head.

The group continued to wait as the endless blood sea churned once more, drawing countless evil spirits into the purple coffin.

But this time, the sage's mark seemed even stronger. An hour passed, and Mr. Corpse still hadn't managed to expel it.

"Stronger than the mark left by Tongtian?" they speculated.

As the group pondered this, more and more evil spirits gathered near the purple coffin, but not all of them seemed to be drawn to it.

"Something's off. That area doesn't look like the purple coffin is attracting the evil spirits," Nangong Sheng pointed out, directing their attention to a spot near the purple coffin.

Sure enough, the number of evil spirits in that area was overwhelming, piling up higher and higher.

"What is that?" Zhong Shan focused his gaze.

A hundred-zhang-sized blood mass slowly emerged into view.


The blood mass opened a massive maw and let out an earth-shaking roar. The force of its terrifying sonic waves caused the enormous swastika-shaped Buddhist symbol in the sky to tremble. The entire Pit of Ghosts was thrown into chaos.

The entire blood sea seemed to be under the control of the monstrous blood mass, forming a massive vortex. Suddenly, the area around the purple coffin was emptied, and all the blood and evil spirits were drawn away.

The purple coffin could no longer absorb any blood or spirits.

Mr. Corpse's expression darkened.

"The peerless demon Ksitigarbha mentioned?" Nangong Sheng immediately recognized it.

"What an incredibly powerful aura!" Luo Xingchen exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"Sacred King, should we intervene?" Luo Xingchen asked Zhong Shan.

Luo Xingchen could sense the demon's immense power, clearly greater than his own. It felt as if the entire world was under the influence of this peerless demon. No wonder even Ksitigarbha could only wound it.

The peerless demon let out another roar before suddenly focusing its gaze on the purple coffin. Its eerie purple eyes gleamed with a flash of greed.

"Take action!" Zhong Shan ordered sternly.

Mr. Corpse prepared to crush the jade talisman, ready to summon Ksitigarbha.

"Wait, let me handle this!"

Unexpectedly, the one who spoke up was Nian Youyou, who had been considered the weakest among them.

Hearing Nian Youyou's words, Luo Xingchen's expression immediately changed. A sense of conflict stirred within him—You? Against this peerless demon? Even I am uncertain, and you want to try?

However, considering Nian Youyou's relationship with Zhong Shan, Luo Xingchen kept his thoughts to himself.

Nian Youyou stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the distant peerless demon.

Her pupils contracted and then expanded, transforming from their original black to a pair of golden irises.

As soon as the golden eyes appeared, a powerful aura erupted from Nian Youyou's gaze.

Feeling the surge of power, Luo Xingchen's expression shifted. Eye techniques? Another eye technique? And judging by this aura, it's an extremely potent one. The distant peerless demon seemed to freeze in place, possibly sensing the threat.

Perhaps threatened, the peerless demon suddenly fixed its gaze on Nian Youyou and roared, as if preparing to charge at her.

"Open!" Nian Youyou unleashed her eye technique.


Suddenly, the entire space was bathed in golden light, turning the world into a brilliant golden hue. The sky, the earth, and even the vast blood sea were engulfed in this golden light, with countless evil spirits letting out agonized screams.

Nian Youyou's eye technique was directly aimed at the peerless demon. In an instant, the demon's form became like a small sun, glowing with blinding gold.

Nian Youyou's body swayed as if she were about to collapse.

Zhong Shan quickly caught her, clearly seeing that the eye technique had consumed a significant amount of her energy.

Luo Xingchen was left speechless. The small hill in front of them had turned entirely into a golden hill, and the beach had transformed into golden sands. Even in the distance, though not fully turned to gold, a faint golden glow could still be seen.

The golden light seemed to dissolve the evil spirits, causing many of them to vanish into thin air.

As the blood sea slowly returned to its original color, the peerless demon that had been targeted by Nian Youyou's eye technique appeared to have been turned into a statue made of gold. It was frozen in place, unable to move or sink back into the blood sea.

However, a part of the demon's back, perhaps beyond the reach of the eye technique, had not fully turned to gold.

Suddenly, a towering blood-red pillar of light shot up to the sky.

A blood-red heavenly path appeared, brushing against the peerless demon. Though the demon hadn't fully merged with the heavenly path, it was clear that with the heavenly power, Nian Youyou's eye technique would eventually be broken.

"Channeling the power of the heavens? It truly is a peerless demon," Zhong Shan marveled.

The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail suddenly flew toward the peerless demon. Zhong Shan wasn't willing to give the demon another chance. Having caught it off guard and turned it to gold, he wasn't sure if there would be another opportunity.

Perhaps sensing the impending danger of the Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, the peerless demon began to sink slowly toward the bottom of the Pit of Ghosts.


The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail lashed out, coiling around the demon. With most of its body immobilized by the golden transformation, the demon was helpless.


The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail devoured the peerless demon in one gulp.

At the distant palace where Ksitigarbha resided, the bodhisattva stepped outside just in time to witness the scene of the peerless demon being devoured.

Ksitigarbha was momentarily taken aback. He also noticed that the entire area seemed to be bathed in golden light. His palace, too, had been completely transformed into a structure of solid gold, and even the opposite shore had turned into a golden beach.

In a single stride, Ksitigarbha appeared before Zhong Shan and the others.

The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail returned to Zhong Shan's shoulder.

Ksitigarbha looked at Nian Youyou with surprise.

"Everyone, you've truly opened my eyes today!" Ksitigarbha remarked with admiration.

"You're too kind, Ksitigarbha. I'm sorry for disturbing your meditation just now," Zhong Shan said, supporting Nian Youyou.

"No need to worry," Ksitigarbha replied with a smile.

As he spoke, Ksitigarbha cast a discerning glance at the group, his gaze lingering on the purple coffin floating on the blood sea, surrounded by countless golden characters.

"Corpse script? The Corpse Script of Purification?" Ksitigarbha seemed to recognize the writing on the coffin at a glance.

Mr. Corpse had not yet crushed the jade talisman. But there was no time for further conversation. With Zhong Shan present, Mr. Corpse resumed chanting, continuing the process of purging the sage's mark from the purple coffin.

Although Nian Youyou's eye technique had just annihilated a large number of evil spirits, the Pit of Ghosts seemed to hold an endless supply of them. In no time, more evil spirits were drawn to the purple coffin.

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