Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 4

C4 – Fire Dragon Grass

Antigough Rise harbored another enigma: the Antigough Cliff. Its origins and depths remained shrouded in secrecy, with the world at large regarding it as a no-go zone. Those who ventured down either vanished without a trace or returned clinging to life, their lips sealed about what lay below. Thus, a cloak of mystery enveloped the mountain.

Min Zhenkang had once plummeted down the Antigough Cliff himself, but a jutting rock had broken his fall. Min Qi, who descended to rescue him, sustained severe injuries and spent ten days bedridden before he recovered.

“Zhenkang, where are you off to?” Chu Keke observed him purposefully stride toward the heart of Antigough Rise.

“I spotted a medicinal herb on the Rise before my fall, but I only caught a glimpse because of time constraints. I want to go back and verify it,” Min Zhenkang explained, recalling the herb from the memories of his current body. At that time, he’d been utterly unversed in the art of alchemy.

“A medicinal herb? Which one? Zhenkang, since when have you been interested in herbs?”

“I believe it’s Fire Dragon Grass, but I need to confirm it. I’ve been perusing some books in my spare time and came across it,” Min Zhenkang fibbed, finding it easier than explaining the true source of his knowledge.

“Oh, how much farther? We’re approaching the central region of Antigough Rise. It could get tricky if we run into a Demonic Beast. Isn’t it said that they guard the herbs?” Chu Keke’s concern grew as they delved deeper.

“We’re close now. I just want to check it out from a distance,” he replied, quickening his pace.

Soon, they reached the spot Min Zhenkang had mentioned, right at the boundary where the mountain’s edge met its middle region. The Fire Dragon Grass he sought was nestled within the central part of Antigough Rise.

“Okay, this is the spot,” Min Zhenkang came to a halt and cautiously edged forward. In his current state, an encounter with a Demonic Beast would leave him with virtually no chance of survival.

“Have we arrived? Zhenkang, is that the one?” Chu Keke pointed to a fiery red herb ahead. Upon closer inspection, the herb resembled a Divine Dragon piercing the sky, its flower shaped like the head and its leaves like the claws, while the main stem mirrored the dragon’s body.

“Yes, that’s the one. It’s indeed the fourth-level medicinal herb, Fire Dragon Grass. It seems it’s not quite ripe, but it’s getting there. Let’s head back,” Min Zhenkang said, preparing to return.

“Watch out, Zhenkang!” In a flash, Chu Keke tackled Min Zhenkang to the ground, then sprang to her feet, scanning the area with a wary eye.

A Demonic Beast loomed ahead, its gaze fixed on them. The very spot where Min Zhenkang had just been was scorched black.

Had it not been for Chu Keke’s swift response, Min Zhenkang would now be nothing but ash.

“A Flaming Tiger, the guardian Demonic Beast of the Fire Dragon Grass. We’ve got trouble,” Min Zhenkang lamented, his attention having been solely on the herb, he had overlooked the protective beast.

“Zhenkang, you run. I’ll hold it off,” Chu Keke declared, positioning herself between Min Zhenkang and the beast, sword in hand.

“That won’t work. We’d both be doomed. We need a plan,” Min Zhenkang realized, knowing full well that Chu Keke was no match for the Flaming Tiger and that he wouldn’t get far on his own.

As the Flaming Tiger inched closer, Min Zhenkang and Chu Keke retreated step by step, with Min Zhenkang frantically devising an escape plan.

“Keke, follow my lead when the time comes. Do exactly as I say,” Min Zhenkang instructed.

“Okay. Zhenkang, have you figured something out?”

“Yeah, do you remember when we first arrived, we passed through a grassland? It looked like all the leaves had been chewed on by insects.”

“I do remember. It’s not too far from here, right?”

“Later, we’ll head in that direction, but we can’t just run in a straight line.”

“Okay, I’ll follow your lead.”

With a roar, the Flaming Tiger’s patience ran out, and it lunged at them.

Chu Keke executed the Sword Thrust, a basic move, with exceptional skill.

With a clang, Chu Keke was forced to retreat step by step, while the Flaming Tiger’s claw left a gash on her.

The sight of blood and the surge of pain only enraged the Flaming Tiger further, prompting it to launch another fiery attack at them.

“Run!” Min Zhenkang grabbed Chu Keke and they bolted, the Flaming Tiger hot on their heels.

“This way!” As the Flaming Tiger nearly caught up, Chu Keke struck back, and Min Zhenkang quickly redirected their escape.

The two of them, pursued by the tiger, raced across Antigough Rise for over ten minutes until they reached the grassland Min Zhenkang had mentioned.

“We made it. Keke, hit it with your most powerful strike—the bigger the commotion, the better.”

“Got it, Sword Rain!” Chu Keke unleashed the most advanced Martial Art she had mastered.

Not to be outdone, the Flaming Tiger exhaled a massive fireball and charged at them once more.

“Move!” Right after Chu Keke’s Sword Rain, Min Zhenkang pulled her to dash to the right.

“Sss, sss, sss—” Shortly after they took off, a chilling noise emerged from the ground, shaking the earth as it did.

“What’s that?” Chu Keke felt a sense of recognition but couldn’t quite place it.

“Red Ants. We need to get out of here fast. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with them.” With no time to lose, he tugged Chu Keke along as they sped away.

The Flaming Tiger had initially set its sights on pursuing the pair, but a primal instinct urged it to evacuate the area swiftly, sensing an impending doom if it lingered. Abandoning the chase for Min Zhenkang, it turned tail and fled.

Soon after, the ground began to swarm with red ants. A few at first, but quickly, layers upon layers blanketed the earth. The largest of these ants were the size of a palm, the smallest the size of a thumb. From above, the infestation gave the impression of a blazing inferno.

As Min Zhenkang made his escape, a glance back sent a shiver through his scalp. Falling into that mass of ants would leave nothing, not even bones. Thankfully, he had been on the fringe of their domain from the start.

The Flaming Tiger, however, wasn’t as fortunate. Red ants swarmed over it, still a short distance from escaping their reach, it was left with no choice but to envelop itself in desperate flames.

“Zhenkang, how did you know about the Red Ants?” Chu Keke inquired once they reached safety.

“To be honest, I wasn’t certain it was their territory,” Min Zhenkang admitted. “But something about the area seemed off. The plants had torn leaves, as if nibbled by ants. That suggested the presence of an Ant-type Demonic Beast below. Alone, these beasts aren’t much of a threat, but in a swarm, even a Martial Spirit Stage master would be overwhelmed.” He couldn’t help feeling relieved that his gamble paid off.

“Keke, are you hurt at all?” he asked, concerned.

“I’m okay, Zhenkang. What’s our next move?”

“I was thinking of checking out a medicine shop. Want to come along?”

“A medicine shop? But Zhenkang, you’re not exactly a pill refiner or a healer. What’s the plan?” Chu Keke’s gaze was filled with curiosity, her expression endearingly puzzled.

“I can’t explain it, but after surviving that fall from the cliff, I woke up with a head full of new information, including how to refine pills. I thought I’d give it a shot,” Min Zhenkang reluctantly fibbed.

“Okay, I’ll join you for a walk then. Wherever you go, Zhenkang, I’ll follow!” Chu Keke stood, linking her arm with his, and they set off toward Whalespell.


The Spring-Returning Medicinal Hall, the largest pharmacy in Whalespell, spanned three levels. The ground floor offered common medicines accessible to all. The second floor housed premium medicines, reserved for Whalespell’s elite and the patriarchs of the three major clans. The third floor, shrouded in mystery, was rumored to have never been visited by anyone since the pharmacy’s establishment in Whalespell.

“The Spring-Returning Medicinal Hall, with a history of over a century!” They could hear the shop assistant’s call before they even reached the storefront.

“Ah, welcome! Our esteemed century-old establishment has every medicine you could need. What are you looking to purchase?” A shop assistant greeted Min Zhenkang as soon as he approached the entrance.

“Hey, do you have a pen and paper?”

“Just a moment, sir. I’ll fetch them for you immediately,” the assistant said before dashing off to the back hall.

“Zhenkang, what are you planning to buy? And why do you need pen and paper?”

“You’ll see soon enough. Keke, are you familiar with alchemy at all?”

“Not really, why do you ask?”

“Well, I’ve suddenly acquired some alchemy knowledge, and there are a few things I’m unclear about. I was hoping you might know something.”

“I may not be well-versed in it, but I can ask my grandfather. He’s incredibly learned; he might have the answers you’re looking for.”

“By the way, Zhenkang, doesn’t alchemy require Profound Qi and a pill furnace? I have a cauldron, but as for Profound Qi…”

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. I didn’t just gain knowledge about pill refining; I also came across a secret manual. I’ve been practicing these past few days, and it turns out I can actually cultivate it,” Min Zhenkang confided in a whisper to Chu Keke.

“Really? I just knew it! My dear Zhenkang would surely make a full recovery. It seems this injury turned out to be a blessing in disguise for you! Hehe~” Chu Keke beamed with joy, as if all the good fortune were her own.

“Dear customer, here are the pen and paper you requested.” At that moment, the shop assistant approached with the items in hand.

Min Zhenkang took the pen and paper and began listing the names of various herbs. It wasn’t until he had jotted down more than a dozen types that he finished.

“Pal, could you please prepare three portions of each herb on this list?” He passed the completed list to the shop assistant.

“Right away, sir. Just give me a moment,” the shop assistant replied, taking the list and setting off to gather the medicines.

With time to spare, Min Zhenkang started to stroll around the vicinity.

Dark Nether Grass, a first-tier herb with a Yin attribute, resembled a nine-headed venomous creature. Thriving in darkness, it was typically guarded by creatures like nine-headed centipedes or snakes and could be processed into potent poisons.

Fire Cloud Flower, a second-tier herb with a Yang attribute, bore the appearance of a fiery cloud adorning the sky. Found near volcano craters, it was effective in treating injuries caused by the invasion of Yin Qi.


Rending Mountain Ape Core, a second-tier beast core from the Rending Mountain Ape. A middle-aged specimen of this ape rivaled a seventh-level Martial Spirit cultivator in strength. Known for its immense power capable of cleaving mountains and crushing stones, subduing or hunting one would require the prowess of a peak Martial Spirit cultivator or a warrior of equivalent might.

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