Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 2

C2 – A Test

After over ten days of recuperation, Min Zhenkang was finally able to get out of bed and walk, albeit with difficulty. His practice of the Heavenly Imperial Immortality Spell was also back on track.

One day, as Zhenkang sat quietly in the courtyard, a young girl approached him. Chu Keke, with her flawless complexion and hair casually tied back, approached in a snow-white dress, leaving Zhenkang momentarily spellbound by her beauty. She was every bit as stunning as Lyi Xinyou.

“Zhenkang?” Chu Keke, noticing his gaze, waved her hand in front of his face.

“Keke, what brings you here?” Zhenkang asked, his emotions a mix of surprise and confusion, as he watched her take a seat opposite him.

“Zhenkang, you’ve been awake for so long, why didn’t you let me know?” Chu Keke’s eyes held a touch of reproach as she looked at him.

“Uh, I’ve been… indisposed. Anyway, what made you decide to visit all of a sudden?” Zhenkang deftly steered the conversation away from himself.

Chu Keke gave him an exasperated eye roll at his evasive response but didn’t press further.

“Do I need a reason to check in on you, Zhenkang?” she retorted with a playful roll of her eyes. “Besides, isn’t today the Min family’s annual talent test? Do you want to go have a look?”

“The test! Yes, that’s a good idea. It’s been ages since I’ve been to the testing grounds.” He stood up, intent on heading out.

Chu Keke noticed Zhenkang’s unsteady stance and quickly moved to his side to offer support. He accepted her help without protest, and together they made their way to the testing platform.

As they walked, servants and relatives alike couldn’t help but admire Chu Keke. Even the women couldn’t muster any jealousy in the face of her grace and purity. She was the embodiment of unsullied beauty, a lotus rising untouched from the mud, a sight to behold yet beyond reach.

The sight of Chu Keke supporting Zhenkang stirred a mix of envy and resentment among the onlookers. They envied the deep affection Chu Keke seemed to have for Zhenkang and resented that someone they deemed unworthy could capture the heart of such an exquisite young woman.

“Good day, Young Master, Miss Keke!” sneered the passing servants as they greeted Min Zhenkang with a hint of mockery.

Min Zhenkang didn’t even spare them a glance, simply walking past. Over the years, since losing his martial prowess, he had become all too familiar with such disdainful looks and tones.

“It’s such a shame—a beautiful flower like Miss Keke wasted on cow dung,” they whispered among themselves. “If only she would glance my way, I’d die happy.”

“Keep dreaming,” another scoffed. “It’s bizarre, really. Who knows what spell that good-for-nothing cast on Miss Keke to earn her favor. Sigh…”

“Had he not been the sole heir of the mansion’s master, he’d have been thrown out of the Min’s mansion long ago. Who knows, he might have even met his end somewhere unknown by now.”

Their whispers were meant to be secretive, yet loud enough for Min Zhenkang to overhear.

Chu Keke observed Min Zhenkang, expecting him to be upset by their words. But seeing his composed expression, her worries gradually subsided.

If not for the untimely death of this body’s original owner, if not for Min Zhenkang’s unexpected soul transmigration, if not for his possession of the Heavenly Imperial Immortality Spell—if not for all these ifs, regaining his strength would have been an immense struggle. It was as if fate had already decreed it so.

They reached the testing platform, now encircled by a dense crowd of clan members. At the center stood a stone over ten feet tall, seemingly ordinary except for the palm-sized indentation at its heart—the Min family’s Testing Stone.

On the Suanikos Continent, each family boasted a Testing Stone, each unique in its own right. The finest could tower up to ten thousand meters, with the Bacia Dynasty rumored to possess one reaching such staggering heights.

To determine their talent, testers simply need to place their hand in the central groove of the Testing Stone and channel their Profound Qi into it. The stone then reveals the individual’s aptitude through a spectrum of colors, ranging from the lowest to the highest: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, silver, and gold. Historically, only one person has ever displayed the gold color, signifying an unparalleled talent. However, at the pinnacle of his cultivation, he vanished without a trace, leaving no clue as to his whereabouts or the cause of his disappearance.

An elder stood atop the testing platform, scroll in hand, as a youth positioned his palm over the groove of the Testing Stone, infusing it with his martial prowess.


The stone’s hue shifted, deepening from a pale red before settling on a soft yellow.

“Xiao Sheng, a Level 3 talent,” announced Min Hei, the second master of the Min family, as he emotionlessly documented the results on his scroll. “Next, Min Hei.”

“Brother Xiao Sheng, congratulations! A Level 3 talent—that’s got to put you in the Min family’s top ten, right?” A young girl’s eyes sparkled with admiration as she watched Xiao Sheng step away from the stone.

Basking in the crowd’s attention, Xiao Sheng wore his pride like a mantle. Though a Level 3 talent didn’t break the top ten, it was still a commendable ranking among the family’s younger generation.

It was then that Xiao Sheng spotted Min Zhenkang among the onlookers and approached him with a taunting grin.

“Well, if it isn’t the Min family’s esteemed young master. What’s got you out of your cozy nest today?” Xiao Sheng sneered.

Laughter erupted from the crowd at his jibe.

“Barking,” Min Zhenkang retorted dismissively.

“Min Zhenkang, you’re nothing but trash, and still, you strut around with such arrogance. Even as the Prefecture Master’s son, do you think I wouldn’t dare to give you a thrashing?” Xiao Sheng’s temper flared at Min Zhenkang’s nonchalance.

“Exactly. He’s been living off his father’s title, unable to cultivate, squandering the family’s resources. Someone like that should’ve been cast out of the family long ago!” The crowd shared the sentiment, their disdain for Min Zhenkang evident in their scornful gazes.

Hearing the chatter around him, Xiao Sheng’s spirits lifted considerably.

But Chu Keke was far from pleased. “Xiao Sheng, if you’re looking for a challenge, I’m more than willing to spar with you.”

“Chu Keke, this is the Min family’s affair. You’re not even part of the family yet, so I’d advise you to keep out of it. And you,” he sneered at Min Zhenkang, “stop cowering behind a woman. What kind of man does that make you?” Despite Chu Keke not being a Min, her status and prowess meant Xiao Sheng wouldn’t dare to cross her. Instead, he redirected his taunts at Min Zhenkang.

Chu Keke opened her mouth to retort, but Min Zhenkang held her back.

Xiao Sheng’s frustration mounted as Min Zhenkang’s nonchalant demeanor made him feel like he was punching into a void. He was about to goad Min Zhenkang once more when he was abruptly cut off.

“Enough! We’re in the middle of testing. Take your disputes outside the testing area,” the Second Master bellowed, silencing Xiao Sheng on the spot.

The Second Patriarch had little affection for his nephew, Min Zhenkang, who had squandered the family’s resources for seven years. But blood was blood, and those resources had come from his own brother’s share.


“Min Hei, Level 3 talent,” the Great Elder declared, observing the testing stone glow with a deep yellow hue.

Both had Level 3 talents, yet it was clear that Min Hei’s was superior to Min Zhenkang’s.


The final candidate, Min Qigang.

A young man in his twenties, clad in a green robe, ascended the testing platform. He glanced at the crowd below, pausing briefly when his eyes met Min Zhenkang’s, then swiftly moved on, giving the Great Elder a nod before placing his hand in the designated groove.


The testing stone cycled through colors—light red, deep yellow, light blue—before settling on dark green.

The result didn’t surprise the young man. The Great Elder, on the other hand, couldn’t help but crack a smile of relief. His son had indeed done him proud.

“Min Qigang, a talent of the fourth level.”

He stood out as the most gifted among the hundreds of young members tested by the Min family this year.

Descending the stage at a measured pace, Min Qigang caught sight of Min Zhenkang in the audience and made his way toward him.

As Min Qigang stepped off the platform, he was immediately engulfed by a crowd showering him with flattery. The compliments flooded his ears, yet his face remained impassive.

Previously, Min Zhenkang had been Min Qigang’s most formidable rival in cultivation. Despite his lesser innate talent, he had redoubled his efforts, but still fell short of Min Zhenkang’s pace. To Min Qigang, Min Zhenkang was the only one who merited his attention.

But after Min Zhenkang’s ambush, Min Qigang found himself without a rival to consider seriously. It was a situation that should have pleased him, yet joy eluded him—perhaps a testament to the mutual respect among masters.

“Why not take your turn?” Min Qigang approached Min Zhenkang, his voice even.

“What’s the point? I’m nothing but a cripple now. Another attempt changes nothing,” Min Zhenkang responded with equal calm.

To onlookers, Min Qigang’s comment might have seemed like a taunt, but Min Zhenkang understood that it was simply Min Qigang’s reluctance to let go of a worthy adversary.

“This year’s testing is concluded. Everyone, please disperse. And remember, regardless of your talent, diligent cultivation can lead to great achievements, even to the pinnacle of the Great Dao,” the Second Master addressed the family’s youth before turning to leave.

“I await the day you make your comeback,” Min Qigang murmured as he passed by Min Zhenkang.

Min Zhenkang continued to gaze at the Testing Stone, unmoved by Min Qigang’s words.

“We should head back,” Chu Keke suggested, noticing Min Zhenkang’s fixed stare at the Testing Stone.


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