Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 94

Yes, it's better to draw a clear line with him in the future. Except for her son, she won't have any interaction with this man.

Absolutely not.

Tang Siyu thinks so. She sets an alarm clock and plans to go to sleep, because if her son doesn't come back tonight, she will live with Suxi. At that time, it may be too late. She must have enough spirit to play with her friends.

Around five o'clock, Tang Siyu's alarm clock hasn't sounded yet, but the phone rings first. Tang Siyu picks up it and looks at it. It's mufei.

He must have come to return the car key! It's just that she's going out in a moment.


"At home? I'll return the car key later. " Murphy's voice sounded.

"Yes! Come up and knock! " Tang Siyu answered.

At this time, Tang Siyu thought of something. She had to ask Xing liehan if she would pick up the little guy tonight.

Tang Siyu thinks that mufei is not so fast. She can't help but open the door and knock on Xing liehan's door. If she decides to be OK later, she won't use that door to enter his house.

You have to knock on his door.

Xing liehan went home to have a rest. He didn't sleep very much last night. Today, he had another morning's meeting. At that time, he was very tired. However, the woman gave him another meal of anger. So, he just fell asleep and didn't have a long time. He heard a knock on the door, but he didn't notice. He thought it was his assistant and continued to sleep on the sofa with his arms on his back.

Tang Siyu knocked and didn't open the door. Maybe he went out. Tang Siyu was speechless. At this moment, she heard the elevator jingle to open the door. Tang Siyu turned around and saw that Murphy's figure stepped down.

And Xing liehan is squinting his eyes on the sofa. Suddenly he thinks of something. Isn't his assistant working for him abroad? How could it be him? So, it could be the woman.

Xing liehan immediately struggled with sleepiness, went to the door and looked through the cat's eyes. However, what did he see?

See a man into Tang Siyu's home, and this man is not someone else, it is mufei.

Xing Lihan didn't expect this woman to invite Murphy into the house. When Xing Lihan opened the door angrily, Tang Siyu's door was also being taken, so Tang Siyu didn't know Xing Lihan opened the door at all.

Looking at the closed door, Xing liehan's eyes were covered with a little bloodshot and tightened for a few seconds.

As a man, he naturally thinks from a man's point of view. Mufei originally liked this woman. At this moment, being alone means that mufei wanted to touch her very much, and this woman still had an old love for him.

Soon, Xing liehan's head was filled with a pair of brain patches. Murphy and she kissed each other on the sofa to the scene of turning clouds and rain.

The image is still very strong.

Xing liehan suddenly thought of the door. He sneered. He wanted to see what the woman and mufei were doing.

He pressed the opening code and prepared to open the door directly. To his surprise, something seemed to be blocked behind the door, which could not be opened for a while.

Damn it, is this woman blocking this door on purpose? Is she ready to cheat on Murphy? This is to prevent him from entering and bumping into their adultery?

The more I think about it, the more I make Xing liehan feel crazy to the extreme. I don't know why. When he meets this woman, all his cool and rational mind has been abandoned. Only one angry nerve dominates his brain.

Tang Siyu didn't intentionally let Murphy in, because Murphy brought her a lot of fruits. Although she refused, Murphy insisted on bringing them in.

"Don't buy me anything later." Tang Siyu looks at a table of precious fruits. She has no words.

Murphy chuckled. "Of course, I have to thank you for borrowing your car. I know you used to like cherries and Mangosteen the most. These cherries are imported, very crisp and sweet, and Mangosteen is also the best."

"Well, I'm going out in a moment. You go!"

"Where are you going?"

"I'll meet Susie."

"The relationship between your sisters is still so good." Murphy felt that Susie had always been her best sister.

Tang Siyu didn't say anything, but just then, the door next to him suddenly smashed open, as if someone had chucked his foot hard from the other end.

And mufei is almost instinctive. He hugs Tang Siyu in his arms and protects her. Tang Siyu is also scared for a few seconds, so he doesn't find out what mufei is holding her in his arms.

The table behind the door was only half opened by a man's foot, and Xing liehan's eyes directly reflected the two men and women embracing each other.

Tang Siyu saw him, and then realized that mufei actually held her, and she quickly earned it from mufei's arms.

She was a little angry and said to Xing lie, "why do you want to take the door?"

"Then why do you want to block the door?" Xing lie asked with cold face.

"Because I don't want to see you when my son is away." Tang Siyu made it clear.However, for Xing liehan, this sentence can be directly understood as that her son is not at home, and she wants to block the door so that she can cheat on her old lover.

Mufei also knew that there was a door between Tang Siyu's wall and Xing liehan's wall, so they usually lived together.

His heart suddenly felt a pain. He looked at Xing liehan and said calmly, "Siyu said he didn't want to see you."

"I can't wait for outsiders to interfere with her." After Xing liehan finished, he pushed away the table and stepped over.

Tang Siyu turned to mufei and said, "mufei, go first!"

"No, I'm afraid he'll hurt you." Mufei feels that Xing liehan is very dangerous.

Tang Siyu can't help feeling the big head. She picked up the bag and said, "I'm going out."

"Good! I'll be with you. " Murphy speaks softly.

Tang Siyu thought of something, turned to Xing liehan, "when will my son pick it up?"

"In a short time, I will not pick him up." Xing lie is cold. He wants to let this woman know that if she meets mufei again, he will take his son away.

However, Tang Siyu's understanding ability is not so strong. She only thought that he wanted his son to get along with Xing family for a few more days. She bit her lips and said, "OK! Let him stay at your house for a few days. "

After that, she pushed the door to leave, and Murphy followed her out and closed the door.

Behind him, Xing liehan stood in Tang Siyu's house as if he were a bottle of angry God. He was so angry that his fist hit the wall around him.

Tang Siyu arrived downstairs, Murphy watched her get in the car and told her to be careful. Then, he also went to another black car, and he was going to leave.

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