Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 112

Tang Siyu holds the mobile phone in his hand with a smile. He feels that life is so wonderful. He doesn't want to meet people, but he can always get together through some relationships.

Tang Siyu has a look at the time. It's half past five. It's almost time to cook dinner. I've had a good time in Xing's house these days, as if I've gained some weight!

"Mommy will make you chicken wings and shrimps in the evening."

"Well! I love Mommy's cooking. " Don't forget to praise me.

Tang Siyu thought about it. Suddenly Xing liehan burst out of his mind. Did he get used to his food? Even thought of him when I went down?

At this time, there was a knock outside the door. Tang Siyu's heart thumped. Do you think Cao Cao is here?

Tang Siyu looks out of the cat's eyes. It's not Xing liehan, but Murphy. Today, Tang Siyu thinks back to his childhood at Xing's house. She doesn't turn him away. She opens the door and looks at Murphy, who is dressed in formal clothes. She is a little tired with a briefcase. She looks like she just came back from the company. She calmly asks, "what's up?"

"I just got off work and wanted to come and see you!" Finish saying, see Tang Siyu's hand still holding a steaming pot, his eyes a bright, "do you want to cook? Can I have one? I haven't had dinner yet

Tang Siyu looked at his tired look, her heart a soft, but a meal, she nodded, "OK, come in! I'll go after dinner. "

"Good!" Murphy has no requirements for her now. What she says is what she says.

The little guy looks at the uncle upstairs with big eyes, which he doesn't like. He has a premonition that he must have hurt Mommy before. His eyes are sharp around his arms and his face is on guard.

Tang Siyu fell three people's rice. Murphy sat on the sofa and stared at the little guy on the opposite sofa. He took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Hi, my name is Murphy. Your mommy and I grew up as friends."

"Have you ever bullied my mother before?" Tang Yixi stared at him.

Murphy's face was serious. He didn't treat the little guy opposite as a kid, but as an adult.

"I did do something that I'm sorry for your mommy five years ago. I'm sorry, so I've been thinking about making up for it."

The little guy blinked, but he was too small to understand what he said.

At this time, Tang Siyu came out and heard. She said to her son, "Xiao Xi, you can call him uncle mu. I have forgiven him for our previous holidays."

When Murphy heard Tang Siyu's words, Junyan lost a little bit. She forgives him, which means she gave up her feelings for him. Otherwise, she should not forgive him so easily. So, there is nothing to be happy for him!

Tang Yixi looked at mufei. "You can't bully my mommy anymore, or my dad and I won't let you go."

Murphy smiled bitterly, "how dare I bully her again? Now, she's the only one who bullies me. "

When Tang Yixi heard this, he finally put down the defense against him, and the little guy was just making a magic cube, which had not been played out. At this time, mufei pointed to the cube beside him, "give this to me, I'll try."

Tang Yixi has been challenging and failed. At this moment, he takes away the cube with half confidence and hands it to Murphy. Murphy takes it with a smile. He starts to lower his head and play seriously. The little guy looks at him with wide eyes open. Murphy is also a man with high intelligence. It's not difficult for him to make a magic cube. Only his hands are rotating, and he can be heard in the room The voice of the cube.

In the kitchen behind her, Tang Siyu was cutting vegetables. There was no sound outside. She couldn't help but look out and see that her son and mufei were working on the magic cube together. She sighed a little. It seems that her son's popularity is not bad.

Mufei's fingers are flying fast, and the smell comes from the kitchen. Mufei smells the smell of food. His heart is slightly shocked, and his heart is warm. He has imagined many times what kind of home she is together!

Now, he seems to feel, it should be like this, there are children, there is a home, there is a warm feeling.

The little guy opened his big eyes and looked at the cube that he hadn't spelled correctly. In Murphy's hand, he made a complete six sides. He gave a whoop and couldn't help clapping his hands.

"That's great! Uncle mu. " Praise the little one.

Murphy gave him the spell. "Here you are."

The little guy took it happily. He couldn't believe it. Suddenly, the door rang and all three people in the room were shocked.

Tang Siyu steps out of the kitchen in a hurry. She looks at mufei worried. Mufei's eyes are dark. Tang Yixi's eyes are happy. It must be daddy's coming back.

However, no matter who Tang Siyu is in his heart, it's not the right time to come. If it's dad, then mufei will have dinner at her house. What's the matter?

If it's Xing liehan, he should have a bigger opinion.If it was Qiu Lin's mother and daughter, she would be bigger.

She went to the cat's eye and took a look. She guessed that there were just a few people. The most likely one, of course, was Xing liehan.

Sure enough, this is the man standing outside! He didn't come directly from his house either. He was ringing the doorbell.

Tang Siyu really didn't expect that he would come back. He thought that he might go to the bar with Wen lichen tonight to have fun. Unexpectedly, he came back.

The doorbell continued to ring, a little restless.

Tang Siyu took a deep breath and opened the door. Some man outside was very unhappy. "Why did you open the door so long?"

As he finished, he stepped in on his own long legs. However, when he looked around the hall looking for his son, he saw a man sitting on the sofa. Xing Lihan's handsome face was straight and black.

Why is Murphy here?

Don Siyu asked him, "have you eaten?"

Xing liehan smelled the smell of vegetables in the air. He said with a cold face, "what do you say?"

There must be no more, thought Tang Siyu, and then she immediately fried like a kitten, "my food!" With that, she rushed to the kitchen like a burning butt. When she uncovered the chicken, it was lucky that she didn't burn the bottom.

In the hall, the atmosphere seems to be transitory from spring to winter.

When Tang Siyu turned off the fire, he saw Xing lie's slender body sitting lazily opposite to mufei, with two long legs raised, as if he were the master. Then he called to Tang Yixi, "son, come here."

Tang Yixi took the magic cube and went to Daddy. He was immediately hugged by daddy. Then, daddy kissed his little face.

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