Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 59: Aleron’ Prep, Turthar Argondrake

Chapter 59: Aleron’ Prep, Turthar Argondrake

"Reikern," Aleron spoke as an orb of Magilore materialized beside him.

The orb was connected to his Magilore source and it released a thick string of Magilore that shot out of the window before going towards the central tower of the city at lightning speed.

"I promise you, nothing will happen to anyone in this city."

"What are you doing?" Reikern frowned as he saw the strange orb releasing strange energy and used a skill to check the situation outside.

'What the fuck is he doing? I have to alert Lord Turthar.'


Fang stood atop the central tower with a strange crystal pole with a geo-brown round crystal on its tip.

He saw a 2-inch thick laser shooting from the Aurspec clan's direction before it struck the formation flag.

In the next moment, various formation flags at the surrounding border of the city lit up with this central flag shooting energy beams at them, materializing a strange barrier that rained down and stuck to everything and everyone as if coating them.

All people and objects were struck by a filmy golden brown coating.

Witnessing all these, Fang's eyes displayed astonishment and amazement before he shook his head while smiling, "How blessed these people are?"

"Such abundant and potent power...My lord, your grace truly knows no bounds."

Meanwhile, all people, domestic or wild animals, trees, and even buildings were

strengthened and protected immensely with Aleron's Magilore which turned into potency effects birthed by Fang's defensive formation.

The Turtle Scale Formation was Fang's strongest defensive formation, but compared to his Assault formations, it was way weak.

However, Aleron's Magilore fueled it and practically evolved it due to Aleron's desires and his will that geared this particular flow of Magilore to have more effects on defensive and protection type effects.

Aleron was watching the whole city live in his mind and only stopped infusing Magilore in the formation when the entire city was completely protected and the formation fully activated.

After granting those tremendous coating shields and buffs to everything and everyone, the Turtle Scale Formation materialized a simple barrier covering the city.

If the formation was destroyed later, the barrier would disperse, but the coating and buffs would remain until the city and its people themselves were directly harmed.

'24 million Magilore...but I still feel fine,' Aleron thought and internally nodded. 'Good.'

Even people in this hall were affected, except for Rekern and Norn since Aleron activated avoid buffs and shield from activating on them.

"What is that formation?" Reikern frowned as he felt the changes.

Aleron didn't answer him and just coldly looked at Reikern while utilizing his Magilore. "Yue, bring these two above."

Aleron vanished from the room and Mei too.

Meanwhile, Yueha turned into an icy stream that flashed past Norn and Reikern, freezing them from head to toe.

Both of them had their postures changed, indicating they tried to do something, but they were simply not fast enough against Yueha, who was a High-stage Spirit Lord (Primeval) powerhouse.

Above the Aurspec clan's territory, Aleron floated above the tallest palace and looked in a particular direction.

Yueha and Mei floated beside him, with Reikern and Norn being frozen popsicles floating before them.

"Gather and get ready," Aleron said as he took a deep breath. 'Magilore Slime Armor.'

Aleron was covered in a humanoid-shaped blue slime structure concentrated with a potent amount of Magilore.

However, even Yueha or Mei couldn't feel its energy reading.

"Master, you've completely kept this under control, but my goosebumps are still real," Yueha wryly smiled. "How much Magilore is this?"

"25 million."

Aleron felt cool and pressured on his body, but he didn't leave his physical body's foundation in jeopardy this time.

Magilore Slime Armor not only covered him externally but also enhanced every single one of his cells with it.

At the moment, Aleron had buffed and fortified his entire physical body with 10 million Magilore with physical related enhancements, and the other 15 million Magilore was concentrated in external armor.

All of it was under such fine control of Aleron that not even a spec of Magilore Slime Armor's potent aura leaked.

'I can still go on, but I feel a bit of palpitation,' Aleron thought as he felt the workings of the Magilore Slime Armor. 'I have to fight and get used to this amount first.'

'I also need to see if it smoothly executes the magic sequences I input,' Aleron stretched his hand, and a broad sword materialized with condensed Magilore.

Its patterns indicated that it was fortified with various Arcane syllabuses, possessing various


"Boss, it's done."

"My Lord."

Fang and Hua also arrived at this time, but Hua was not alone.


A 300-meter long silver-black scaled Dragon with fancy horns and gigantic wings floated

above them.

"My partner is ready as well," Hua grinned with his body also glowing and oozing with fighting spirit as he bumped his fists.

This dragon was actually a peak Exceed-rank with a powerful bloodline!

'A Martial Spirit capable of summoning and synergizing with a dragon?' Yueha raised her eyebrows. "That's one powerful Martial Spirit, Hua."

"Haha, thanks elder sister," Hua laughed out loud, "yours is also not too bad."

"Don't be too loud. Master is in focus," Mei said as she looked at Aleron who was checking the flow of magic sequences he could instantly input with his imagination and arcane knowledge.


Suddenly, Yueha, Mei, Hua, and Fang looked down and saw a bright glow lighting in a circular shape while the city slightly trembled due to strange vibrations.

Aleron opened his eyes and looked below.

"Master, it was an attempt to activate the formation," Mei frowned.

"No worries," Aleron's eyes glinted as he had already located the underground passages and place where the Demon and the formation were situated.

"It won't activate anymore."

Everyone's demeanor changed as that meant that battle with the demon was nigh.

"I've saved the trapped kids from the underground and cleared it," Hua grinned. "You can smack that vile creature out of its hole without holding back."



"Formation didn't activate?"

"Reikern is also not responding after waking me up."

Turthar Argondrake, a two-meter-tall humanoid with two dark gold horns and a muscular physique adorning a full-body draconic armor with red, dark gold, and black designs.

He looked at his hand and circular energy through his body before nodding, "Good. The enchant is effective and I've also rested enough. Before anything unexpected happens, the plan should finish today."

A sharp red glint spread in his eyes before he vanished from his spot and went towards the

place where the formation center was placed.

'Someone infiltrated and fiddled with it?'

Suddenly, Turthar's expression changed as he felt a powerful force descending into the

chamber and materializing into a giant hand.

'Hmm? What is this energy?!'


The hand shot at him before grabbing him and shooting upward, breaking the floods and

ground before emerging from the Aurspec clan's backyard and bringing him before Aleron. Turthar saw the entourage of Aleron and nodded, "So it is you."

Glancing at frozen Reikern, he shifted his glance back at Aleron from whom he felt this magic

hand's control.


In the next second, the hand covering him exploded as Turthar freed himself.

"It seems that I'll have to erase you all before I can feast on this city and call my clansmen

here," Turthar's aura burst out as his demonic wings expanded and his body turned 10 meters


"Get ready to die."

'This kid feels strange but I should erase those two first,' Turthat focused on Yueha and Mei

after looking at Aleron.

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