Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Chapter 293: Another bite in the dust

Chapter 293: Another bite in the dust

Asahikawa, Hokkaido. 

The moment Isao arrived in this city, he didn't waste his time and decided to start his business there. 

Yes, it might be possible for him to live by relying on Maya's money, but as expected, he was embarrassed to do it. 

Being a gigolo was nice, especially when he didn't need to work and relied on his woman for life, but as expected, as a man, he wished to be an existence that protected his woman.

He knew that this might be old-fashioned, especially when, in the modern era, it was possible for a man to live as a household husband, letting the wife work, letting his wife take the role of the head of the family. 

Yet, even so, Isao wished to be the leader, the head, and someone who led and protected his family. 

In this world, he might have an individual power that was enough to crush anything. 

While Isao's individual power was formidable enough to overcome any challenges Maya faced, he also recognized the value of collective strength. 

Naturally, to build this power of a group, he needed both money and authority. 

While the authority could come later, as he could become a governor of Hokkaido sooner or later by relying on his charm and even his mind-manipulated ability, he wanted to make his money first since it was too embarrassing to rely on Maya's money all the time. 

Maya might have given him money, but Isao didn't use it. Instead, he used the money given by the army to start his business in Hokkaido. 

Frankly, with all the talents, experiences, and many other things that he gained from his life, as well as the ability to replicate or devour many DNAs in various worlds, he could become whatever he wanted to be. 

Whether it was an arms dealer, singer, investor, researcher, soldier, or many others, if he wished to, he could become whatever he wanted to be. 

Still, as expected, if possible, he wanted to become an existence that held a lot of power within the country, so the first business that he thought to start was the food industry. 

Similar to the world of "Kimetsu no Yaiba," Isao also started with a food-related industry, and that was why he went to Hokkaido. 

Frankly, there were many places that were much better than Hokkaido if he wanted to enter a food-related industry, especially when Hokkaido was located in the north, which made this place extremely cold. 

Due to its coldness, some crops were either planted for a limited time or just couldn't be planted. 

Yet, even so, he chose this place since he could see its potential. 

Hokkaido was famous for its status as a granary of this country, and more importantly, this place was beautiful. Not only could one enjoy four seasons at a comfortable temperature, but even if it was cold, it was nothing compared to the temperature of northern Europe. 

More importantly, it was close to anywhere, and it could even become a central hub of many famous cities in the world. 

Lastly, the influence of the Ten Master Clans in this area was weak. 

'Ten Master Clans...' 

Unlike in any other country, the influence of a magician family was immense, and among all of those families, the strongest, whether it was from power, influence, or wealth, was the Ten Master Clans. 

Miya Shiba, his woman, also came from one of those Ten Master Clans. 

Frankly, Isao didn't care much about those families since, in his mind, they were weak. If he wished to, he could destroy them, but he wanted to be low-key, after all. So, his choices were either Okinawa or Hokkaido, as the influence of the Ten Master Clans was only on Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku Island. 

As for the others, while there was also a strong family, their strength was nothing in front of the Ten Master Clans. 

Among Okinawa and Hokkaido, Isao directly chose Hokkaido; not only was the temperature nice, but Hokkaido also had more landmass. 

Then, after he chose Hokkaido as his base, which city should he go to? 

As he thought so, he decided to choose Asahikawa since it was located in the center of Hokkaido. 

Frankly, he thought of going to Hakodate since it was closer to Honshu Island, but then, in a world where technology was so advanced, there was no need to worry about the matter of distance since, with the current speed of transportation, he could go anywhere in just a short time. 

More importantly, with the Quirk he gained from Kurogiri, Warp Gate, if he wished to, he could go anywhere in this world. 

In other words, nothing could stop him anymore. 

So, what if his enemies hid under the ocean or in space?

As long as Isao knew where they were, he could go after them, and it was impossible for him to stop them. 

Isao was as good as omnipotent in this world. 

Yet, even so, he wasn't going to dominate the world directly since he had changed from the past, and he wasn't going to become a Demon King who would destroy everything in front of him. 

Isao was trying to become a good father, especially when he knew Miya was pregnant, so to make the life of his woman and children better, he decided to make a living in this world. 

Naturally, while he was a bit naughty sometimes, he still tried to be good, especially when he was chosen as the symbol of peace in the new world previously. 

Still, when he talked about the "Symbol of Peace," what about Nana? 

As she was inside his body, did she know about the existence of another world? 

For now, Isao decided to make her sleep since he had to admit that he was a bit too lazy to explain what was happening around him. More importantly, he felt that it would be unfair if he just explained his situation to Nana when he didn't even explain his situation to his other women. 

Still, he wasn't going to hide everything from them, but the time wasn't now. 

"What are you going to do in Asahikawa?" 

As Kazama followed Isao, he became confused, wondering what Isao planned to do in this city since, frankly, compared to other cities in this country, there was hardly anything in Asahikawa. 

"I'm going to start a business." 

"Huh? Business? Really?" Kazama was dumbfounded, and somehow, he wanted to stop him, thinking that it was better for Isao to join an army, but he refrained since he knew that in this relationship, he was the follower, the subordinate, so he didn't have a right to dictate what Isao should do. 

"I got money from you, after all. Come on. Be my bodyguard." 

"...ah, um." 


Was there anyone in this world who could threaten this guy? 

But at the same time, how the heck did this guy tell him to become his bodyguard?! 

He wasn't so free, okay?! 

While his promotion was hindered due to him breaking the command in the past, he was still a captain! 

Nevertheless, as Isao asked so, Kazama followed Isao's request faithfully and helplessly. 

Frankly, this shouldn't happen, and usually, one should be reluctant to follow someone unless that certain someone has value or a lot of meaning in the hearts of others. 

However, for Isao, who could manipulate those whose DNA he had inside his body, controlling Kazama was an easy thing. Still, he didn't do that since Kazama really wished to help him. Nevertheless, there was something that he needed to make Kazama and others couldn't say no matter what. 

That was his relationship with Maya, and his previous words said that he was only interested in a married and mature woman. 

The first reason was obvious Isao wanted to protect Maya, especially when she hadn't divorced, so he directly used his ability to make all the soldiers in Okinawa who said anything about Maya. 

The second reason was more obvious since how could he let his reputation be tarnished by letting everyone know that he liked a married and mature woman? 

Naturally, due to that, Isao knew that Kazama had made a report to his superior from time to time, but it didn't matter since that information was only about him, which was something that he didn't mind, and frankly, he wondered how this country would react to him, especially after they knew his information. 

Would they try to subjugate and dissect him? 

Or would they try to fool him? 

Or would they treat him sincerely? 

Either way, whatever their reactions were, it would lead to further development in this country. 

Still, except for the main characters and those characters that appeared in the story, Isao didn't really care about those extras, and he didn't even mind turning them into puppets that he could control. 

As for the main character? 

Well, Tatsuya was his stepson; Isao didn't plan to do anything, okay? 

Nevertheless, after Isao came to Asahikawa, he didn't waste his time booking hotel rooms, looking for a house, and also buying several dairy farms, ready to start his venture in this place, but when he was in the office, trying to manage new business, Kazama asked for permission from him. 

"Iinuma-kun, my boss just arrived in front. Can you meet her?" 

Isao nodded. "I don't mind, but don't forget to tell your boss to do a disinfected procedure." 


His business was related to a living being, so it was possible for those cows to get sick. 

While it was impossible to stop that natural sickness from happening, it was necessary to ease the chance for those cows to get sick from human causes. 

Isao didn't care what the position of Kazama's boss was, but if this boss entered his diary farms without even entering through a disinfected procedure, then this boss should be ready to pay the price. 

Then, as he made up his plan after checking various data within the farms and also prepared for the next plans, someone knocked on the door of his office again. 


As Kazama entered, someone also came to follow him. 

"Excuse me." 

Isao looked up and saw a charming, mature woman dressed in a military uniform, which made his expression turn subtle. 

"Sorry for bothering you, Iinuma-kun. My name is Saeki Hiromi." 

As their eyes met, Saeki never thought this guy would be so handsome. 

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