Tyrant Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5033: Bing Lingchuan

Chapter 5033: Bing Lingchuan

Chapter 5033 Bing Lingchuan

"Leave it to us!"

Wei Feng's beautiful body slid over there, raised his palm to overturn the top of the treasure house, put all the treasures of the elephant family into the storage ring, and quickly returned to Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tian waved his hand and led the three of them to continue moving forward.

Divine Mind locked another large mansion, which was the family of another strong man in the late star realm who ambushed him.

After coming to this family, he did the same, swallowing the spiritual liquid accumulated in his spiritual veins. Wei Feng and Wei Yu didn't wait for him to tell, they overturned the top of the treasure house and took away all the treasures.

Half an hour later, Cloud Elephant City's family, sects, and powers that participated in the ambush of Jiang Tian were all sucked up, and all the treasures in the treasure house were taken away.


Jiang Tian opened the "Sky Transformation Array" and led his companions away far away, leaving only countless horrified eyes and shocked faces in Yunxiang City!

"We have come all the way, how can they set up ambush here, and how do they know our identity?"

Weifeng and Weiyu hesitated very much, and couldn't help but ask questions as they escaped.

"I don't think about this, but it's clear that someone deliberately leaked our situation and led them to ambush here."

"But that person doesn't seem to say all the details!" Su Wan frowned.

"Yes! That person's real purpose is probably to delay our pace, cause us a certain amount of trouble, or consume!" Jiang Tian said solemnly.

"Who could it be?" The companions frowned, wondering.

"Now there is no way to guess, but one day, he will surface!"


The purple pattern flashed again, leading the four people away.

The next situation was the same as he expected. Everywhere he went, he would be blocked by local powerhouses, but those people were limited in strength and were all suppressed by him.

On the contrary, this way down, the spirit vein essence he swallowed increased sharply, and his wealth also skyrocketed.

With the three companions doing their best to refining, the resources on hand have not dropped, but have doubled!

Ten days later, most of the Bingling Continent was covered by him. After excluding the bloodline targets, his gaze was cast in the direction of Bingling Chuan Hantian Peak!

"Star Riding Conference, here I am!"


The void vibrated violently, and the purple pattern took Jiang Tian and his companions away. The next destination was Binglingzhou Hantian Peak!


Bingling Chuan is located in the southeast of Bingling Island. To be precise, it is at the southeast corner of Bingling Island.

This is an ice field that has not been transformed for a million years, with a radius of millions of miles. There are huge ice peaks in it. Hantian Peak is the tallest and most famous giant peak.

According to legend, millions of years ago, an ancient power and a giant ice beast met here and set off a shocking battle!

According to the Binglingzhou martial arts history, the battle that year attracted many ancient powerful onlookers, but no one could approach it.

There is no other reason, just because the strength of that ancient power and that ice and snow behemoth has reached the peak of the world and crushed countless fellow people!

That battle lasted for nearly a hundred days. No one knows what happened, except that after a hundred days, there was an unimaginable crystal light in this ice field that pierced the sky and fleeed away.

After that, an unprecedented giant peak appeared in the hinterland of Binglingchuan, which plunged straight into the sky, as if to pierce the sky cover, and was named Hantian Peak by the martial arts world!

"It turns out that Binglingchuan and Hantianfeng have such reasons!"

"I don't know what level of existence the ancient power and the ice giant beast are?"

Jiang Tian drove the flying boat into the air, and he had already arrived in the outer area of Binglingchuan.

A shielding array was opened on the flying boat to prevent others from prying, which saved a lot of trouble.

And hearing the comments of many martial arts experts outside Feizhou, Wei Feng, Wei Yu, and Su Wan looked at each other in surprise.

"What happened in ancient times is nowhere to be verified. These legends may not be completely credible. I am afraid they are more depictions of good things!"

Jiang Tian slowly shook his head and said in a deep voice.

In the ancient times, there were many great abilities, and there were many powerful bloodlines running across the world. The martial arts level at that time was not known to be much higher than it is now. The behemoth that can fight endlessly with the strong must also be a bloodline overbearing existence.

He didn't doubt the martial arts level of that era, but he maintained a cautious attitude towards all the rhetoric that was passed down in later generations.

Jiang Tian looked out through the porthole, and all the people he saw in his sight were almost all of the Star Realm level. The lowest cultivation level was also in the early stage of the Star Realm. The middle stage of the Star Realm accounted for the majority, and there were many in the late stage of the Star Realm.

From time to time, the mighty powerhouses at the pinnacle of the star realm skimmed from the sky, perhaps to show their majesty. These people did not conceal the aura of the cultivation base, allowing the majestic coercion to spread through the sky, causing formations wherever they went. Exclaimed.

Many warriors in the early stage of the Star Realm even slid down in the air under their breath, taking the initiative to avoid them in awe.

"Oh my God! There are so many star realm experts who came to participate in the'Star Riding Conference'!"

The Star Realm powerhouses who came to attend the meeting were all marching towards Hantian Peak, some in groups, some fleeing in the sky, and some driving the flying boat, looking at the dark clouds, almost merged into a black cloud.

"This grand event is the first time in 100,000 years. The powerful people from several continents have gathered for this. Although the scene is amazing, it is normal to think about it!"

Weifeng and Weiyu talked with each other, their eyes were full of awe, and they were full of enthusiasm when they thought that they were about to participate in such a rare event.

"So many powerful and powerful people gather in Binglingchuan. As long as there is a slight change, it will turn into an unimaginable storm. From the light to the cold sky and destroying the Binglingchuan, it involves the entire Bingling Continent, and even more serious. , And even cause turmoil in the martial arts in the surrounding continents!" Su Wan took a deep breath, her face extremely solemn.

"That's true! This is exactly what I am worried about. For the sake of safety..." Jiang Tian frowned slightly as he looked at the three companions.

"Don't worry too much! Although our cultivation base is weaker, it is not as self-protective as before. Even if something happens, it should be handled smoothly as long as you deal with it carefully." Su Wan slowly shook her head, dispelling Jiang Tian's concerns were overcome.

Although Weifeng and Weiyu were a little scared, they didn't want to miss this once-in-a-hundred-thousand-year martial arts event.

They understand that once they show retreat and fear, Jiang Tian will definitely find a way to place them. Although this kind of treatment is relatively safe, it will inevitably make them miss the great opportunity to participate in this martial arts event.

"My son, we...really don't want to miss such a martial arts event!"

Wei Yu mustered up her courage and asked Jiang Tian.

"Okay!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly and said no more.

In fact, he had already considered this issue on the way here.

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