True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 154 Empire Strike V

After Julius joined the closest territory to the border to encounter the empire threat, he faced many problems.

Most of the reinforcement from the Montero kingdom started to cause work havoc since they didn't have a proper controlling structure.

The food problem was also a dreading incident as most of their farmlands were destroyed by the empire dogs and they couldn't find them.

While Cedric's viscounty was in trouble, Pete quickly kept approaching them with most of their corps. They didn't slow down even a single bit as most of the guard stations were already abandoned on their way to the kingdom.

"Your highness Pete, I'm really glad we are serving under you, your bravery and skills are really exceptional,"

Most of the nobles and generals kept complimenting him on their success as it was his own effort that caused many of these victories.

"Well, it's lucky you guys have a competent leader like me, instead of someone like my father," Unknown to him, Pete started looking down on his father for being a coward.

He didn't understand why they didn't conquer these lands before as they were the most powerful nation on the human continent.

Pete who was now drunk on power and money forgot about his own blood ties with the former emperor as he insulted him.

Hearing Pete's words some older nobles felt angry as they didn't want to hear defamatory words against their former emperor but the newer generation who was sceptical about the war at first started to embrace it more and more computing their minds.

'I can do this, I don't need that bitch's help'

Thinking about Andriya, Pete kept advancing until a scout came in their direction with a panicked look.

"Your highness, they have a lot of troops in the next territory," He quickly announced trying to catch his breath.

"Explain!" Ferosa quickly interfered without letting him finish his announcement.

"They are getting ready to fight us, I think it's the main army since they had a lot of flags,"

As soon as he finished his words, a smile came into Pete's face.

"At last, those cowards are ready to fight us now, we will show them our power, everyone get ready for a battle," Announcing with an excited look, Pete galloped his horse while signalling others to follow him.


Meanwhile, in the Cedric Viscounty, people kept retreating to a safe place as they already got the news about the incoming army. Even though most of them were reluctant to leave their farmlands and houses, they had no choice.

All the people from surrounding villages came to the main city as it had the most favourable defence.

Viscount was reluctant to let all the people enter but under the crown prince's order he had no choice but to obey.

"Crown prince, is it okay if we close our gates now," Looking at the line outside the gate, Viscount Cedric questioned as he didn't want to take any risk.

"Wait! Not until everyone enters the city,"

It took them full thirty minutes to finish this whole task. It would have taken more time if they didn't hear war horns from the opposite side of the village.

"They are here!" Guards shouted as they saw many horses approaching the castle. But they didn't get too close as they knew long-range weapons are not to be taken lightly.

"Close the gate, From now on it's marshal law if any of the villagers come outside just kill them," Ordering these troops, Cedric went to meet Julius.

"Crown prince, what shall we do now?"

"Get our archers ready, and ask every offensive magician to gather here,"

Julius kept giving orders until he saw a single horse approaching with a flag. He knew it must be a messenger so he ordered everyone to stand back.

"What's your purpose? We have nothing to discuss with enemies," Without even letting the messenger talk, Cedric shouted with anger.

He was furious about the destruction caused by their army to his land. Even if no humans in the territory got injured, most of the livestock and farms land suffered big time because of their actions.

"I bring a message from our emperor, he implores you to surrender before tomorrow noon, otherwise empire army will destroy this territory," With a cocky tone, the messenger announced as, he was confident that they won't take any rash actions.

"Damn empire dogs! We won't give put lands to tyrants like that, if you want come and take out heads," Cedric answered his words with Julius' approval.

Julius felt proud to see him standing on behalf of the territory without any fear. Cedric being the old man he is, wasn't afraid of his life. He didn't want this territory to be destroyed by these tyrants and his family to be exiled from this land.

"Is that so? I will convey this message, you will regret this decision,"

The messenger went back after giving them a warning as he didn't want to be killed by them. He clearly knew staying in the enemy territory for too long wasn't favourable for him.

"Cedric, we will win this and take back what is rightfully ours, tell everyone to get ready, they might attack at midnight," Ordering him to increase the security, Julius went inside to get ready for the war.

At that time they didn't know another party was eagerly waiting for them to clash with each other in excitement.

The messenger who went back to the camp to announce the words of Cedric enraged Pete after telling him what happened.

"Damn those weaklings thinking they have a chance, I will kill every single man in that village," Kicking a chair with his muscular leg, Pete grumbled.

The heat of the war enveloped the whole area as the enemy camp and the kingdom was glimmering in with small fire lamps, unlike normal nights.

Just like everyone expected empire tried to stealth attack at night with small numbers but they failed as the viscount had a rather good defence and walls protecting it.

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