Trials of the Abyss

Chapter 110: Facing the Challenge Head On!

Chapter 110: Facing the Challenge Head On!

The next morning, a minor commander from the Shadow Specter Sect responsible for controlling the city's street gangs was waiting outside Pang Jian's door early in the morning.

"Little Brother Hong, Mister Fan is requesting your presence."

Pang Jian got up and followed him.

In the same impoverished western district, in front of a secluded wooden house at the end of an alley, the minor commander knocked on the door and respectfully said, "He's arrived."

"Let him in. You stand guard outside the alley." Fan Liang's hoarse voice rang out from inside the house.

Pang Jian pushed the door open and walked to the center of the dimly lit room. Fan Liang, Meng Qiulan, Zhao Ling, and Wu Yi were all present

Their faces were grim. Fan Liang's eyes were bloodshot and he seemed exhausted.

Meng Qiulan and Zhao Ling were both frowning deeply. Their high spirits from the previous day had vanished.

"Hong Jian, the operation is canceled," Meng Qiulan said solemnly. "Last night, a rogue cultivator recognized two of Yang Yuansen's subordinates in the southern district.

"The Shangguan Clan and the Ouyang Clan gathered their forces, deploying five Marrow Cleansing Realm cultivators and several Meridian Opening Realm cultivators to raid their inn in the southern district. Yang Yuansen's two subordinates were killed on the spot. Yang Yuansen escaped through the south gate and the Shangguan Clan and the Ouyang Clan are still hunting him down."

Pang Jian was stunned.

The operation was supposed to be tonight and relied heavily on Yang Yuansen and his subordinates. The unforeseen events had disrupted their plan.

"With this incident, we have no choice but to cancel the operation." Meng Qiulan sighed. "Divine Fortune City is no longer safe. I plan to report to the Sect Leader and relocate our branch."

"Elder Meng, why did the Shangguan Clan and the Ouyang Clan suddenly have five Marrow Cleansing Realm cultivators in Divine Fortune City?" Zhao Ling asked.

She thought it fortunate that Yang Yuansen's mishap occurred. Otherwise, their planned attack on the Blood Moon Sect could have led to their complete annihilation.

Meng Qiulan glanced over at her. "Do you know why the Sect Leader agreed to this operation?"

Zhao Ling shook her head.

This had previously puzzled her and Wu Yi. They could not understand why the Sect Leader approved this operation. After all, there was no precedent.

Meng Qiulan took a deep breath and revealed, "The Ouyang Clan's territory, adjacent to Divine Fortune, has experienced a great catastrophe. The Sect Leader sent me to replace Hong Tai, not because he cares about Divine Fortune's branch, but to understand the situation. This catastrophe stems from the rising murky energy of the Fifth World. No one in the affected area has survived, and few people know about it."

"What?!" Zhao Ling and Wu Yi paled.

Pang Jian already knew of the catastrophe and so did not react.

"The Sect Leader feels a strong sense of urgency, which is why he dared to take such a risk," Meng Qiulan explained again.

"This, this—" Wu Yi rubbed his hands together anxiously. "Elder Meng, has there ever been such a situation before? Since the Sect Leader sent you here, he must've told you something about the tainted energy of the Fifth World, right?"

Meng Qiulan nodded. She hesitated briefly, then said, "The Sect Leader told me that in the best-case scenario, the murky energy is limited to a small area and will not continue to spread. Once the situation stabilizes and it is confirmed that the murky energy will not spread, high-ranking figures from the upper worlds will come down to handle it."

Wu Yi asked in surprise, "High-ranking figures from the upper worlds? From the Second World or the First World?"

Meng Qiulan shook her head. "The Sect Leader doesn't know either."

"Elder Meng, what's the worst-case scenario?" Zhao Ling asked.

"The murky energy contaminated the entire Fourth World!"

Pang Jian was stunned.

The Fourth World was divided into seven regions with numerous fragmented lands. If the tainted energy contaminated the fragmented lands, the Fourth World would be doomed.

The Shadow Specter Sect was located in the Fourth World, as were the seven major clans. It was no wonder the Sect Leader of the Shadow Specter Sect was so worried.

Meng Qiulan continued, "The Marrow Cleansing Realm cultivators from the Shangguan Clan and the Ouyang Clan arrived just yesterday. They didn't know Yang Yuansen was here. They were just trying to understand what happened in those fragmented lands. The attack on Yang Yuansen's group was purely incidental. Fortunately, it happened early. Otherwise...

Meng Qiulan laughed bitterly. "Yang Yuansen is indeed formidable. Despite losing two of his subordinates, he severely injured two Marrow Cleansing Realm cultivators. The remaining Marrow Cleansing Realm cultivators from the two clans are pursuing him relentlessly.

"The two clans seem to want to capture him alive to extract info from him."

"The Blood Moon Sect isn't involved?" Pang Jian asked.

Meng Qiulan glanced at him and explained, "To the Blood Moon Sect, we, the Shadow Specter Sect members, are insignificant. They left the cleanup to the Shangguan Clan and the Ouyang Clan. They consider dealing with us beneath them."

Zhao Ling had already decided to withdraw and said coldly to Wu Yi, "Mister Wu, we should leave."

Wu Yi nodded. "I agree."

"Elder Meng, take care of yourself," Zhao Ling said, preparing to get up and leave.

"Wait!" Pang Jian called out.

The others looked at him in surprise.

"Can the operation continue tonight?" Pang Jian straightened up, exuding an intimidating aura. "Can I take over the tasks assigned to Yang Yuansen's group? I will take responsibility for killing Fei Zheng from the Blood Moon Sect. You can proceed with your original plan against the others."

His words made everyone look at him as if he were a madman.

Wu Yi rubbed his temples. "Kid, don't play with our lives. Fei Zheng is only one step away from the Innate Realm. The poisons I prepared can only limit part of his strength and won't last long.

"Only someone of Yang Yuansen's level, along with his two skilled subordinates, could hope to kill Fei Zheng. As for you..." he trailed off, shaking his head gently.

"Hong Jian, we have no interest in joining your reckless gamble!" Meng Qiulan scolded. "I know you come from the upper world and have extraordinary experience and courage, but you have no idea how powerful Fei Zheng is in the late Marrow Cleansing Realm! Even Zhao Ling and I don't dare to face him head-on!"

Zhao Ling snorted as well. "Are you out of your mind?"

"There's a street that leads to the mansion where the beast-hunting sailboat is docked. Mr. Wu mentioned that Fei Zheng returns through that street every night," Pang Jian said calmly, undeterred by their ridicule. "Trust me just this once and proceed with the original plan. I will kill him on that street before he returns to the ship.

"You guys only need to hide in the tall buildings on either side of the street and watch me kill him. Then, you can raid the beast-hunting sailboat. If I die on that street, you don't need to do anything. Just retreat quietly.

"Think about it."

With that, Pang Jian left.

The room fell into a deathly silence.

After a long pause, Zhao Ling broke the silence. "He's actually serious! According to his plan, as long as we don't take action, we'll just be bystanders."

Wu Yi nodded "As long as we don't act or stick our necks out for him, no one will know we're there."

Meng Qiulan asked, "Zhao Ling, you don't plan to stay and watch, do you?"

"He only advanced to the Marrow Cleansing Realm half a month ago, and he wants to kill Fei Zheng from the Blood Moon Sect on that street tomorrow night!" Zhao Ling muttered irritably as she paced back and forth. "He doesn't seem like a madman, but if he is, he must have the strength of one! But we're talking about Fei Zheng in the late stage of the Marrow Cleansing Realm here!"

Meng Qiulan and Wu Yi silently watched her.

After a long while, Zhao Ling finally decided, "Let's watch him tonight! Elder Meng, the main forces of the Shangguan Clan and the Ouyang Clan are outside the city chasing after Yang Yuansen. Secure the buildings on both sides of that street quickly. We'll observe from above tonight. If Hong Jian is killed, we'll pretend nothing happened.

"But if he does succeed in killing Fei Zheng, we'll proceed with the original plan to raid the beast-hunting sailboat! What do you think?"

Zhao Ling looked expectantly at Meng Qiulan.

Meng Qiulan gritted her teeth and nodded.


At noon, Fan Liang came over and knocked on the door of Pang Jian's wooden house.

He entered, looking over at where Pang Jian sat calmly by the bed.

With a complicated expression, Fan Liang said, "The two hall masters have decided. Tonight, they'll watch from the buildings on both sides of the street as you intercept and kill Fei Zheng from the Blood Moon Sect!

"Remember, you must succeed first. Only then will they reveal themselves and proceed with the plan to attack the beast-hunting sailboat. If you die, they'll act as if nothing happened and leave."

Pang Jian nodded in acknowledgment.

Fan Liang looked at him silently for a long while. "Hall Master Meng said that if you succeed in killing Fei Zheng and rescuing Bai Wei and Bai Zhi from the beast-hunting sailboat, she will ensure the two sisters serve you together in the future."

Pang Jian was stunned.

"Little Brother Hong, you are more admirable than—" Fan Liang hesitated. "You are more admirable than your uncle! In the past, during his operations, we were always the ones on the front lines, the first to be sacrificed if there was any danger. Little Brother Hong, I hope this isn't a reckless move on your part. I truly hope you succeed!"

With that, Fan Liang left the wooden house.

"Uncle...?" Confusion filled Pang Jian before he realized Fan Liang was referring to the former hall master, Hong Tai. It seemed that Fan Liang had some grievances against him.


That night, Meng Qiulan, Zhao Ling, Wu Yi, and Fan Liang gathered on the third floor of a building on the street known as Musical Instrument Street.

"Is everything ready?" Meng Qiulan asked Fan Liang.

"Yes, I watched Fei Zheng enter the Fragrance Pavilion. The manager's wife, children, and parents are in our hands. He won't dare to disobey," Fan Liang said. "Several large houses around the beast-hunting sailboat are filled with our people. All our preparations can be put to use. As soon as I signal with the cannon, everyone will respond!

"Of course, if Little Brother Hong dies, we'll act as if nothing happened."

Meng Qiulan nodded.

They knew Pang Jian was waiting in a building across the street for Fei Zheng to appear.

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