Tree of Aeons

237. Detreereence

237. Detreereence

Year 239

Whos best to use the avatar? Lumoof shrugged. Anyone, really. Its just a chance for people to see the world for themselves.

I spawned one of the avatars, technically, the ones that are used by me can be linked and transferred to other pantheon members, but once they are transferred, they no longer can be changed. I suppose thats because this is my pantheon? 

The avatar was surprisingly nimble, and could essentially take any shape I wanted to it take. It was like a living, flexible, ever changing tangle of wood and vines. It could form a face, and could even talk. 

I think this ability came a little too late. Ken mused. Itll totally be a human form for you.

But its level capped at level 100. Its just a dummy. Prabu countered. Lumoofs ability is way better.

Lumoofs a domain holder. This is a destructible dummy. You could send it to places where you EXPECT it to be destroyed as a scout. Ken answered the archmage.

You mean use it like a summoned creature, like how Johann can look through his animal companions? Roon said as we analyzed the new ability.

Yeah, kinda like that. Johanns pets are way more precious than these spawnable avatars. Think about it, we could use it to communicate anywhere.

Johanns little pet dragon was actually a lot larger than expected. A spawn created from the dragonbones, it was some kind of fire dragon, with jet black scales. Based on my estimates, itll get stronger as it ages, but its still a long way to maturity.

It was also one crazily hungry creature, and Johann had to pack loads of meat for it. Its a great thing he had bags of holding that could easily store and preserve large quantities of meat.

Without bags of holding, the animal companion would probably suffer for it. Johann claimed that the pet could survive off his magical energy alone, but would not be able to grow during that period of time. 

Within the Valthorns theres also a debate between whether its better to level up my domain holders, or just try to create more domain holders. 

Ive mostly decided to focus on creating more domain holders, but this argument still comes out every now and then. But thankfully, it seems I still gain levels just by planning and supporting all the demon king battles. 

Lilies was surprisingly interested in the avatar. They have made something of their own after all, but it wasnt all that interesting, and the limitations were so annoying that their avatar was functionally useless. 

This one, at least, would retain some of their strength, at level 100, and allow them to gain experience from the other worlds.

Lilies language and sensation felt more keen, more interested, and so, if an avatar was what swayed their position, so be it.

Aria and Aispeng naturally booked one. Theyve been carving up various models of their avatar with ice, but their condition was really vain. I want to decide what my avatar looks like.

Thats a small matter. 


The second avatar was granted to Aria and Aispeng, and Aria tried her best to recreate how she looked like, from a long long ago, as a human. She really wanted to be a human once more. 

Once I created the avatar and linked it to her through our pantheon, she was off fiddling with her avatar.

I also took the chance to offer it to Zhaanpu. Zhaanpu didnt accept my pantheon membership due to his concerns about the interactions with the gods pact. 


But no answer. 


This avatar ability on its own is pretty average. Lumoof said, But Aeon, the fact that you could share, really opened our minds to possibilities. Imagine for a moment, if all the domain holders abilities were concentrated in a single body.

Itll be as strong as a hero. Stella said. Or more.

It may be a good idea to explore the way it works, and to use Aeons soul-magic to explore whether we could link power.

So we are building off the power of friendship, literally. Stella laughed at how corny it was. But I like it. Linking and concentrating the powers of multiple souls in a single body seemed like a great way to create something where the whole is so much more than the sum of its parts.

It really made me have a different perspective of the soul-stitching mechanism of hexbombs and blood-soul magic. 

If you could somehow adapt the links within hexbombs to amplify the power of multiple domain tier individuals, somehow allowing a single avatar to express their combined power, we could really create a god-level war machine. Hacking the avatar function to host multiple and allow them to amplify each others ability would really create something world breaking.

Looks like we have sort of a roadmap to the end. Cometworld as the delivery mechanism, and a multiple-avatar in a single unit as the weapon or warrior to destroy that damned demon sun.

Sharing power was always a part of my repertoire. My familiars were a means of sharing power, and so I really liked this idea. It seemed consistent with the path I took so far. It seemed plausible, even if it involved linking multiple people together. 

Maybe its some kind of pantheon ability. Lumoof wondered. We know that sometimes, if we think about it enough, the system finds a way to give it to us.

What- Stella looked surprised. Oh. Youre trying to tell the system that we want this sort of pantheon ability.

Yeah. Ability to combine powers across the pantheon.

Well, then I want the ability to manipulate the movement of an object through the void sea. Stella pretended to pray to the system. And the ability to break down that void barrier.

Edna just laughed at her two fellow domain holders. Why dont you wish for the ability to destroy the demon sun while you are at it.

Yeah! But that sounds so vague, yknow. Stella said. I think what the system awards usually has some specificity, like we roughly know what we want. Itll give you a hammer if you know what exactly a hammer looks like, and what you expect it to do.


It wasnt hard to infiltrate the crystal kings territory. The Crystal King maintains nominal control of all the smaller kingdoms in his territory, just like how Zhaanpu controls all the smaller desert cities and nations, or how Hoofhall oversees the lesser centaur tribes. 

That meant, it was very easy to disguise ourselves as people from other kingdoms and cities, and we also had invisible means of infiltration such as my trees. I was fairly sure the Crystal King sensed me, but it hadnt gone as far as to order outright deforestation. 

The rifts soon spawned demons, and we were greeted with the large demons with axes and wings. In short, the regular demonworld. 

One of the theories that developed from the void archmages, was that worlds that are closer to the source of the demons should be more regular-demon like, than those who possess unusual characteristics like the parasite world or the sandworld. 

The idea was that the variance in the demons is something that accumulated over multiple invasions. 

His idea was, Demons invaded world A. Demons spawned by world A possessed some additional characteristics adopted from the World As cores. Demons from World A then invaded World B, and captured it. Demons from World B thus had qualities inherited from World A and World B. Over time, the demons would be wildly different from each other, depending on the path it went through. 

We also observed that each generation of demon king, even though they mightve come from the same world, had minor variations, so this suggested that the core of each world essentially had a certain degree of flexibility in the powers granted to its demon king. We saw this when we compared the Sabnoc demon king we faced, and the Sabnoc-type encountered by Adrian and Kelly.

The different types of demons we encounter was the result of cumulative adoption of traits from multiple demon worlds. Its perhaps intentional, perhaps unintentional, but this was a natural theorem arising from the demon spawning mechanism that adopts its host worlds qualities. 

Thus, working backwards from this idea, worlds where the demons were plain and regular were thus a lot closer to the demon sun, than those further away from the demon sun who went through more jumps. 

Its a theory, a hypothesis which we cannot quite prove. Each demon core didnt keep records of how many worlds came before it. Or at least, not that I know of. Perhaps there is some kind of genetic marker within its core. 

Anyway, that digressed. We found the rifts quickly, and they spawned regular big demons with flaming axes and the like.

Typical demons, in short. Frankly one of my favorites, because of how big they are.

Some of my void mages snuck through the rift, and found another lavaworld. Which we named Lavaworld 2. 

We roughly triangulated the location of the demon king, and then we encountered resistance.

By the order of the Crystal King, stop what you are doing. The crystal king sent a small army to any location where they detected our presence, and it decided to camp at where we wanted to set traps.

The demons spawned, and they fought it. 

We should just let the demons overrun them, then continue with our work. The Valthorns quipped as we helped the crystal kings minions fend off the demons. 

I asked Zhaanpu for his assistance.

He will not be cooperative. In fact, Im fairly certain his preferred response is to let Khefri die, and a new batch of heroes get summoned, so that he can have one hero under his thumb. 

Ridiculous. I answered. 

Havent fought his forces over the centuries, yes, that is what the crystal king is like. Actually, if I was in his position, that is what I will do too.


Its just politics. The balance of power is upset by the presence of heroes. Their response is normal. The only saving grace is that the pact forces us not to use heroes against each other. But, each hero makes hero-items, and hero items still have plenty of power. If I was the Crystal King, I wouldve done so with probably much better finesse. 

I sometimes forget that Zhaanpu is just as manipulative as any other domain holder. Ive lucked out that the first domain holder I meet is Lilies, who seems just happy to hide away in their little lake like a hermit. 

I wonder whether Lilies would be best suited to advise on how to merge the powers of multiple domain holders, since Lilies is after all some kind of hive mind. 

It was another thing in the list of magical research to pursue. 


The Vassal wars threat was not as serious, once the fangs of propaganda were weakened. The Holy Emperors continued to use their power to push back against the merchant guilds, but their leaders took greater control of public opinion and ensured that they remain focused on the Merchant Guilds, and vice versa.

The Holy Emperors were also happy to welcome my banking services and some of my security people into their cities, which ensured that some of their nations assets were now somewhat secure. 

Yet now, it was the temples who goaded the [Holy Emperors] to continue and push the war against me, despite the differing counsel of their propaganda masters and strategists.

Thus, it was time to flex my might once more, and stain my roots and branches with a bit more blood. 

I invited another group of senior priests from all the four temples to come meet me face to face. 

I didnt do this before, since the last time I met the senior leaders of the Aiva Temple was really long ago and I never met them again ever since. All our dealings with Aiva were through my agents and proxies. 

It was something that none of the temples publicly stated, because it would greatly impair the nobles confidence in them. What sort of protection could they offer if their own leaders couldnt protect themselves. 

The three triumvirs of Aiva, the first priest of Gawa and Hawa, the council of five of the Neira were all captured and then, through void magic, sent my way. 

It was something to come face to face with some many priests, and I thought they withstood my presence a lot better than the first group of propaganda spreaders and plotters. The priests were far more composed, and they were trained in the priestly ways to combine their auras to resist my own.

Yet it shook them.

All of them looked sick. Unlike the earlier group, they never doubted my existence. They only challenged my rising divinity.

Yet, the presence of my [domain] at level 200 was a weight they could not deny. My own people spoke of it as being face to face with a force of nature, as if one was in the way of an avalanche, gazing into ones doom. 

But they were brave. 

These men of faith, for their nagging resistance and struggle against me, had incredible nerves. One of the bravest, a priest from Gaya, stood, his legs shaking, his fingers shivering, his face as pale and purple as one could be, but still he said with every word in his soul. 

Aeon, you resist the call and prayers of our gods. He tried his best to speak, but each and every word shook. Why have you brought us here?

I brought you here to talk. And, first, I was never given a chance to accept your call or prayer. I responded frankly, and if I remember correctly, the Gaya faith didnt like trees that much. A century or so ago, the four temples declared a crusade against me. For what? I tried to sue for peace. For coexistence, but your gods, or your leaders then declared I should be crushed.

They were silent. The edicts of their own gods back then were clear. Crush the pretender.

Only Aiva was wise enough to pull back. The priests of the three temples heads all turned suddenly at the Aivan priests present. 

What? They glared accusingly, their question aimed at their peers. Explain yourself.

I spoke to Aiva. Many shouldve felt its presence those years ago.

-you received a message. The priest tried to downplay what I did. 

The Aivan priests shook their heads. A temporary link was opened.

What. The other priests glared. Youve known how to open a link and youve never shared?

Its- its complicated. 

No matter. I said. What matters is right here. Im here, and your four gods are far away, and will soon abandon you. Its been decades since my talk with Aiva, and I suppose its about damn time I start spilling beans.

Abandon us? 

Aiva said so. The gods reach fluctuates to the whims of the void sea, and the great disturbances of the land beyond.

The priests paled and looked at the Aivan priests. You know this?

To- to some extent, yes. The full truth is only heard by the Triumvirs present.

Lies. One priest barked, but it took all his willpower to resist. If you brought us here to awe us into submission, no, we wont do it.

I decided I made my message quite clear, and lifted the oppressive presence. The color on their faces returned. I do not expect or require conversion to my faith. Hell, itll be great if you maintain your faith to the best of your ability.

Then why are we summoned? 

Because this war annoys me. At that moment, a group of void mages appeared. And I realize, were fighting because you dont see the greater enemies we face, nor do you truly comprehend what the demons want to do to our world. 

Greater enemies?

Perspective. It was a privilege of the Valthorns, and now, it was something I had to share with the others.

They may be my enemies, but I believe they too, deserve to see the truth.

Come, they will lead you to see the demonworlds.


The leading priests of this generation stared at the vast desolate lands of the Lavaworld, at the hordes of demons that we leave free to roam, so that my Valthorns could fight them for experience. 

It was hell, and intentionally left so.

This is where you sent the strategists? 

No. They were shown the place, but no, theyve not visited. Come, let us visit another. The void archmage led them back, and this time, we sent them through a riftgate. 

A riftgate set for Ulara.

With our discovery of the riftgates dialing numbers, and the small amounts of core mana granted by the worlds core, we were now able to restore temporary rifts to the demonworlds such as the anti-magic world, Ulara, and many others.

Those more distant, or delayed by the void barrier were inaccessible for now. It cost a bit more void mana to form and link the two worlds, but now that we could, I used them to teach, to share and let them witness the world beyond.

I decided I would and should extend this experience to the rulers and nobility. 


It was a weapon. 

It was an idea.

It was letting them see the sword of Damocles that hung over all our heads. To see the extent of the demons true power, and to unveil the ignorance of their entire life.

What was remote wasnt so. It was a certainty in the future, even if not their own future.

The priests were silent, as they saw what happened to the Ularans. How they now live in little holes rather than the cities of their past.

The world is a lot more perilous than you know. We face demons who seek to do this to us. To our world. The void archmage said on my behalf. Honestly, those of us whove seen whats out there, cannot unsee it. Why is it even worthwhile to fight over scraps when there are entire worlds out there that can be reclaimed? Why is it even worth it to fight each other for power when well all get destroyed by something far bigger?

The gods will protect us. The gods grant us power to resist those who want to destroy us.

They do want to protect you. The void archmage didnt rebuke them. But they are drifting further away, and their power wanes over longer distances. Your god wants to help, but they are losing the ability. It is our speculation that their weakening power is why we have less heroes.

Its all Aeons fault. His presence blocked the gods' ability to help us.

Oh please. Aiva said so Itself. In about two centuries itll all be over. The void archmage said. 

This is blasphemy. One priest said. One does not insult the gods this way.

Is it? The void archmage said. But no matter, with Aeon, we are reaching to the other worlds, to take the fight back to the demons. You folks can indulge in your jostling for position back home, but Aeon does not intend to let you disturb our greater war.

This system was created by the gods. Your attempt to go against the demons directly is not what the gods planned. I sometimes marvel at the priests ability to warp any position into an argument against me. 

And thats why youre a fool. The void archmage said frankly. Do you not see that this system engineers all of us to die? 

If that is how our gods want us to die, then it is how we shall die.

My archmage was frustrated, but not all priests were so stubborn. Some saw the other worlds, and now realize what we have become. 

We were not just a temple ruling a continent. Were an organization engineering the goal of destroying the demons for good. 

What is it that Aeon wants?

The void archmage sighed. It is not something I agree with, but Aeon wants a truce. Well let you fight your wars, but leave Aeon and the Valtrian Order out of it. We have bigger fish to fry.

Some of them were quiet, they took the offer seriously. One of the priests asked. Isnt this just a ploy to weaken us while you gain more power?

The void archmage laughed. Yes, but youre wrong on one point. We have no need to weaken you. We can crush you now, and it is Aeons mercy that prevents it from happening.

And you expect us to appreciate that your monstrous god stays his hand? A dictator is still a dictator. A monster.

The void archmages laughter continued. Oh, I think you are sorely mistaken. Were not looking for appreciation.


I expect you to have the wisdom of leaving the damned beetle nest alone.

There was a look of absolute horror in all the priests. 



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