Trapped in Another World With No Magic

Chapter 91: Recuperation

Chapter 91: Recuperation

A manmade clap of thunder rumbles in the large hangar bay of the Citadel, claiming a soul that had proven to be one of the most dangerous and powerful mages in the whole of the world of Zenkon.

After attempting to disrupt the leadership of the Fievegal by attacking two of the Dragon Empresses and their lesser dragon escort, an archoneldwyn mage of unprecedented magical talent challenged the world’s seemingly most notorious sorcerer in modern times; the Harbinger of Calamity.

Knowing the truth about the Harbinger, also known simply as Daniel of Earth, Brosjak attempted to win this seemingly-easy duel in order to take over the Citadel. After all, Daniel is merely a human from another world who, until recently, had absolutely no magical capacity whatsoever.

This worked against Brosjak, and now, Daniel kneels atop the deceased mage’s chest, the magical revolver that is a sword in its normal form. Blood pools around them, and the magical duel circle fades, leaving Daniel and Brosjak in place.

Daniel asks, “Xyreko, can you detect a spell for self-revival or anything like it? Brosjak was confident…”

“Yes, Daniel. It’s disabled… I believe thanks to Nemaisol.”

Daniel nods. He looks around, finding and approaching the group as the others stare at Daniel in disbelief. “Where is Ryuo? Is she alright?”

Ryukana nods. “She will be. You wished it, and so it shall be.”

Daniel sighs, relaxing his shoulders. Tears begin to form in his eyes, and he says softly, “Thank goodness… Thank you, Ryukana. I… I can’t thank…”

“It was our agreement, Daniel. A deal is a deal.” She smiles, and Daniel wipes his face as relief washes over him. Fear kept him alive, but also kept his heart pounding in his chest as he did everything he could just to stay focused enough to fight.

Now, he feels like a simple machine mechanic in way over his head, and he can’t help but flop back onto his backside to cry tears of joy and relief.

Hekate cries out, “Daniel!” She runs to him, pouncing onto him as the others crowd around as well, and Reignleif, Wenlianna, Gwenesphia, and Kera’tai pile on to hug him. They cry as well, relieved and happy that he’s alright.

Daniel allows himself to be pinned to the floor in a pile of bodies, laughing and crying at the same time as Hekate exclaims, “I was so scared, Daniel! I… I didn’t… I was afraid you’d…”

Daniel smiles softly. “I know… I bluffed that I could defeat him. I couldn’t have without Nemaisol. Speaking of which…”

“[Don’t mind me, Daniel. Enjoy this moment. We’ll talk later, yeah?]”

Are you sure? thinks Daniel in reply. 

“[Of course. If you get rid of me now, I’ll just come back to kill you myself. Heeheehee!]”

Daniel chuckles. He relaxes as the others simply snuggle against him and hug him. He asks softly, “How’s Geira?”

“Breathing,” replies Reignleif. “And, she’s dreaming. She’ll be alright. Revival potations, as you know, take time to awaken from.”

Daniel nods. It did take some of the dragons days or weeks to actually awaken, even after administering revival potations. “Rose, don’t wait on us. Go be with Blue.”

The pink dragon bows her head. “Thank you, your Grace.” She starts to leave, and Daniel adds, “Rose…”

“Y-Yes, your Grace?” squeaks the young lesser dragon.

“Thank you… for what you did. I know it was a hard choice. And…” Daniel looks away. “I’m sorry… that I directed anger at you.”

Rose bows, “You need not apologize, your Grace. You… You saved him…” Her eyes water, and she chokes out, “P-Please excuse me… I-I’ll make it up to you…” She flees the room, and Daniel watches her go with a smile. He whispers after her, “Thank you, Rose.”

Hekate asks, buried in the pile of bodies, “H-How did he get in here? Shouldn’t the barrier have stopped him?”

Daniel replies with his best guess, “I believe he used Xyreko’s teleportation magic, which must linger long enough to be useful to someone who can detect and use that fact.”

“I… I’m sorry, Daniel…” replies Xyreko. “I had no idea, truly.”

“I don’t blame you. It’s not something one can expect without seeing it. The reason I can confidently guess that much is the fact that we had such things in fiction in my world.”

“You always say that,” replies Wenlianna. “How does the fiction in your world cover so many situations?”

Daniel chuckles. “Thousands of years of creating fiction, I guess. At that point, people come up with everything they can think of just to make their stories stand out. Whatever you think of the stories I have on my phone, they actually shared a lot of similarities to other stories, to the point that it’s difficult sometimes to avoid being called ‘generic’. Though, my goal is to actually reach an ending that makes sense, which was more rare than you might think. Especially light novels. They seem to just go on forever before suddenly abruptly ending.”

They stare at him, not entirely understanding what he’s talking about.

“Sorry. Just a mild acknowledgement of the Fourth Wall.”

He feels Wenlianna squirm, and she writes a note in a notebook, causing him to laugh. She puffs her cheeks at him, but he disrupts any frustration as he relaxes again. “Thank you all… I… had a reason to win, thanks to all of you…”

They smile, and he is buried in kisses before he can finally stand up.

“Xyreko, have Ryuo and Geira moved to a chamber with medical equipment and in close proximity. We’ll monitor them.”

“Of course. I already have Ryuogriar in the perfect room. Transporting Geirahoel now.” Geirahoel’s sleeping form dissolves as she’s teleported out of the hangar, and Hekate asks softly, “D-Daniel…?”

“Yeah?” replies Daniel softly.

“Do you think… their eggs… will be alright?”

Daniel slumps a little and frowns. He doesn’t want to think about it. Neither of them were very far along this time, but they did experience severe trauma from the battle. To expect no lasting repercussions is the height of optimism.

Daniel pets her head. “I genuinely don’t know. But, I hope they are.”

“Me too. I’ll do anything I can to help.”

Daniel nods. “Thanks, Hekate.”

Xyreko asks, “What shall we do with the archoneldwyn, Daniel? I believe a void bag and then annihilating it with magic should suffice.”

Daniel nods. “Do it. I don’t want to deal with his kind ever again.”

Xyreko nods, and a worker golem appears carrying a simple magic bag. It stores the body in the bag, disappearing again.

Gwenesphia asks softly, “How come… you didn’t spare him?” She adds quickly, “I’m not taking sides or anything. I just… You spared the dragons. A-And… you’re sparing that other archoneldwyn, right?”

Daniel nods. “A fair question. I wouldn’t have spared Doephluev if I didn’t think she’d be useful. And, she is now the last of her kind, supposedly. I might revive the other man, but Brosjak… He… was very sick. I’m not a psychologist, but he had the eyes of a psychopath. Someone that has no shred of empathy or sympathy in their bodies. They can feign it to manipulate people, but he has proven that he’s not someone the world is better having around.”

Gwenesphia gives a satisfied nod. “I just wanted to know. Thanks.”

Daniel smiles at her. “I figured. And, thanks for talking me down from using… that thing. I’ll kill when necessary, but that would be overkill.”

The group nods in agreement with him, which was the vow Daniel made to the primordial goddesses; not to use his most deadly weapons to solve basic worldly problems.

Hekate takes Daniel’s hand, insisting, “Let’s go be with Ryuo and Geira. They’ll be really mad if we aren’t there when they wake up.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” replies Daniel. 

Wenlianna asks sheepishly, “Daniel… Is it alright if I join you? Ladies Ryuo and Geira have always been kind to me…”

Daniel smiles. “Of course. Anyone that wants to join us is welcome. They’ll appreciate it as much as I did, I’m sure.”

“Maybe not in the same way,” teases Vaergraes.

Daniel scoffs. “Regardless, we’re all on the same side. As long as everyone gets along, then isn’t it nice to wake up surrounded by people who care?”

There’s a moment of unanimous smiles, and Daniel asks, “Xyreko, where are Ryuo and Geira?”

“Where else?” replies the golem caretaker. “I have them resting in their haven.”

“Oh for f-... You all get off on trolling me, don’t you?”

“Trolling?” asks Treia. The others also have unsure expressions, having not understood the expression.

“Messing with me. I’ll explain later.”

Hekate proudly puts her hands on her hips, laughing boisterously. “Heh heh heh! I’m too short to be a troll!”

The others chuckle at her, and Daniel pets her head, ruffling her hair.

They make their way to Daniel’s room, the apparent ‘haven’ for the three Dragon Empresses, and Hekate and Reignleif walk with Daniel, holding his hands. As they walk, Daniel asks, “Xyreko, have you informed Choul of what happened?”

“I have dispatched wing-golems. If you would like me to use telepathy…”

Daniel thinks for a moment. He says, “Send this code over the radio; ‘Grey Knight, Mechanic One, the Valkyries have been chosen. Mechanic One in control. Listen close for the next poem. Over and out.”

Xyreko nods. “I shall relay it with your own voice, your Grace. Anything else?”

“No. He should know well enough to be on guard from that. Though…” Daniel thinks, and everyone comes to a stop as he does. He remarks softly, “I don’t think I explained the Valkyries to him, did I?”

“What do you mean?” asks Gwenesphia curiously.

“The Valkyries are the ‘choosers of the slain’ in one of the mythologies of Earth. Hopefully, he’ll realize the mission went south. Er… Went wrong. But, that we have it under control for the moment. He’ll get the full report in time, of course.”

“Sir Choul confirms the message, your Grace,” reports Xyreko. 

“Good. Thank you.”

Daniel enters his room, arm in arm with Hekate and Reignleif, where they find two full-sized dragons asleep on beds. Thankfully, the individual rooms of the Citadel were sized to much larger beings; the feldroks, meaning the two beds housing two fully grown dragons fit with ease.

Daniel approaches each of them, petting their large reptilian muzzles.

“If this is supposed to be your revenge, you succeeded. I’m worried sick.”

Hekate climbs onto Ryuogriar’s bed, hugging the white dragon’s face. “You’re not allowed to die, Ryuo. You promised me we’d do all kinds of stuff together.” She kisses the dragon’s cheek, saying softly and tenderly, “I waited sixteen years to have a family. You think I, the Empress of the Fievegal, will be denied so easily?”

Hekate leans her whole body against Ryuogriar’s face, listening to her breathing. “I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t wake up in the next five seconds, Daniel is all mine and only mine. One… Two…”

“Hekate,” murmurs Daniel.

However, motion draws both of their attention to Geirahoel as she shifts, and everyone watches nervously. Her brow flexes, and she wearily opens her eye. Her massive, jade-green colored iris pivots around while she tries to gather her senses, and her cross-like pupil expands and contracts as she comes out of a daze.

“Geira-Mukori?” asks Daniel.

The eye shifts to look directly down at Daniel, and Geirahoel lifts her head to look at him directly. “Mukori?” asks Geirahoel. “A-... Are we both… d-dead?” asks the dragon’s voice wearily, deeper than usual because she’s in her true dragon form.

Daniel chuckles as he approaches, petting her chin, and she relaxes on the bed. “We’re not dead, Mukori. Rose brought you home, and we were able to recover you.”

She relaxes, but almost instantly shifts up. “Ryuo! Where is-...”

“Calm down, Mukori. She’s right here.” Daniel points, but Geirahoel finds her easily enough before she can follow his point. She whimpers, “Ryuo… Sh-She… She tried to protect us…”

“She’ll be alright. Can you tell us what happened?”

Geirahoel looks down at Daniel. She looks to the side, seemingly pondering something. She shifts and casts a spell, dissolving in a magical smoke-like aura, before reappearing in her human form. She replies softly, “Sorry, Mukori…”

“‘Sorry?’ For what, Mukori?”

“I… you saw… me that way…”

Daniel cocks his head. “Do you think I dislike your dragon form?”

She blushes and looks away from him. “W-... Well…”

He hugs her, and her blush fills even more of her face as she squeaks. “I’m glad you’re alright. That’s the most important thing.”

She hugs him in return, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Th-thank you, Mukori…” She then sits up on her knees, looking at Ryuogriar as the others gather around to listen to Geirahoel explain the events.

Geirahoel goes over the events in detail, talking about the flight to Twilight, then to Peony and the discussion they had with Leiwelles. She then speaks of the scouting and attack, before they were suddenly overwhelmed by powerful magic, which is the last thing Geirahoel remembers.

She finishes her story touching her lower abdomen, mindful of the possible repercussions of their defeat. 

Hekate states as sympathetically as she can, “I wish you would have been awake to see it, Geira. Daniel was so angry on your behalf, he fought the stupid idiot that hurt you four, and he won so easily.” Hekate clears her throat for her deepest voice, which still sounds rather childish and feminine, “‘I absolutely hate ‘suddenly shounen’ characters.’” She giggles, exclaiming, “I don’t even know what a ‘suddenly shounen’ character is!”

The others look at each other, and then to Daniel. No one wanted to ask when it was immediately fresh, but now his reaction seems to be composed enough.

He sighs. “It’s nothing. I was just comparing him to fictional story characters on Earth. I got carried away. Everything about him just made me so angry.”

Reignleif tests the waters with a joke, her voice soft and inoffensive to almost anyone who hears it, “But, think of all the lost volumes you could have written, Mukori…”

He scoffs, shaking his head. “Definitely not worth it.” He looks at Geirahoel, and then Ryuogriar, who is still unconscious. “I should have known better…”

“NO!” shouts Geirahoel as she hugs him. “No… We all agreed to this plan. We knew there was a risk, but… We still couldn’t detect him until it was far too late. And… by having to rescue us, everyone else was put in danger…” She looks up. “Did… are Rose and Blue alright?”

Daniel nods. “Rose made it back here, wounded, but strong enough to carry you. Ryukana recovered Blue, just as she did with Ryuogriar. He’ll make a recovery as well, though…”

“We’re out of revival potations,” fills in the feldrok empress gently. “So, no matter what, I’m forbidding anyone in this room from leaving the Citadel’s protective field until we can make some more.” She looks to the side, trying to hide the tears in her own eyes as she sniffles. “I… I have too much… to lose now, too.”

Geirahoel nods wordlessly. Just because Doephluev claims there were only three archoneldwyn, that doesn’t mean she could be wrong, still lying, or more coming from somewhere.

Daniel offers softly, “We’ll see if we can get Doephluev to cooperate. Though, I think it’s best if I avoid her. We used amnesia magic on her, but if I’m in the same room with her, I don’t know what I’ll do. Xyreko, did you strip Brosjak of his belongings?”

“Of course, Daniel. I believe we are of one mind. His belongings will serve as proof of his defeat, as his body is already annihilated.”

“Good. And, exactly what I was thinking.” He then shifts. “Actually, speaking of you, Xyreko, and exactly what I was thinking, how did you find Ryuo?”

Xyreko cocks her head. “That much is child’s play, my dearly beloved Daniel. Did you think I would make extremely expensive armor that can’t be tracked down?” She summons one of the four helmets she made for the three, turning it over to reveal the inside. There, a very obvious magic glyph engraving is present. “Until I cast the spell, this glyph is dormant, meaning it’s almost impossible to detect except for looking right at it. There is one of these on the inside of each piece of armor. Thankfully, as I hoped, it can even work on items trapped in void magic, as Ryuogriar was. But, that was beside the point for our Lady Goddess friend.”

“Thank you, Xyreko,” says Geirahoel softly as she bows to Xyreko reverently. “You saved my beloved senior and mentor. I would be lost without Ryuogriar.”

Daniel places his hand on Geirahoel’s shoulder, and she smiles softly. She then sits up, saying, “Please pardon me. Ryuo will be disappointed to still be in this state.” She casts a magic spell, which engulfs the white dragon. After a moment, the white dragon’s human form now rests on the bed, face down.

Hekate says tenderly, “Thank you, Geira. Now I can do this.”

Hekate crawls under Ryuogriar’s arm, cuddling underneath the dragon empress to give her a loving hug. She hums warmly, saying tenderly, “Now, I’ll be here if anyone needs me.” She relaxes, and a few of the others chuckle.

“I’m happy you’ve all been returned,” adds Gwenesphia gently. “It’s less lively around here without you.”

Geirahoel crosses her arms and huffs. “Hmph! You’re just saying that. I know what you really want.”

“You’re wrong. Losing you is not an option. It won’t bring any happiness to anyone involved. I’d rather beat you fair and square.”

Geirahoel looks at the gatonine lieutenant with only her eyes, blushing a little with a sheepish smile. “V-Very well… I will accept your challenge any time, Gwenesphia.”

Gwenesphia proudly nods her head. “Mm-hmm! So get well soon! I’ll leave you to rest for now.”

Gwenesphia takes time to gingerly touch Ryuogriar’s arm, saying softly, “Please wake up soon, Lady Ryuo. For all of us.”

Treia follows Gwenesphia, also wishing them well, and most of the rest of the women take a moment to wish the two dragons well before heading out to give Daniel, Hekate, Ryuogriar, and Geirahoel some privacy. Only Wenlianna and Reignleif remain as well.

“Is there anything we can do for her?” asks Wenlianna.

Xyreko answers, “She is only unconscious. Her mana is returning, which means she is not in any worse state.”

“Trying to force her awake will probably only cause harm,” adds Daniel. “She’s safe and alive. We’ll shore up our defenses and worry about the mission later.”

“I’m sorry…” murmurs Geirahoel. “Our attack runs went so smoothly…”

“You mentioned that you destroyed the Orbicharium, right?”

She nods. “And, the only demon of high rank that was able to escape during our attacks was the tribe leader Zolorad.”

“Zolorad?” asks Daniel. “Isn’t he the new leader of the Covenant?”

Hekate adds pointedly, not even remotely appearing authoritative tucked under Ryuogriar’s arm and chest, “Ah! Yeah! He’s the hedge-ee-mon… or something like that. Vae told me. And Eri said hedge-ee-mons are similar to emperors, but… different somehow.” She cups her chin as she thinks.

Wenlianna asks sheepishly, “Isn’t that… uncomfortable, Hekate?”

“Hmm? Nah. You should try it. Ryuo is super warm.” She grins and squirms in the unconscious embrace.

And, everyone watches in wonder as the white dragon, currently in human form, shifts her arm to hug Hekate. Hekate grins, humming warmly. She’s not awake yet, but she’s at least in a somewhat dream-like state.

Geirahoel adds, “Ryuo defeated Zolorad, but then Blue fell under attack suddenly, and the two of us were immobilized in due course. I…” Geirahoel clutches a hand to her chest. “I… Mukori!” She grips Daniel’s shirt chest, and he asks “Y-Yes!?”

“Help me think of something to thank Rose with! I owe her my life!” The auburn-haired young woman lays her head against Daniel’s chest. “She… didn’t have to choose me… If… If you were… I don’t think…”

Daniel pets her head, and Geirahoel flinches. He’s always kind to her, but this is the first time he has pet her head affectionately the way he usually does with Hekate -and sometimes with Ryuogriar when he isn’t thinking-. “We won’t know unless you’re in Rose’s shoes, and let’s pray that never comes to be.”

Geirahoel nods in agreement, clinging to his chest.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Erimaya bolts in. “I just heard what happened! Please allow me to check on-... OH! Lady Geirahoel! You are looking well. I’m so happy. Is… Lady Ryuogriar…?”

She looks to Hekate and Ryuogriar on the bed, and Hekate adds, still snuggled in place in Ryuogriar’s seemingly inescapable embrace, “She’ll be alright, Eri. If you want, we can probably squeeze you in.”

Erimaya gasps, “Th-That’s…” She looks at everyone, and then thinks for a moment. She blushes, suddenly making up her mind. “Y-Yes. Lady Ryuo was very kind to me. I-If I can show her affection…”

Erimaya jogs to the bed and crawls in under Ryuo’s arm, snuggling in beside Hekate as Hekate holds the woman’s arm up to make room. They both giggle happily, and Erimaya says softly, “This… is kinda fun…”


“Plus, I have it on good authority that intimacy can save lives.”

“What do you mean?” asks Hekate innocently. Just as Erimaya makes eye contact with Daniel, though, he realizes what she’s about to insinuate. He flinches, but is unable to stop what is about to be said.

“Well, a gentle kiss from a very kind and caring man saved my life.”

Hekate gasps, trying to push away to glare at Erimaya more effectively in betrayal, but they’re both squeezed together under Ryuogriar’s arm. “Princess Erimaya! You fiend!”

Suddenly, the grip tightens on both of them, and they both squeak, “Eep!”

“Mmmr… Hekate… you’re too lou-... HEKATE!?” Ryuogriar bolts up to a seated position. She pats her chest, her arms, her thighs, inspecting herself carefully. Ryukana didn’t let Daniel see what state she was in immediately after being recovered, but if Brosjak is to be believed, it wasn’t pretty.

That said, she’s as healthy as ever, and she sighs relief, looking around at everyone that is with her. She makes eye contact with Hekate first, who is sitting up next to her, and she hugs Hekate to her chest tightly. “Hekate! Oh gods and spirits, I was so afraid! OH! And sweet Erimaya!” She snatches Erimaya into the same hug, pressing both of them to her chest. “Reina… Geira… Wenlianna…” She makes eye contact with Daniel, and her eyes water. Daniel slides off of Geira’s bed to move to Ryuogriar’s, and she reaches for him, using wind magic to lift and pull him to herself, which startles him, but he chuckles, landing in a hug with the three she already has captured. She hugs Daniel tightest, though, sobbing into his collar. She is unable to form words for him, but he’s happy to be holding her again, safe and sound.

Geirahoel and Reignleif also climb in to hug them as well, with everyone warmly welcoming Ryuogriar home. She cries unintelligibly for a long time in the group hug, clinging most specifically to Hekate and Daniel. 

When she can form words, she quickly asks about Rose and Blue, which Daniel explains to her, and she slowly calms down, relieved.

“We’ll need to prepare for this assailant! He’s the strongest…”

“Already taken care of,” states Hekate in reply.

Ryuogriar cocks her head. Wenlianna explains, “H-He… an archoneldwyn mage named Brosjak, arrived behind Xyreko, using her own teleportation magic to bypass Citadel defenses.”

“Yeah! But, Daniel kicked his butt!” cheers Hekate.

“He really did!?” adds Erimaya, beaming at Daniel. “It was so cool!”

“Yeah!” adds Hekate proudly, ignoring Daniel’s attempts to be modest, no doubt. “He was angry on Ryuo’s and Geira’s behalf, and he was ready to blow up the whole world for revenge! But, then that stupid face showed his… stupid face, and Daniel beat him! Ohhhh! It was breathtaking! I truly have the best husband!”

Ryuogriar smiles softly upon hearing Hekate’s brief recounting of the events, and she looks at Daniel. He rolls his eyes, but replies gently, “That’s close enough. I was worried sick.”

Geirahoel smacks his chest. “Now you know how we felt!”

“I know, I know! But…” Daniel sighs. “Nevermind.”

“You were going to say that ‘it’s the man’s job to protect his family’, weren’t you?” asks Reignleif with a hint of sourness to her soft voice.

Daniel chuckles uneasily. “Uh… Not exactly those words, but…”

Ryuogriar faces him on her knees, saying softly, “Mukori… I… I wasn’t careful enough. I don’t know what… has happened to me. Or… our…” She trails off, looking away as tears find her eyes.

Daniel gently hugs her, saying softly, “Don’t worry about that now. You’re what matters. No matter what else happens, you’re still Ryuogriar, and I still love you.”

She smiles, sniffling as she hugs him in return. “I won’t make that mistake again.”

Hekate adds, “I think we should verify that the Demon Covenant has given up their march eastward, whichever route they planned to take, and then focus our efforts on the Empire. We still have to have the meeting with Sundenelle.”

Reignleif nods. “Agreed. If the Covenant will get in the way, I think we should focus on them first and destroy them. The resolve of the Covenant should be weaker because of the various tribes, where human-kin are notoriously quick to gather forces and stand together. Demon-kin will not hold in such a unified manner under pressure.”

Geirahoel scoffs. “It’s a wonder at all how Vaergraes got us all to cooperate for so long. She knows how to talk to tribe leaders, from honorable morons to corrupt scum.”

Ryuogriar scoffs. “She was the only one able to defeat Morthybargaron in a manner that satisfied him. Without killing him of course.” She smiles at Daniel.

“If any of you were born on Earth, you could probably do the same. Well… maybe if you had the career path I had…”

They chuckle together. “And then, be randomly chosen for summoning on accident by a goddess, right?” adds Wenlianna playfully.

This causes everyone to laugh together.

Hekate hugs Ryuogriar suddenly. “I’m glad you’re alright, Ryuo. I mean… I happily would’ve had Daniel all to myself, but it wouldn’t be fair if it was anything but you surrendering to my greatness.”

Ryuogriar scoffs. She hugs Hekate in return, petting the young feldrok’s head between her large fox like ears. She plays with Hekate’s ears a little, which causes Hekate to squirm and her ears to flick. The white dragon chuckles, kissing Hekate’s forehead. “Yes, well, I won’t give up so easily, my sweet little rival.”

Hekate blushes, giggling sheepishly as she scratches her cheek.

Ryuogriar coos, “You truly are the daughter I always dreamed of having, Hekate.” She hugs Hekate firmly to her chest, and Hekate revels in the warmth. But, her ears flick upwards, becoming rigid. “Wait a minute…” Hekate starts to squirm furiously, but Ryuogriar simply tightens her hug on Hekate. 

“There there, Hekate. Mukori and I will always raise you well.”

“Nice try, you evil temptress! I’m your rival, not your daughter! And certainly not Daniel’s!” She wrestles with Ryuogriar, but the dragon simply smiles as she resists Hekate’s resistance, hugging her and keeping her close no matter how Hekate squirms.

Geirahoel, having a small bout of mischief, hugs both of them. “Yes, dear sweet Hekate, you can leave Mukori to us. Just let us dote on you…”

“GAH! Geira! You traitor! Ryuo! Let me go so I can chew on her arm! Then you’re next! No! Daniel! Save me!” Hekate’s protests become futile whines of frustration as she reaches for Daniel, being buried by the two dragons hugging her as they laugh together and lie down on the bed, pulling Hekate with them. “Daniel! Help! They’re betraying me! The evil temptresses! Don’t let them tempt me!”

“Sorry, Sweetpea. If it’s not you, it’s me. I choose myself this time.”

“Traitor!” cries Hekate as she loses to the playful hugs of the two dragons, while Reignleif and Wenlianna laugh at the scene.

Daniel climbs off of the bed and stretches. “Now then, Ryuo, Geira, obviously, please rest and gain your strength. I’m going to go check on everything else and see if there’s anything else to be done to prepare for the battles to come.”

Ryuogriar pouts as she looks at him. “You have to come back tonight, Mukori. I was so afraid I’d lost you for good.”

Hekate whines, “Hey! I’m right here!”
“You’re welcome to join us, Hekate. Our activities will be wholesome. This time.” She grins deviously, and Hekate growls, hugging Ryuogriar’s torso tightly, as if to turn the tables on the dragon. But, of course, Ryuogriar simply smiles and hums, allowing it.

“...rr… kay…”

“Hmm?” hums Ryuogriar, looking at the little feldrok girl in her arms.

“I’m glad you’re okay!” shouts Hekate passionately. She finally squirms out of Ryuogriar’s arms to follow Daniel. She whirls to point at Ryuogriar. “Now rest peacefully, and I’ll bring you anything you need! Don’t push yourself, or I’ll bite you!”

Ryuogriar waves with a quaint smile. “Hurry back, my darling Hekate. And, you too, Mukori.”

Hekate blushes, spinning back around to push Daniel out. “Go Daniel! Run! Before they seduce us!”

“Us?” asks Daniel while chuckling.

“Yes ‘us’! She wants to trick me into leaving you alone with her! Or to join you… I’m not sure which!” 

Daniel can only laugh, going as he is guided by the small fox-eared girl.

The next thing he wants to do once he can get some privacy is to speak with Nemaisol and figure out how to keep his promise.


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