Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 124: When You Think about it

Chapter 124

Since it was for a movie shoot, the plot was quite tight, with a full day of filming, and Ji Nian's legs were no longer her own.

When the director announced that they could wrap up, Ji Nian heaved a sigh of relief, and the moment she took off her high heels and felt her bare feet on the ground, she exclaimed, "Wow! This feels amazing!" Her legs were aching terribly.

He Yi laughed and pulled out a pair of slippers from her bag for Ji Nian to put on.

"Sis, be careful not to catch a cold."

Yu Luobai came over, having changed out of his police uniform and now wearing a black hoodie, which looked quite handsome on him.

"Can you still walk?" Yu Luobai asked with a frown, seeing her toes turning red.

Ji Nian was not that delicate, though it hurt and she was limping, but she figured a good soak in the tub when she got back would fix it.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest up when I get back," she said with a smile.

"I might not be able to head back so soon. Will you be okay on your own, sis?" He Yi asked.

"So late? What do you need to do?" Ji Nian asked, puzzled.

"Late? It's just after 8 pm." He Yi replied irritably, "There's an endorsement deal, and they just contacted me about signing Shu Yao. I need to call them back to discuss the details."

"Okay, then I'll head back on my own," Ji Nian nodded.

"I'll go back too, it's on the way," Yu Luobai said quietly from the side.

He Yi looked at them knowingly and smiled, "Okay, sis, you can go back with Teacher Yu. The set is still quite a distance from the hotel, and it's not safe at night."

Ji Nian nodded, "Alright, then we're off. Bye!"

"Okay." He Yi watched their retreating figures, the tall and short figures in black hoodies... It kind of looked like a couple's outfit.

Ji Nian's feet were aching and freezing in the cold night, so she was walking slowly.

Yu Luobai stopped, and in the dim streetlight, he could see the pained expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Ji Nian asked, surprised, "Aren't you leaving, Teacher Yu?"

Yu Luobai pressed his lips together, then suddenly lifted her up effortlessly, like carrying a child.

Ji Nian was startled, the sudden weightlessness making her instinctively wrap her arms around his neck.

"Teacher Yu!"

Yu Luobai, keeping a stern expression, said, "Don't move."

Ji Nian froze, staring at his face up close, unable to move.

"I'll ask the director to get you some shoes with a lower heel tomorrow," Yu Luobai said, his eyes filled with concern as he looked at her swollen toes, already planning his revenge.

"I can walk on my own, Teacher Yu, you can put me down," Ji Nian said weakly.

Yu Luobai held her head against his shoulder and said, "There's no one around."

Ji Nian's heart was pounding at this sudden display of affection, and she couldn't help but think that maybe she should give love a try.

"Then just set me down at the hotel entrance..." Ji Nian said softly.

Yu Luobai, knowing she was willing to let him carry her, smiled and said, "I don't mind being seen."

"I do..." Ji Nian blushed.

"How about we start dating?" Yu Luobai asked, holding the petite woman in his arms, the corners of his mouth turning up, his eyes filled with tenderness as he looked at the path ahead, wanting to hold her like this forever.

Ji Nian swallowed hard, his casual tone making her heart race.

"Let me think about it..." Ji Nian said, dazed.

Yu Luobai chuckled and asked, "What do you need to think about?"

Ji Nian shook her head, feeling like this love was too unreal to be true.

"I like you, and you like me, so what's the issue? I'll take care of anything you're concerned about," Yu Luobai said, raising an eyebrow. He noted that she felt very light in his arms, he'd have to make sure she didn't just eat salads and other nutritionless things.

Seeing her thoughts had been seen through, Ji Nian tried to deny it, "Teacher Yu, you're too conceited. How do you know I like you?"

"I remember you said you like abs," Yu Luobai chuckled, looking down at her tenderly. "I can let you touch mine every day."

Ji Nian's face instantly flushed red. Was he starting to seduce her? And she was finding it rather tempting.

"I still need to think about it," Ji Nian suddenly felt Yu Luobai was being too naughty!

Yu Luobai knew she wouldn't agree easily, but he didn't mind. In fact, he was used to her rejections, though this time there was progress, so he'd try again next time.

"Okay, take your time to think about it." Yu Luobai's eyes were warm as he said, "Just let me know when you've decided."

Ji Nian turned her head away uncomfortably and said, "Have you really never dated anyone before?" He was so good at flirting.

"No, I haven't," Yu Luobai replied with a smile. When he was younger, many people had liked him, but most were just after his family's status.

"I don't believe you," Ji Nian scoffed. Men's words were as unreliable as the wind.

"It's true," Yu Luobai said patiently.

"You must have been very popular when you were in school, and now with all your fans in the entertainment industry, not to mention all the beautiful women..." Ji Nian listed them all out.

Yu Luobai found it amusing and nodded, "You have a point."

"So why have you never dated anyone? That doesn't make sense." Ji Nian had never dated anyone herself, because of her own lack of qualifications, so she had always been single.

Yu Luobai raised an eyebrow and looked at her seriously, "Maybe I was waiting for you."

Ji Nian was taken aback, and her already pounding heart started racing again.

"Teacher Yu is just saying sweet things." Ji Nian pretended to be calm.

"To be honest, I'm not sure when I started liking you." Yu Luobai continued walking slowly, not at all bothered by carrying her.

"Maybe it was from spending time together, and realizing you're a very cute and easygoing person, serious about your work, unafraid of difficulties, and always positive." Yu Luobai smiled, finding it quite remarkable himself.

"So it's a case of slowly falling in love." Ji Nian said.

"I suppose so." Yu Luobai felt she had a point. Perhaps it was this period of being together that made him discover how interesting she was.

Ji Nian paused, then asked, "But what if you end up spending a lot of time with another woman in the future? Won't you also slowly fall for her?"

"I don't think so." As they reached the hotel entrance, Yu Luobai gently set her down.

Ji Nian stood there, the pain in her feet easing a bit. She slowly made her way through the lobby and they got on the elevator.

"Why not?" Ji Nian didn't understand. She had seen so many celebrity couples in the news who would divorce at the drop of a hat, with hardly any lasting relationships.

"Your environment is so good, your family background is excellent. Maybe you're used to being with people of equal status, and one day you'll find me, a mere commoner, quite interesting. But later, you might feel someone more on your level would be more suitable, or you might just stop liking me." Ji Nian said calmly.

Yu Luobai looked down at her, seeing the complexity in her eyes. She seemed to have a lot of insecurity and defensiveness when it came to love.

"Are you worried I'll be like Cheng Liran? Worried I'll be irresponsible, just playing around?" Yu Luobai asked seriously.

Ji Nian was taken aback. She hadn't thought of that, but it was close to what she was expressing.

"I know you've dated before, and your previous relationship may not have been a pleasant experience for you."

Yu Luobai patted her head, saying, "For now, let's not talk about it. Whenever you've made up your mind, let me know."

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