Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 115: New Play

Chapter 115

The next day on Weibo, the controversy over the alleged scandal in the original talent show was still brewing.

There was even a post among the top ten trending topics, with over 500,000 comments, all discussing whether Ji Xiaonian would be blacklisted.

Meanwhile, Shen Shuyao had also gone viral, surprisingly for liking posts that praised Ji Xiaonian.

The NianShu CP shippers had come out in full force, attacking the haters, as Shen Shuyao, an up-and-coming starlet in the entertainment industry during her prime, had openly liked marketing posts defending Ji Xiaonian.

This was essentially an indirect admission that she was on Ji Xiaonian's side.

In the entertainment circle, they were an extraordinary phenomenon. Ji Xiaonian and Shen Shuyao's fans mutually followed and supported each other, like one big family.

"Wah, I thought Shuyao had stopped caring about Xiaonian."

"Hahaha, the NianShu CP will never fall."

"Sisterly love reigns supreme."

"Isn't this publicly declaring her stance? Isn't Shen Shuyao afraid of the capitalists boycotting her too?"

"Are you kidding? Ji Xiaonian and Shen Shuyao are both artists from Huayu Entertainment. Why would Huayu be afraid of the capitalists?"

"I heard Shen Shuyao has connections with the higher-ups at Huayu."

"Really? No wonder she's so bold."

"Don't spread rumors. Shuyao and Xiaonian are a perfect match. Which friends in the entertainment industry would dare do this for each other?"

"Yeah, hahaha, most would run away when trouble arises. But Shen Shuyao directly confronted it head-on, brazenly liking multiple marketing posts."

"I saw it. She liked those razor-sharp posts that heavily supported Ji Xiaonian. Hahaha, I ship this couple so hard."

"NianShu CP forever!!"

Meanwhile, the hottest topic trending was whether Ji Xiaonian was the mysterious songwriter, which topped the charts.

Accompanying the public's speculation, netizens were divided into two camps - some said the mysterious person was Ji Xiaonian, while others said it was merely a coincidence, with various opinions flying around.

In just one night, a Weibo account called (Seeking Wealth with Ji Xiaonian) gained a whopping 50 million followers in a short time.

Everyone was anticipating the person behind the account to speak up and respond as to whether the mysterious songwriter was indeed Ji Xiaonian.

As for Ji Xiaonian, she had an unprecedented case of insomnia last night after that kiss and was distracted while filming on set this morning, flubbing her lines several times.

At this moment, the director walked over discreetly and asked in a hushed voice, "Xiaonian, are you really the mysterious songwriter?"

Ji Xiaonian was taken aback, recalling last night's events, and shook her head, "No, it was just a coincidence."

The director looked unconvinced, saying, "Really? Don't lie to me."

He Yi confidently chimed in with a laugh, "Director, you're overestimating our Xiaonian. If she could compose music, I'll livestream eating sh*t."

Shen Shuyao stifled a laugh beside them, not caring about this mysterious person as long as Xiaonian was alright.

Ji Xiaonian glared at He Yi disapprovingly, "Please mind your language."

The director now looked half-convinced, half-doubtful, and walked away, thinking it was normal for Ji Xiaonian not to be able to compose since it required highly specialized skills.

"Sis, you should respond on Weibo when you have time. Everyone's waiting for you to explain whether you're the mysterious person or not," He Yi said while munching on snacks provided by the crew.

Ji Xiaonian nodded, took out her phone, saw the huge characters of the Weibo trending topic, thought for a moment, and simply commented four words below: "Not me, coincidence."

As soon as her words were out, numerous netizens flooded the comments within minutes.

"Wow, celebrities these days announce things so casually now? She just directly commented under the topic saying it wasn't her, hahaha."

"Straightforward as always. I thought she was going to hype it up, but she openly said she's not the mysterious person."

"No, I don't believe it. How could there be such a coincidence? She must be the mysterious person, she just doesn't want to tell us."

"Agree with the above."

"Yeah, Jiang Zhe's questions were intended to humiliate her. The first coincidence is plausible, but the second time too?"

"She is! Believe me! Woman's intuition!"

And so the debate raged on, with more people believing she was the real deal but just didn't want to reveal it.

Many others watched the drama unfold with reservations, and some bored bloggers even dug through the entire talent show process, analyzing whether it was truly a coincidence or something else.

He Yi couldn't help but comment from the side, "Sis, that was too perfunctory. You didn't even post a proper Weibo, just commenting under someone else's post."

Ji Xiaonian handed her phone over, "You do it then."

He Yi shook her head, "You already posted, nevermind. People online are saying you're unpredictable anyway."

Shen Shuyao nodded and smiled, "Xiaonian rarely posts on Weibo or even moments on WeChat."

Ji Xiaonian was slightly taken aback. Indeed, she seldom posted moments in the past, unlike her former colleagues who loved sharing their lives, posting whenever they went out to play. She was the opposite - very quiet.

After transmigrating into this book, since she was using Ji Xiaonian's personal WeChat, she didn't make many changes either. She only had a few friends and could count the moments on one hand. She had seen the sole moment post before, which had pained her heart for a long time.

"Oh right, He Yi, did you call to ask about my other phone like I asked you to?" Ji Xiaonian suddenly remembered.

He Yi paused, then replied, "I already asked a long time ago, I just forgot to tell you. The landlord said they didn't have it, and the property management office also said they didn't have it."

Ji Xiaonian was baffled. There must have been something on that other phone. She didn't know where the original owner had put it, which was strange.

"If you can't find it, just forget about it. It's just an old phone anyway. Or should I get you a new one?" He Yi asked.

Ji Xiaonian shook her head, "No need, if I can't find it, then forget about it."

"By the way, we'll be wrapping up this drama in about 10 days. The company has arranged a new drama for you, with a domineering lady persona," He Yi suddenly remembered.

Ji Xiaonian was surprised, "A domineering lady? What about Shuyao?"

"I have another job lined up, so I won't be acting with you for now," Shen Shuyao said with a hint of disappointment.

"Why the sudden arrangement?" Ji Xiaonian didn't understand.

"It's a movie, and you're basically the female lead, kind of an antagonist role, involved in a love-hate relationship with the male lead. It won't take long, probably just two months to film a movie," He Yi explained with a smile.

Ji Xiaonian considered it and nodded, "Alright, when is the audition?"

"No need to audition, the company got the role for you. You can go straight to filming once it starts. I heard the male lead is being kept under wraps, so I don't know who it is either," He Yi said, puzzled. "I didn't expect you to get so lucky and land a movie role. I don't know why the company signed you for this, but make the most of this opportunity, sis. Try to produce a quality work."

"Yeah, Xiaonian, do your best," Shen Shuyao cheered her on from the side.

Ji Xiaonian, on the other hand, didn't care. Her ultimate goal wasn't to be a great actress or win awards. She was simply trying to make money.

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